1 英语的基本词汇量不能少,多背单词是很有用的。
2 要有一定的想象能力,能够根据题目的内容加入适当的细节想象,以便凑够字数。
3 多读多背范文,掌握语法和一定的语感,这样就能在句子上不出问题了。
学习啦在线学习网 4 想要拔高作文分的话,多用高级的单词,词组,句子,开头一定要漂亮,三行的一句长句,用上几个词组,主动被动倒装用法,老师的基本印象分就拿到了
1.他是个勤劳的人这句话勤劳可能很多同学不太会拼diligent 甚至会拼成 delegent但是通过反义正解的方法比如 他不是懒惰的人=他是个勤劳的人
懒惰这个单词大家都知道是lazy, 所以 not lazy=diligent
学习啦在线学习网 可能大家觉得这个例子比较简单,我们可以看这句话压力是不可避免的因素在现在的生活不可避免查字典的话会有如下的单词inevitable/ unavoidable/ indispensable 这些单词基本都是6级词汇对于部分同学来说是比较难背的但通过反义正解的话
不可避免=必要/必须的=necessary 这句话就很好的表达了。
学习啦在线学习网 如下这个例子同学看参考一下:父母经常忽视孩子的成长neglect/ ignore忽视=不重视父母经常不重视孩子的成长Parents often do not pay much attention to the growing of children.
大家可能在电视节目上看到过 我来笔画你来猜的节目,其实就是对词语的解释,其实这个方法也可以用在雅思写作中,比如这个例子:政府应该提供资助给难民资助sponsor/subsidize难民 refugee这两个单词属于六级词汇,如果用具体解释的方法资助可拆分为资=金钱上的=financial 助=帮助=help难民=遭受灾难的人=the people who were suffered from disaster.这句话就可以很容易的解释出来
The government should provide financial support/help for the people who were suffered from disaster.
学习啦在线学习网 The people who treat children cruelly/badly should be punished
The price of house start to decrease at a slow rate.
学习啦在线学习网 例子3人们应该努力在生态平衡的问题上做出贡献ecological balance生态平衡=人与自然地平衡
People should make great efforts to the problem on the balance between human beings and nature
例子4政府应该严厉地惩罚罪犯罪犯=违反法律的人the people who violate/disobey the lawThe governmnet should stictly punish the people who violate/disobey the law.大家会发现通过解释说明的方法 字数会显得特别长,既不用背单词,又可以很清楚的解释出来,感觉哎呦不错,能凑字。
学习啦在线学习网 同学们也同样可以从中文的角度出发,进行一下意思的转换,比如 天天用牛奶洗脸是奢侈的。奢侈这个单词 是extravagant, 对于我们来说是不经常用的单词如果我们从中文上转换一下天天用牛奶洗脸是浪费的。跟上句话意思是一样的但是浪费的这个单词 wasteful 大家就像大宝天天见一样,我们的同学是非常熟悉的
Washing face with milk everyday is wasteful.
例子1生活质量提高,缓解家庭经济负担。Improve living quality, and release the economic burden of family生活水平提高,减少家庭花费。
improve living level/ living standard, and reduce the family spending.
例子2梅西毫无争议是最优秀的足球运动员。indisputably梅西肯定,必然是最优秀的足球运动员。Messi is certainly/surely/ must be the best football player.
古人云:―天生我材必有用‖(There must be a use for my talent)。 通过描述你
There is an old English saying that there must be use for my talent. I have regarded it as my motto for many years. From my point of view, there is no difference between one person and another. With some useful talent, you will make your contributions to this society.
When I was ten years old, there was an old man living at the corner of xx Road. He didn’t have the opportunity to study in school, but he learned how to make wood furniture. Every time people went to ask him to solve some problems of furniture, he was willing to help them.
To my surprise, in his spare time, he would make some toys with small piece s of wood. Some of them were sold to the toy store and others were given to us. The moment I see the lovely toys made by this old man, I would remember the happy childhood.
From this old man, we can see whatever kind of talent you have, you can find your own method to display your talent. The most important factor is your confidence. If you believe that there must be a use for my talent, you will succeed.