Is a bad leader still a leader, or are they just a "manager" in the loosest sense of the word? No matter what you call them, many managers lack fundamental training in actually managing people. Without that, it's impossible to be an effective leader. Even more importantly, there are managers who lack the sensitivity, values, and keen awareness necessary to interact appropriately with the people around them. When an employee quits or resigns, the main reason behind that resignation is the relationship with their manager.
学习啦在线学习网 失败的领导,意思是他仍然是一个领导,还是只是一个“管理者”的广泛称呼?无论你的意思是什么,许多管理者确实在管理人员方面缺乏基本的训练。若没有这些训练,那就不大可能成为一位成功的领导。并且更重要的是,有些管理者在恰当地与身边的人打交道的问题上缺乏敏感度,价值判断以及必要的敏锐意识。如果有员工辞职,最主要的原因应该就是与管理者的关系不融洽了。
In fact, Accenture provided insight with a study that said 31% of employees quit because they just don't like their boss.
学习啦在线学习网 而实际上,Accenture(埃森哲咨询公司)的一项研究表名,有31%的员工辞职的原因,是他们并不喜欢自己的老板。
That can all be prevented if you consider the most common mistakes of bad managers--and even new entrepreneurs. Be proactive and identify the traits that drive this behavior so you can correct yourself, as well as those managers on your staff, before problems arise.
1.Failure to provide clear direction
1. 未能提供明确的方向。
学习啦在线学习网 In order for your employees to do their jobs and do them well, they need to know what to do. That means you need to give them clear direction. That doesn't mean you need to hover and micromanage.
学习啦在线学习网 为了让员工顺利地工作,他们得了解自己该做什么。这就意味着你该给予他们一个明确的方向。但不意味着你得垂帘听政。
学习啦在线学习网 Provide the necessary direction and step away. Don't over-prioritize, because when everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. Without clear, simple direction for your employees, they'll never feel like they can accomplish tasks or goals, and they will fail.
2.Not seeing employees as people
学习啦在线学习网 2. 不把员工当人看待。
Part of good leadership is maintaining a professional distance from your team, free of fraternization. You don't want to be their counselor or their regular karaoke buddy, but you should stay tuned in to what's happening in their lives.
Every person on your team is an individual with wants, needs, desires, problems, achievements, and goals outside of their professional employment. When you stay tuned in, you're seen as an interested and involved boss. An effective leader sees each employee as the individual that they are.
3.Lack of trust.
3. 缺乏信任。
When a manager doesn't trust their team to handle the workload, you'll see it manifest in a number of ways. This can include anything from constantly checking up on the status of work, to micromanaging projects. This is a surefire way to destroy employee morale.
学习啦在线学习网 You have to trust your employees, and trust that they'll hit their goals for you. If you absolutely cannot trust an employee among your group, then reevaluate that employee: if you cannot trust your team, then it's time to reevaluate yourself.
4. Inability to actively listen.
学习啦在线学习网 Active listening is a critical skill for a good leader. The right kind of listening provides recognition and demonstrates that you value the employee. When they know that you are listening, then they feel respected and valued.
When you don't listen to your employees, it won't be long before they just stop talking. Without that constant flow of information and communication, you won't have an edge on projects, production, or workflow.
学习啦在线学习网 如果你并不聆听员工的意见,那么不久后他们就不会再提出自己的意见了。如果没有了这种稳定的信息传递和沟通,你就很难在项目管理,生产以及工作流程管理方面再占据任何优势了。
5.Not seeking input.
学习啦在线学习网 Your employees should be an integral part of your growth and success. When you're going to make decisions, you should always seek feedback from those around you. A good leader takes it one step further by making sure employees know that their feedback matters, and often seek feedback long before the decision is made.
Enabling your employees to make decisions is the heart of empowerment, and it's the best way to keep employees engaged.
6.Hypocritical behavior.
6. 伪善行为。
学习啦在线学习网 Nothing will sour relationships faster than when a manager or executive is able to operate under a different set of rules than the rest of the team. If you make policies that apply to everyone in the company, then they should apply all the way up the chain to the highest-level employees.
A manager wielding a big ego is the most likely to alienate his or her employees. Go beyond a typical management role and focus more on leading your team by making sound choices. Make a fun and open environment for your employees, provide incentives for feedback, and listen and learn from their growth, as well as yours.
Whether you are in a career you hate or happily forging on with the dream job, you’ll have to put up with politics and personalities, so you might as well change careers and enjoy the things you do, right?
