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  A; what do you think of the way people use and treat animals?

  B: I think most people treat animals well, but we are often cruel to animals. When we raise animals for food, the conditions they live in are often poor.

  A; perhaps people should stop eating animals. We could grow more crops.

学习啦在线学习网   B; what would you do with all the animas? You couldn’t just let them go. Besides, some people would still hunt them. Meat has become an integral part of our diet.

学习啦在线学习网   A; we could provide them with better conditions anyway. We should certainly try to improve the conditions at zoos. We should try to recreate the natural conditions as much as possible.

学习啦在线学习网   B: that’s true. I think zoo are a good idea, because they allow people to get close to animals. I think it’s good for kids to see wild animals.

  A; I agree. I’m an adult and I love going to the zoo. I don’t like animals experiments though. I believe that we can do tests in other ways.

  B; I read that the number of animals being used in experiments is falling dramatically as new techniques are being introduced.

  A: that’s good news. The good thing is that most people treat their pets well.

学习啦在线学习网   B; sometimes you read about people who have been cruel to pets or other animals, but those stories are rare.

  A: have you every given money to any of the charities that take care of animals.

学习啦在线学习网   B: yes, I have. They do an excellent job.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: So, Phil, we both live and work in Japan. We're both teachers in Japan. Now are you homesick. Are there things that you really miss about England?


  Phil: The thing I miss the most, and it's going to sound really sad, is my cat.


  Todd: Oh, that's cute.


学习啦在线学习网   Phil: Yeah, I love my cat. I don't know why. I'm a bit sappy like that, so I really miss my cat.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:嗯,我爱我的猫。我也不清楚原因,不过我有些多愁善感,我真的很想我的猫。

学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Oh, well talk about your cat. What's your cat like?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:哦,我们来谈谈你的猫吧。你的猫什么样?

  Phil: My cat is black, very fat, very stupid like most cats but very lazy like me so we have a lot in common but just she likes to wake me up at six o'clock in the morning and I really curse her and hate her. Still, I can't be angry about it.


  Todd: Yeah, right.


  Phil: And sometimes she'll bring a bird in, and she thinks she's having a great present by brining us a bird and my mom gets really angry and...

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:有时它会叼只鸟进来,它认为给我们带回一只鸟是件很棒的礼物,不过我妈妈对此非常生气……

  Todd: Ooh! Wow! Your cats still primitive. It still goes out and kills birds.


  Phil: Oh, yeah, yeah, and occasionally mice because we live in the country so there's a lot of animals nearby and my cat will always try and catch them.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:哦,对,没错,有时它也会捉老鼠,因为我们住在乡村,有很多动物,所以我的猫经常会捉一些小动物。

  Todd: Oh, cool... So what's your cats name?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:哦,真酷……你的猫叫什么?

  Phil: Chaz.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Chaz?


  Phil: Yeah. We got her from a charity called the Cat's Protection League in England.


  Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. What's that? Can you explain?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:抱歉,那是什么?你能解释一下吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Phil: The Cat's Protection League is basically, there's a lot of homeless cats in England. People abandon them because they can't look after them or whatever reason and they will take them in and they will give them food and try to find them new homes and we found our cat from there.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: So you saved Chaz?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:那是你救了查兹吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Phil: Kind of, yeah. I think we saved her. Maybe or maybe we condemned her. I'm not sure.


  Todd: So, what's cool about your cat, Chaz? I mean, why do you have this bond with your cat?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:你的猫查兹有什么特点?你为什么会和你的猫有这种纽带关系?

学习啦在线学习网   Phil: I don't know. Maybe we're on the same level. We both like to spend our weekends sleeping all day and doing as little as possible, eating and sleeping so maybe we're just on the same level, but I'm not really sure. We're just both as stupid as each other I think.


  Todd: So, you would say you're definitely a cat person and not a dog person?


  Phil: Yeah, yeah. I like dogs but I think cats are actually more intelligent on a... like if you throw a stick for a dog, the dog will always fetch it. The cat will look at it and fetch your own stick you idiot.


  Todd: That's true. That's true. Well, anyway, hopefully you'll be able to see Chaz soon.


  Phil: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I hope so.



  Todd: What do you think about the zoo? 你觉得动物园怎么样?

  Dianna: I like to go to the zoo. I like to give all the animals names, like "Bert the Giraffe", but I wish the animals didn't have to be in the zoo, but I think it is good when zoos save animals, and help to make their populations grow. 我喜欢去动物园。我喜欢给每只动物请名字,比如“长颈鹿伯特”,但我希望这些动物不必待在那里,但动物园保护动物,并且保证物种持续繁殖这点很棒。

  Todd: Yeah, they can do some good things, definitely. Ah, what is your favorite animal? 是的,动物园也有好处,你最喜欢的动物是什么?

  Dianna: My favorite animal, ooh, let me think. I love cats, just as a pet but, besides I'd pick the coolest animal, I think I would pick probably a monkey. 我最喜欢的动物,让我想想。我喜欢猫,宠物猫,除了猫,我会选最酷的动物,我想可能是猴子。

  Todd: A monkey! 猴子!

  Dianna: Yeah. 是的。

  Todd: Yeah, there's a lot of monkeys in Japan. Have you ever seen a monkey in the wild? 日本有许多猴子。你见过野生的猴子了吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Dianna: No, but my brother is a wild monkey. 没有,但我哥哥就是只野猴子。

  Todd: Oh, he's going to have to listen to this now. 哦,他现在肯定会知道你的评价了。

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