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学习啦在线学习网   Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, has called for the US and its partners to reduce their dependence on China ’s production of so-called rare earths, in some of the most forthright comments on the topic by a senior American official.

学习啦在线学习网   美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿呼吁美国及其盟友减少对中国稀土的依赖,这是迄今为止美国高官就稀土问题发表的最为坦率的言论之一。

  But she welcomed a statement by Beijing on Thursday that it would not use its sway over the market as a bargaining tool with other economies.


  China made that announcement after Mrs. Clinton decided to visit the country on her prolonged Asian tour. She is due to meet Dai Bingguo, state counselor for foreign policy, in Hainan Island on Saturday.

学习啦在线学习网   中国政府是在希拉里决定延长亚洲之行顺便造访中国之后发表以上声明的。她将于周六在海南岛与中国负责外交政策的国务委员戴秉国会晤。

学习啦在线学习网   Rare earths are used for high-technology products such as precision-guided weapons and hybrid cars. Beijing dominates the market with some 97 per cent of production, even though it has only 36 per cent of world reserves.

学习啦在线学习网   稀土是用于生产精确制导武器和混合动力汽车等高科技产品的原料。中国在稀土市场上占据主导地位,年产量占全球的97%左右,储量只有全球总量的36%。

  This year it has cut export quotas, increased duties and has been accused by Tokyo of choking off Japan’s supplies-an accusation China has denied.


学习啦在线学习网   The Obama administration has also been looking into reports that China had halted some shipments to the US.


  “The entire world has to seek additional supplies in order to protect the important production needs that these materials serve,” Mrs. Clinton said at a meeting in Hawaii with Seiji Maehara, Japan’s foreign minister. “These are elements that are critical to industrial production, not only in Japan and the US.”


学习啦在线学习网   Her comments come at a time of strain in US-Chinese ties over issues such as Beijing’s renminbi policy, its subsidies for green energy, and US efforts to deepen co-operation with many of China’s neighbors in south-east Asia.

学习啦在线学习网   希拉里发表上述言论之际,美中关系正陷入紧张。两国间的主要问题包括中国汇率政策、绿色能源补贴,以及美国与中国许多东南亚邻国深度合作等。

学习啦在线学习网   Mrs. Clinton added that the current focus on rare earths “served as a wake-up call” that, being so dependent on only one source, risked disruption through natural disasters or “other kinds of events”.



  Sales of the third edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) have fallen and will never appear in print again because of the impact of the internet on book sales, according to its publisher.


学习啦在线学习网   The dictionary’s owner, Oxford University Press (OUP), said the impact of the internet means the third edition of the OED-known as OED3-will probably appear only in electronic form. “The print dictionary market is just disappearing, it is falling away by tens of percent a year,” said Nigel Portwood, the chief executive of OUP. Asked if he thought the third edition would be printed, he said: “I don’t think so.” Portwood said printed dictionaries had a shelf life of about another 30 years.

  牛津大学出版社称网络的冲击使得《牛津英文词典》第三版将来很有可能只以电子版形式销售。牛津大学出版社行政总裁奈杰尔-波特伍德称,“印刷版词典市场正在缩水,每年市场份额都下降10 个百分点左右”。当被问到第三版会不会继续印刷时,他说:“我可不这么想。”波特伍德称印刷版词典在货架上销售的“寿命”只剩下30 年。

  Now a team of 80 lexicographers has been working on the third edition of the OED3 for the past 21 years. It is still estimated to be more than a decade away from completion; only 28 percent has been finished to date.

  在过去的21 年里,由80 人组成的编纂小组一直从事着《牛津英文词典》第三版的编纂工作。但是编纂工作才仅仅完成了21%,还需要十年时间继续努力。

  OUP said it would continue to print the more familiar Oxford Dictionary of English, the single-volume version sold in bookshops and which contains more contemporary entries such as vuvuzela, the plastic trumpet encountered in the 2010 football World Cup.

学习啦在线学习网   出版社称将继续出版为大众所熟悉的《牛津英文词典》版本,即书店常见的单卷版。这个版本收录了更多当代词条。例如,今年南非世界杯期间的助威工具呜呜祖拉已入选最新的修订版。

学习啦在线学习网   The most recent OED has existed online for more than a decade, where it receives two million hits a month from subscribers who pay an annual fee of 240 pounds.

  时下流行的《牛津英文词典》第二版已在网上流行了10 年,每月点击率达200 万次。想要使用的用户每年需支付240 英镑订阅费。

  “Books are about to vanish; reading is about to expand as a pastime; these are inescapable realities,”said Portwood.



  Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics contract manufacturer, is revamping the pay structure at its main production base in southern China in a move that could end up the cost structure of global electronics production.


  Following a 30 percent wage increase from July 1, the group said workers who reach certain performance standards would now also get an additional 66 percent pay rise from October 1.

学习啦在线学习网   7 月1 日富士康已经给工人加薪30%,之后又表示会从10 月1 日起给达到一定业绩标准的工人额外加薪66%。

学习啦在线学习网   “The monthly wage for all first-line employees and their line leaders and supervisors in Shenzhen will be elevated to Rmb2,000 as early as October 1 2010, ” if the workers successfully passed a three-month evaluation period, the company said.

  富士康表示,“最早从10 月1 日起,深圳工厂中所有‘一线’员工及线长、组长的月薪将增加到2000 元,只要员工能成功通过为期3 个月的考核期。”

  The wage increase comes as a spate of suicide among workers in Foxconn’s largest plant and a strike at a Honda factory in China have triggered calls for better conditions for the tens of millions of migrant workers who have been powering China’s export-manufacturing machine.

学习啦在线学习网   此次加薪的直接原因是富士康最大厂区一连串自杀事件以及在本田中国工厂的罢工事件。这一系列劳工事件引发了对改善数以百万计中国农民工劳动条件的呼声。农民工一直是中国出口制造业的真正动力。

  Foxconn’s decision is the clearest sign yet of major changes in the labor conditions in export manufacturing in China.


  Foxconn, which makes electronic gadgets such as iPhones and PlayStation video game consoles, is China ’s largest employer with a headcount of 800,000, and has been the country’s largest exporter every year since 2003.

学习啦在线学习网   富士康,这家生产iPhone 和PlayStation 视频游戏机等电子产品的企业,拥有全中国最多的雇员,员工80 万名。自2003 年以来,每年都是中国最大的出口企业。

  Foxconn executives said they could not predict how the additional cost would be shared but expected customers to help shoulder the burden.

学习啦在线学习网   富士康管理层说他们无法预测谁来承担加薪造成的额外成本,但预计部分会被转嫁给消费者。

  The latest increase would more than double the basic pay of assembly line workers in Shenzhen and bring it to a level they currently only reach by working 12-hour shifts six days a week.

  最新的加薪举措使富士康深圳工厂流水线工人的基本工资提高一倍多。目前工人想要挣到这么多钱,必需一周工作6 天、每天工作12 个小时。

学习啦在线学习网   The increase exceeds the demands of some labor activists who had rejected Foxconn’s earlier 30 per cent pay rise as too little too late. Activists said the group needed to increase pay by at least 50 per cent to give workers a decent income without massive overtime.






