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  Unit 5 Text A

  What Are Friends For?

  Teaching Objectives:

学习啦在线学习网   By the end of the unit, students will be better able to

  1. understand the varied parts friendship plays in one's life and be better friends themselves;

  2. use about 30 new words and 10 new phrases and expressions in brief conversations, translation and preliminary writing tasks;

  3. use the subjunctive mood with implied condition in real life communication;

学习啦在线学习网   4. read material of a similar topic and degree of difficulty;

  5. Know how to write concisely by avoiding overstated, pompous words and redundant phrases.

  Teaching Methods:

  Audio lingual Method; Presentation; Discussion; Question-answer.

  Important/Difficult Points:

学习啦在线学习网   New words and expressions: chat, turtle, model

  Pick up, happen to, CD player, out of touch, put in perspective, betrayed confidence on the planet, get rid of, in good/bad shape

  Some sentences in the text are difficult to understand, such as I was thinking about how everybody can’t be every thing to each other, but some people can be something to each other, but some people can be something to each other; Wherever, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition; They have beautiful homes filled with special handmade things presented to them by villagers in the remote areas they have visited in their extensive travels.

  Teaching Procedure:

  Step 1. Warming Up (30 mints)

  1) Work in pairs or groups, and discuss the following questions.

学习啦在线学习网    1. Do you have different kinds of friends? How do you classify them?

学习啦在线学习网    2. What is so great about friends?

学习啦在线学习网    3. Under what circumstances can one lose a friend?

   4. Is it possible to love and hate a friend at the same time? Give examples.

  2) Ask students to skim the text for the 8 kinds of friends mentioned in the text.

  Buddies/ Relative Friends/ Work Friends/ Former Friends/ Friends You Love to Hate/ Hero Friends/ New Friends

学习啦在线学习网   3) Introducing the main idea of the article

学习啦在线学习网   It is said that friends are the best gift god has given us. Now that we have eight kinds of friends from the text, what kind of happiness or benefit can each of them bring us? That’s exactly what the text is about.

  Step 2. New Words and the Notes (20 mints)

  Learn new words and expressions of text A

  Explain some important and difficult words and expressions.

  cement n. 水泥,粘合剂 v 巩固,粘牢

  nostalgic a.—nostalgia n.—nostalgically ad.

  subdivision n.—subdivide v.—divide v.

  inopportune a.—(opposite) opportune a.

  invisible a.—(opposite) visible a.

学习啦在线学习网   Look at the Notes on page 116

  1. Marion Wink: poet, essayist, and regular commentator on National Public Radio’s. The author made up the capitalized expressions in the text such as “Faraway Friend,” “Relative Friend,” which would make no sense at all out of context, with the latter in particular.

  2. You quit doing drugs, you’re not such good friends with your dealer anymore: This is not meant to be taken seriously. Possession or sale of illegal drugs can result in long prison terms.

  Step 3. Key Points (60 minutes)

   1. cry on sb.’ s shoulder: get sympathy from someone when you tell them

  your problems 向某人诉苦以寻求安慰(或同情)

  e.g. At least she hadn’t cried on his shoulder again.

  If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, just call me.

学习啦在线学习网    2. in return (for sth.): as payment or reward for something作为报答或回报

  e.g. He is always helping people without expecting anything in return.

学习啦在线学习网   We offer an excellent all-round(全面的,多方面的) education to our students. In return, we expect students to work hard.

学习啦在线学习网    3. They hold out through innumerable crises before...: They are always

  reliable(可靠的,可信信赖的) and nice when you are in difficult times even though they don’t like what you are doing...

   4. While so many family relationships are tinged with guilt and

学习啦在线学习网   obligation:

学习啦在线学习网   While so many people may feel something of a sense of guilt or

  responsibility in dealing with family relationships...

   5. Company gossip, once an infallible(绝对可靠的) source of

  entertainment, soon awkwardly accentuates the distance between you: Office chat used to be an effective way of amusement for you; however, it makes you feel uneasy since you do not work together anymore and therefore increases the feeling of distance between you.

学习啦在线学习网    6. Work Friends share certain memories which acquire a nostalgic glow

学习啦在线学习网   after about a decade:

  Memories of your Work friends makes you happy after ten years, so you

  somehow wish that you could return to those days.

