

时间: 焯杰674 分享



  As the contemporary society develops dramatically, a worrying problem has sprung up that the degree of trust among individuals has decreased. For example, when we meet a man begging for money due to his handicapped leg in the street, we are considering whether he is cheating us. Plus, in the business circle, we consumers couldn't easily believe what the merchant has guaranteed. All these problems mentioned above are reduced to adverse consequences. Especially, in the corporate world exists the prevalence of dishonesty. Influenced by these phenomena, we, invariably, become increasing cautious about other’s guarantee, even a piece of word. Thus, this trend does much harm to the commodity economy. The underlying reason for these phenomena is that current people fail to trust each other, so keeping trust counts most, because the foundation of any relationship, whether it be with a business associate, spouse, parent, client or, friend, is trust. Trust is not something that can be built with quick fix techniques. Rather, it is something that is cultivated through consistent habits in personal interactions.



学习啦在线学习网   When students enter college, it is natural for them to relax, because they have went across the important stage and start to open the new chapter. Most students believe that college life should be full of fun and they don’t need to study hard, so they sleep in the class. While they get the wrong idea.

学习啦在线学习网   College is the very important stage for students to learn the major knowledge. What they learn will decide what kind of work they will take in the future. If they want to take advantages over other students in the job market, then they must have the skills. This is what they learn in the class, sleepy students will miss have important part of learning knowledge.

  To learn better in the class, college students should take the regular schedule. Most students are addicted to playing computer games and stay up. They always sleep a few hours and then just go to class for the presentation. They don’t care about what the teacher say.

学习啦在线学习网   It is the terrible situation for college students to use their energy on the activities instead of study. Sleeping in the class has become some students’ choice. They need to balance the activities and study.


学习啦在线学习网   大学是学生学习专业知识非常重要的阶段。他们所学习的将会决定他们将来从事什么样的工作。如果他们想要在就业市场中超过其他学生,那么他们就必须拥有技能。这也是他们在课堂上要学习的,昏昏欲睡的学生会错过学习知识的重要部分。




  Exercise is something common but significant. Although nearly everyone knows its importance, I still want to emphasize today.

  In the first place, exercise is significant to health. It goes without saying that the importance of heath to people. There is a Chinese saying,” Health is the source of revolution.” And the most important way to keep health is to do exercise. Exercise is the best and directly way to keep health. When you are doing exercise, your whole body can get moved, which will make you become heathy.

  Secondly, exercise helps you to save money. As what I said above, if we do not does exercise often, we may in a bad health. Thus, we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor. It is well-known that the medical industry is very expensive. It may cost your one’s month salary for going to the hospital once.

学习啦在线学习网   Last, exercise will make you become more and more beautiful or handsome. As you exercise your body, your body will get fit, which will make you look better.

  There are others benefits to do exercise; I just do not list here. Move, try yourself to do some exercise, do not always sitting on the chair.



学习啦在线学习网   其次,锻炼可以节省金钱。正如我上面所说的,如果我们不经常运动,我们的健康状况就可能会不太好。因此,我们必须去医院看医生。众所周知的,医疗都是非常昂贵的。去一次医院有可能会花掉你一个月工资。

学习啦在线学习网   最后,锻炼会使你变得越来越漂亮或越来越英俊。你在锻炼身体的同时,你的身体会变得越来越强壮,看起来也就越来越好。






4.大学优秀英语作文:Foreign Education