学习啦在线学习网 No matter how much you love the field you are in, some BS is going to come your way – some BS that will prevent you from doing passionate, productive work you were born to do. However, if you truly love what you do, weathering those storms will be far easier than if you are sitting in.
学习啦在线学习网 But, let’s look on the bright side: the wonderful emotional advantages age and experience that can help you navigate that new career with ease and efficiency.
学习啦在线学习网 1.You see the big picture.
Whereas at 25 you’d steam, fume and gnaw your teeth because your boss is now telling you “we should do X” – the very X you were trying to convince him to do months ago, because a coworker speaks over you in meetings and aggressively tries to take over your area of expertise…now you just don’t care. Or perhaps you care a bit, but you let it go.
学习啦在线学习网 Your boss gives you a great career opportunity, that thieving coworker is, after all, a friend and a future reference. These are people who will in the end consciously or unconsciously admire you more for staying mature in the face of their blatant IP theft. So, you let people have little things, and you focus on the grand things to come.
2.You are emotionally mature.
2. 你心理成熟。
By now, people’s petty hangups, insecurities, and gossip don’t irritate you anymore. If you are not a negative person or don’t want to be a part of the gossip circle, you know how to elegantly rebuff requests to join in. Perhaps more importantly, you know that your career and life don’t depend on it.
You also know that most people are a bit insecure, and that their coping mechanisms are going to be all over the place. The professional world is one big kindergarten. You smile, stay nice, and go back to doing a great job.
3.You know how to say no.
学习啦在线学习网 3. 你懂得如何拒绝他人。
When I was younger, I had a boss who worked so hard that her lips would turn blue from cold in the room (it was so late that the heating got turned off), and who would not eat for 7 or 8 hours because she ate two meals a day. Subconsciously, regardless of the fact that I was paid far less, and an hourly employee at that, she expected the same kind of “devotion” from me. And I was dumb enough to follow, which left me exhausted and with no life outside of work.
Nowadays, I say it when I need a break, even if it is, God forbid, twice a day. I am able to demand a work style that makes me most efficient, and won’t break me in the long run. I also know that I am likely not going to get fired over this. The worst that can happen: some tension and a few passive-aggressive jokes. Or getting fired. Which is better than being blurry eyed, inefficient, and, ultimately, unhappy at your job.
学习啦在线学习网 4.You know your worth.
4. 你清楚自己的价值。
The first months/year(s) in the new career are hard. You know you are smart and talented, but many won’t get it (it takes smart people to know smart people, and many people you’ll encounter are not that smart). That’s OK. You have your ego in check, and you march on, slowly introducing your ideas in a friendly manner, making alliances with the right people, and letting your ability naturally shine through. This versus the dissatisfaction of the yesteryear, when all that injustice felt personal, disheartening and insurmountable.
5. You know how to manage people.
学习啦在线学习网 5. 你懂得处理人际关系。
学习啦在线学习网 It’s just how it is: people around you are not always going to be professional or mature. There’ll be those who yell. There’ll be those who want a constant companion, not a colleague. There’ll be those who respond well to an open conversation and removing tensions in a mature way, and there’ll be those who’d rather flex the boss muscle or constantly poke at you with borderline unprofessional comments. You in your 20s? Exasparated and frustrated. You now? You choose your battles – mentally file your nails during yelling, introduce boundaries to wannabe-best-friend, and even put people in their place as needed. Gently. It’s kindergarten, after all.
学习啦在线学习网 Now, I am not saying that any of the situations above are going to be easy. Some days it will all be harder than others, and some days you will, yet again, curse the fate that put you in your dream career later in life. But that’s all temporary – after all, you have also learned to breathe, exercise, confide in the right allies, and move forward with your chosen career.
It is, after all, “The War of Art”:
学习啦在线学习网 最后,我的意思并不是说以上所有的这些情况都很容易处理。有时候还会更困难,不过有一天你会印证自己必须改变职业的命运。不过那些都只是暂时性的,毕竟,你还得学会如何透气,锻炼,与对的盟友并肩作战,以及在自己所选的事业向前进。
“The professional endures adversity…He reminds himself it’s better to be in the arena, getting stomped by the bull, then to be up in the stands, or out in the parking lot”.
学习啦在线学习网 ”专业的人能忍耐变故,因为他能常常提醒自己,宁可身处竞技台,被凶猛的公牛践踏,也总比站在高台或停车场上置身事外来得有意义。”