学习啦在线学习网    7. dead end: a street with no way out at one end or a situation from which no

学习啦在线学习网   more progress in possible

学习啦在线学习网   e.g. He realized that the job at which he had been aiming all these years

  seemed to him to be a dead end.

  He thinks they have reached an evolutionary(逐渐发展的,演变的) dead end.

学习啦在线学习网    8. When you feel you’ve hit a dead end, come to a confusing fork in the

  road, or gotten lost in some cracker-box subdivision of your life:

学习啦在线学习网   Whenever you feel helpless, confused or at a loss(困惑的,不知所措的) in the complicated journey of your life...

  Notice that “cracker-box division” is not a general expression, but is rather made up by the author. cracker: 薄脆饼干;咸饼干

学习啦在线学习网    9. in possession of sth.: formal owning or having obtained something from

  somewhere 占有(或拥有)某物

  e.g. She was found in possession of stolen goods.

  How did the painting come into your possession (=how did you get it) ? 10. to death: informal used to emphasize that a feeling or emotion is very


学习啦在线学习网    be bored / scared / frightened etc. to death

  She was scared to death of what might happen next.

学习啦在线学习网   I’ m absolutely sick to death of it (=very angry, bored, or unhappy about something) .

学习啦在线学习网    bore / scare / love etc. somebody to death

  He drove at a speed which frightened Leonora to death. She used to worry me to death.

学习啦在线学习网    11. make me/you sick: spoken

学习啦在线学习网   a) make you feel very angry

  e.g. People like you make me sick!

  b) indicate a feeling of jealousy — used humorously

  e.g. You make me sick with your “expenses paid” holidays!

学习啦在线学习网    12. Wherever, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition(认识):

  When you meet a “New Friend” for the first time you instantly feel a connection with each other.

  Step 4. Assignment (5 minutes)

  1. Read the article repeatedly and try to remember the new words and expressions in text A

  2. Finish the Study and Practice on page 118-130.

  The Teaching Plan of Unit 5 What Are Friends For? (College English 2)

  English Department Sun Xiaofang


  Lesson plan

  NSEFC Module2 Unit Reading In Teacher:

学习啦在线学习网   Period:Period1


  Duration: 45minutes

  Teaching ideology

  The current theory view reading as a interactive process which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text types. In the reading process, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other. Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

  Teaching material and learning condition The analysis of teaching material

学习啦在线学习网   The teaching material is the reading part from NSEFC Module2 Unit. The topic of this unit is . This passage mainly introduces The passage consists of paragraphs. The first paragraph is a general introduction of the . Para.2 to Para.4 introduces . The last paragraph tells about . The topic is not new to the Ss. But there is some new words and phases in the passage. The analysis of learning condition

学习啦在线学习网   The students are from grade1 in senior high school. As high school students, they have achieved certain English level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the reading. Since they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the topic. They are familiar with the topic of and know some. But they may not know before. Moreover, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some sentences.

学习啦在线学习网   Learning objectives

  1. Language skills

   At the beginning of the class, Ss can predict the content of the passage based on the title. Ss can scan the passage and find out the specific information such as the person related with

   Ss can summarize the passage with the help of the clues of the passage.

  2. Language knowledge

学习啦在线学习网    Ss can master the key words and phrases of the passage as follows, . Ss can learn , especially

  3. Affects

学习啦在线学习网    Ss will realize that and they will concern themselves with the issue of

学习啦在线学习网   4. Cultural awareness

   Ss will broaden their minds by knowing something about

学习啦在线学习网   5. Learning strategies

   Ss will cultivate their ability individual learning and cooperative learning by doing some activities independently and some in groups.

   Ss will communicate with each other in English while doing the group work. Language

  difficulties focuses and anticipated

学习啦在线学习网   Language focuses

  This is a reading period so the focus is to cultivate the students’ reading skills. The many activities are designed to help Ss to train their reading skills, such as predicting, skimming, scanning and summarizing.

  It is also important for the Ss to master the new words and phrases.

  Anticipated difficulties

学习啦在线学习网   As the Ss have a limited vocabulary, so they may have some difficulties in understanding the passage. So the teacher will help them learn the new words and phrases.

学习啦在线学习网   Ss may did not heard before, so the teacher will tell them some background knowledge about it.

  Teaching method

学习啦在线学习网   Three-stage model: Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

  Teaching aids

  Multimedia devices and PPT documents: In order to help Ss to fully understand the whole passage, I adopt Multimedia devices and PPT documents to bring the real-life situation into the classroom.

