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  AYou should have seen the T.V. show that was on last night, the topic it covered was really interesting, animal rights.


  BDo you really believe in that? If they are going to focus on something, they should do it on civil rights.


  AYes, but we can’t deny that animals are vulnerable, defenseless, and are completely at the mercy of human beings.


学习啦在线学习网   BI understand your point, but we continue to have transgressions against human rights. If so much attention weren’t devoted to the topic of animals, we would then concentrate more on saving a human being instead of protecting a koala.


学习啦在线学习网   AYou can’t compare apples and oranges. I believe that both topics are important and that we can’t ignore them, the mistreatment of animals can cause a great environmental imbalance. I believe that governments should prohibit activities like poaching.


  BWell, you are right on that point. This is the reason that I don’t buy leather and I try to buy synthetic products.


  AAt least you’re doing your part. My contribution is to have a pet in the house that I treat like a member of the family.


  BAs long as you don’t treat it better than your wife, it’s fine.

学习啦在线学习网   只要你对待宠物不超过对待你妻子那样好,就是合适的。


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: So, Phil, we both live and work in Japan. We're both teachers in Japan. Now are you homesick. Are there things that you really miss about England?


学习啦在线学习网   Phil: The thing I miss the most, and it's going to sound really sad, is my cat.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Oh, that's cute.

学习啦在线学习网   托德:哦,有意思。

  Phil: Yeah, I love my cat. I don't know why. I'm a bit sappy like that, so I really miss my cat.


  Todd: Oh, well talk about your cat. What's your cat like?


  Phil: My cat is black, very fat, very stupid like most cats but very lazy like me so we have a lot in common but just she likes to wake me up at six o'clock in the morning and I really curse her and hate her. Still, I can't be angry about it.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:我的猫是黑色的,非常胖,像大多数猫一样愚笨,像我一样懒,所以我们有很多共同点,我的猫会在早上六点把我弄醒,那时我真的会骂它,而且讨厌它。不过我却并不生气。

  Todd: Yeah, right.


  Phil: And sometimes she'll bring a bird in, and she thinks she's having a great present by brining us a bird and my mom gets really angry and...

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:有时它会叼只鸟进来,它认为给我们带回一只鸟是件很棒的礼物,不过我妈妈对此非常生气……

学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Ooh! Wow! Your cats still primitive. It still goes out and kills birds.


学习啦在线学习网   Phil: Oh, yeah, yeah, and occasionally mice because we live in the country so there's a lot of animals nearby and my cat will always try and catch them.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Oh, cool... So what's your cats name?


  Phil: Chaz.


  Todd: Chaz?


  Phil: Yeah. We got her from a charity called the Cat's Protection League in England.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:对。我们是从英国爱猫联盟领养的它。

  Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. What's that? Can you explain?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:抱歉,那是什么?你能解释一下吗?

  Phil: The Cat's Protection League is basically, there's a lot of homeless cats in England. People abandon them because they can't look after them or whatever reason and they will take them in and they will give them food and try to find them new homes and we found our cat from there.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:爱猫联盟……英国有很多流浪猫。可能有的人无法再照顾他们的猫,或者是其他原因,他们会抛弃这些猫,爱猫联盟会收留这些流浪猫,给它们提供食物和新家,我们就是在那里领养的查兹。

  Todd: So you saved Chaz?


  Phil: Kind of, yeah. I think we saved her. Maybe or maybe we condemned her. I'm not sure.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:可以这么说。我认为我们救了它,也许是我们强迫了它。我也不确定。

  Todd: So, what's cool about your cat, Chaz? I mean, why do you have this bond with your cat?


  Phil: I don't know. Maybe we're on the same level. We both like to spend our weekends sleeping all day and doing as little as possible, eating and sleeping so maybe we're just on the same level, but I'm not really sure. We're just both as stupid as each other I think.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:我也不知道。也许是因为我们有很多共同点。我们都喜欢在周末睡上一整天,尽可能少地做事情,基本上就是吃饭睡觉,所以也许是因为我们有这些共同点,我也不太清楚。我觉得我们两个都很愚笨。

学习啦在线学习网   Todd: So, you would say you're definitely a cat person and not a dog person?


  Phil: Yeah, yeah. I like dogs but I think cats are actually more intelligent on a... like if you throw a stick for a dog, the dog will always fetch it. The cat will look at it and fetch your own stick you idiot.

学习啦在线学习网   菲尔:对,没错。我也喜欢狗,不过我认为猫更聪明一些,如果你把棍子扔出去,狗会一直把它们叼回来。而猫会一直盯着看,好像是在说:笨蛋,自己去捡回来。

  Todd: That's true. That's true. Well, anyway, hopefully you'll be able to see Chaz soon.

学习啦在线学习网   托德:没错。的确是这样。好,希望你很快能见到查兹。

学习啦在线学习网   Phil: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I hope so.



  Adrienne: Hey, Lisa, I was hoping you could tell me a little about this cat?


  Lisa: This is my cat Rocky. Her name... her full name is Rocky Parker, and the reason for that is because she is a survivor and I'll go into that, how she's a survivor soon, and also because she climbs the walls like Peter Parker, Spiderman. How we found Rocky, was that our friends of ours lived in this apartment complex. They were walking home one day and they heard this cat meowing in the bushes and they stopped and looked for it. They kept on hearing it meowing but they couldn't actually see where it was. So they started looking for it and it happened that there was a police officer who was in the general vicinity and came to help them look for the cat. So they finally found this little kitten who was not more than a month old, had obviously been abandoned by her mother and the police officer explained that because of the animal laws in the community that if they didn't take the cat in or find an owner within a week, they had to bring the cat back to the SPCA, they couldn't leave it out on the street again.

学习啦在线学习网   莉莎:这是我的猫洛基。它的全名是洛基·帕克,取这个名字是因为她是一个幸存者,稍后我会详细说明为什么说它是幸存者,还有它会像蜘蛛侠彼得·帕克一样爬墙,所以给它取了这个名字。关于我们是怎么发现洛基的,我们的朋友住在这栋公寓楼。有一天他们走路回家时听到这只小猫在灌木丛里叫,所以他们就停下来去找。他们一直都能听到猫叫的声音,但却看不见它在哪里。他们只能继续找,碰巧附近有个警察,他过来帮我的朋友们一起找这只猫。最后他们找到了这只当时大约一个月大的小猫,很显然它被它妈妈抛弃了,那名警察说,依据社区动物法,如果他们在一周内没有收留这只猫或者不能为这只猫找到去处,那他们只能把这只猫带回爱护动物协会,他们不能再把这只猫遗弃在街头。

学习啦在线学习网   Adrienne: What's the SPCA?


学习啦在线学习网   Lisa: The SPCA is the Society for the Protection of Animals and that controls... it regulates stray animals. It also is a place where you can bring dogs or cats and they are given away free to owners, to new pet owners.

学习啦在线学习网   莉莎:爱护动物协会,是管理流浪动物的组织。你可以从那里免费领养小猫小狗。





