学习啦在线学习网 在我第二个孩子出生以后,我想向老板证明自己能搞定所有事情。于是,我过早地答应了回去上班,而且还是上夜班!这让我累坏了,以至于抱着孩子从楼梯上摔了下来——因此她全身打了八周的石膏。她现在康复了,但是因为不懂得拒绝而付出这样的代价是令人痛苦至极的。
学习啦在线学习网 从那以后,我一直相信自己足够优秀,因而拒绝一些事并不会影响我的前途。事实上,不带任何揣测或借口,直率地表达内心所求,正能表现出你对自己的珍视。战胜这些难以应付的时刻,你会得到自己的内心所求。
1. The I-Do-Not-Need-That No
You find the perfect dress for your friend's bachelorette. Then the saleswoman starts insisting you get this belt and those earrings too.
学习啦在线学习网 "I love that, but I'm not going to get it today." The sales assistant is just doing her job — she doesn't take a no personally and you shouldn't either. You're wasting her time by acting like you'redeliberating or putting something on hold just for show. Say no, be lovely about it ... and leave.
2. The Parent-Trap No
Mom and Dad invite you on a cruise. You get only two weeks off and think this would be an awful way to spend one of them.
"I love you and that's so generous, but I can't. How about a weekend visit?" Time with you may be more important to them than the plan. Be quick and sweet, and don't make up a story. They knew when you were lying at age 8; they'll know now. P.S. Don't get guilted! You're an adult!
3. The "U Up?" No
学习啦在线学习网 The Guy You Want to Date says, "Let's hang Saturday." At 1 a.m., he finally texts, indicating his interest in, ahem, hanging. Nuh-uh.
学习啦在线学习网 Text, "No thanks." Wait a beat. Then, "But dinner Wednesday?" If you want more, don't take less for fear he'll disappear. Forget about jumping like it's the president calling! You'll save yourself months of pain by being clear with him and sticking to your decision.
学习啦在线学习网 短信回复:”还是不了,谢谢。“等一下,再接着回:”周三一起吃晚饭怎么样?“如果你想要他全心全意,就不能因为害怕失去他而委曲求全。千万不要高兴得跳起来,好像是总统给你打的电话。和他说清楚,并且坚持你的想法,这会使自己免受数月的煎熬。
4. The Weekend-Work No
学习啦在线学习网 Your boss asks you to work on Saturday, but your cousin is getting married.
"I would love to work on that with you, but I have a big family event. What if I stayed late Friday night?" Apologizing or going into an absurd amount of detail seems weak. Be calm and make eye contact and she'll respect what you're saying. Then follow up with an alternative solution if you can, so everyone wins.”
学习啦在线学习网 我很想跟着你加班,但是我这周家里有件大事。不如我周五加个晚班怎样?“道歉或者解释一大堆荒.唐的细枝末节显得太无力。冷静地采用眼神交流,她会尊重你的决定。接着,如果可以的话,提出一个变通的方案,这样就能双赢了。
5. The Kickstarter No
学习啦在线学习网 Your friend has a great idea for a vegan-snack-sample-delivery business, but you do not have thedough.
学习啦在线学习网 "I just gave to another friend's charity race, so I'm tapped out. Can I help by making an intro for you instead?" Little white lies can be okay. You don't have to share details about your finances with friends. Value the work you did to earn your money, and donate only to causes that move you.