学习啦在线学习网   eaching procedures

  Step1. Lead-in (6min)

  Activity1. Greetings and Free-talking (2min)

  T Leads into the topic by asking Ss some they know. Ss tell the name of the they know freely.

学习啦在线学习网   T: Hello boys and girls.

学习啦在线学习网   (Ss say hello to the teacher.)

  T: When we say , what appears in your minds?

  (Ss tell the things appear in their minds freely.)

学习啦在线学习网   T: What are the ?

学习啦在线学习网   (Ss tell some names of .)

学习啦在线学习网   Activity2. Picture-talking (4min)

  T shows some pictures about the in China and abroad. After seeing the pictures, Ss are expected to tell the similarities of them.

  T: Just now, you talk about some in China. Now, let’s see some pictures of some . (T shows the pictures and Ss see them carefully.)

学习啦在线学习网   T: What do the have in common?For example, they are very precious. What are your opinions?

学习啦在线学习网   (T gives them some hints and Ss tell the characteristics of )


   In this step, T first leads in the topic by talking with the Ss freely about the which

  is familiar to them and then Ss see some pictures and tell the characteristics. These two activities aim to arouse the Ss’ interests in the topic and activate their old knowledge of . Then Ss will be mentally prepared for the reading comprehension. What’s more,

学习啦在线学习网   when they are talking about the charateristics of, they will realize that the are rare and precious and they will concern themselves with the issue of .

  Step2. Pre-reading (3min)

学习啦在线学习网   Activity1. Knowing something about (1min)

  T gives a brief introduction of the. Ss will know the T: Today, we are going to learn . It is . Do you know what is? (T shows some pictures ofand Ss get to know the .)

学习啦在线学习网   Activity2. Predicting (2min)

  T asks Ss to read the title of the passage and then ask them some questions. Ss will predict the content of the passage with the help of the title.

学习啦在线学习网   T: please look at the title “”, what does “” mean?

  (If the Ss can not give the answer, then T explain it.)

学习啦在线学习网   T: In search means that people are looking for it. Why are people looking for it? Can you guess? What will the passage talk about?

学习啦在线学习网   (Ss predict the content, but T will not give the answer here.)


  In this step, the Ss first know some information of the ; the background information will make it easier for the Ss to understand the passage. Then T asks Ss to make predictions about the passage. It aims to help Ss develop the reading skills of predicting.

学习啦在线学习网   Step3. While-reading (22min)

学习啦在线学习网   Activity1. Skimming (4min)

  Ss skim the whole passage and find out and check their predictions. T: Why are people still ? Here is a multiple choice for you.

  Activity2. Scanning (3min)

学习啦在线学习网   T presents several true or false statements and asks the Ss to scan the passage and judge the right from the wrong.

  (Keys: F,F,T,T,F)

  Activity3 Close-reading (15min)

  T designs various kinds of activities and Ss do the activities to fully understand the passage. Para.1

学习啦在线学习网   T: Please read Para.1 carefully and then take some note about the .


  Please read Para.2-4 carefully and then find out the removal of the room.

  Please read Para.2-4 carefully and then find out the person related with the Amber Room and the things them down with it.


  Please read Para.5 carefully and then find out the the rebuilding of the amber room.


  By doing some many activities, the Ss will develop their reading strategies and language efficiency. T help the Ss study the passage paragraph by paragraph.. Ss will learn some key words and phrases in the passage.

  Step4. Post-reading (12min)

  Activity1. Dissuasion (6min)

  Ss have learned the rebuilding of the passage and T asks the Ss to discuss whether people

  . T give the example of “” which is . Ss share their opinion on the

学习啦在线学习网   issue and the reasons.

  Activity2. Role-play (6 min)

  T creates a situation in which a student of the class has visited the Amber Room, so he/she come back to introduce the amber room.

  Ss work in pairs, one act as the one who has visited the palace. The other acts as one who is curious about the Amber Room, they should make a dialogue. The beginning of the conversation is given. A: the one who has visited the palace

学习啦在线学习网   B: the one who is curious about the Amber Room


  These two activities are to develop the Ss’ comprehensive language competence. The role play serves to be an output of the reading and an evaluation of their learning.

  Homework (1min)

学习啦在线学习网   Ss write a summery of Ss review the words and phrase of the passage and make sentence with each.

  Blackboard design







