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  通过看、荐、用让学生热爱美文,美文便也如 润物细无声 的春雨,随风潜入了学生的心田;学生的作品一定可以成为百花争艳中的一枝红杏!下面是学习啦小编带来的考研英语晨读美文,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   advice to a young man  给一位青年的忠告

  Remember, my son, you have to work. Whether you handle a pick or a pen, a wheel-barrow or a set of books, digging ditches or editing a paper, ringing an auction bell or writing funny things, you must work. If you look around you will see the men who are the most able to live the rest of their days without work are the men who work the hardest. Don't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork. It is beyond your power to do that on the sunny side of thirty. They die sometimes, but it is because they quit work at six in the evening, and do not go home until two in the morning. It’s the interval that kills, my son. The work gives you an appetite for your meals; it lends solidity to your slumbers, it gives you a perfect and grateful appreciation of a holiday.

学习啦在线学习网   谨记,我的年轻人,你们必须工作.不管你是使锄头还是用笔,也不管是推手推车还是编记账簿,也不管你是种地还是编辑报纸,是拍卖师亦或是作家,都必须有一份工作,并为之努力奋斗.如果仔细观察周围的人,你就会发现,那些工作最努力的人最有可能安享晚年而无须去工作.不要害怕超负荷的工作会缩短你的寿命,不足三十岁的年龄,你的承受能力远不止如此.如果说真的有人过早送命,那完全是因为他们在晚上六点结束工作,却要在外流连到凌晨两点才归家.我的年轻人,正是晚上六点到凌晨两点的这段时间的生活毁了他们自己.工作会增加你的食欲,工作会使你安然入睡,工作将会使你心满意足地享受假日.

  There are young men who do not work, but the world is not proud of them. It does not know their names, even it simply speaks of them as “old So-and-So’s boy”. Nobody likes them; the great, busy world doesn’t know that they are there. So find out what you want to be and do, and take off your coat and make a dust in the world. The busier you are, the less harm you will be apt to get into, the sweeter will be your sleep, the brighter and happier your holidays, and the better satisfied will the world be with you.

  有的年轻人不工作,但世界并不会因他们自豪。它不知道他们的姓名,甚至简单地将他们概括为“老令人讨厌者的男孩 ” 。没有人喜欢他们;伟大,繁忙的世界不知道他们在那里。因此,找出哪些你想成为和做的,脱下你的外衣,把粉尘抛在世界上。越是繁忙的你越是少受伤害,甜蜜将成为您的睡眠,光明和幸福着您的假期,更好地满足你的意志世界。



学习啦在线学习网   Dear Max,


  Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in.


  Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.


学习啦在线学习网   While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today.

学习啦在线学习网   新闻总是会报道哪里出了问题,但在好多方面这个世界正变得越来越好。健康状况在改善、贫困人群在减少、大家的知识水平在增加,人们彼此的联系越来越紧密。技术在各个方面的进步意味着你们这一代的生活会比我们现在有巨大的变化。

学习啦在线学习网   We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation.

学习啦在线学习网   我们会尽全力让这种变化发生,不仅仅是因为我们爱你,更是因为我们有责任去爱护下一代所有的孩子。

  We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here.


学习啦在线学习网   ………………

  Today, most people die from five things -- heart disease, cancer, stroke, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases -- and we can make faster progress on these and other problems.


  Once we recognize that your generation and your children's generation may not have to suffer from disease, we collectively have a responsibility to tilt our investments a bit more towards the future to make this reality. Your mother and I want to do our part.


学习啦在线学习网   Curing disease will take time. Over short periods of five or ten years, it may not seem like we're making much of a difference. But over the long term, seeds planted now will grow, and one day, you or your children will see what we can only imagine: a world without suffering from disease.


  There are so many opportunities just like this. If society focuses more of its energy on these great challenges, we will leave your generation a much better world.


  Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas: advancing human potential and promoting equality.

学习啦在线学习网   我们希望你们这一代关注两个概念:推进人类潜能和促进平等。

  Advancing human potential is about pushing the boundaries on how great a human life can be.


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  Promoting equality is about making sure everyone has access to these opportunities -- regardless of the nation, families or circumstances they are born into.

学习啦在线学习网   推进平等就是要确保每一个人都有平等接近机会的权利,无论在什么样的国家、家庭和情况下出生。


学习啦在线学习网   Our society must do this not only for justice or charity, but for the greatness of human progress.



  Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges. I will continue to serve as Facebook's CEO for many, many years to come, but these issues are too important to wait until you or we are older to begin this work. By starting at a young age, we hope to see compounding benefits throughout our lives.

学习啦在线学习网   今天,你妈妈和我将用一生的时间去帮助解决这些挑战,以作出自己的小小贡献。我仍将担任Facebook的CEO,担任很久,但是这些问题太重要了,我们不能等到你更大了,或者我们更老了才去解决它们。我们希望早早地开始,在有生之年就看到成果。

学习啦在线学习网   As you begin the next generation of the Chan Zuckerberg family, we also begin the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to join people across the world to advance human potential and promote equality for all children in the next generation. Our initial areas of focus will be personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities.

学习啦在线学习网   当你在作为陈-扎克伯格家的下一代开始长大时,我们也开始了一个名为陈-扎克伯格的项目,与全世界的人一起努力,为下一代所有的孩子们,去开发人类潜能并促进公平。在起步之初,我们将把重心放在个性化学习、疾病治疗、互联网连接,以及社区的发展上。

  We will give 99% of our Facebook shares -- currently about billion -- during our lives to advance this mission. We know this is a small contribution compared to all the resources and talents of those already working on these issues. But we want to do what we can, working alongside many others.

  我们将捐出所持有的Facebook 99%的股份——目前市值约450亿美元——在我们的有生之年去促进这一使命的完成。我们知道,比起已经在这个领域投入的资源和人力相比,这只是很小的贡献,但是我们想尽我们所能,与其他人一起努力。

学习啦在线学习网   ………………

  As we become parents and enter this next chapter of our lives, we want to share our deep appreciation for everyone who makes this possible.


学习啦在线学习网   We can do this work only because we have a strong global community behind us. Building Facebook has created resources to improve the world for the next generation. Every member of the Facebook community is playing a part in this work.


学习啦在线学习网   We can make progress towards these opportunities only by standing on the shoulders of experts -- our mentors, partners and many incredible people whose contributions built these fields.

学习啦在线学习网   我们之所以能朝着这些机会进步,是因为我们站在专家的肩膀上——我们的导师、伴侣,以及许许多多在这一领域做出贡献的了不起的人。

  And we can only focus on serving this community and this mission because we are surrounded by loving family, supportive friends and amazing colleagues. We hope you will have such deep and inspiring relationships in your life too.

学习啦在线学习网   我们之所以能服务于这个社区和这一使命,是因为我们周围有相亲相爱的家人、互相支持的朋友、特别棒的同事。我们希望你的人生中也有这样深刻和鼓舞人心的关系。

  Max, we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a better place for you and all children. We wish you a life filled with the same love, hope and joy you give us. We can't wait to see what you bring to this world.

学习啦在线学习网   麦柯斯,我们爱你,我们觉得为你和所有的孩子们建立一个更好的世界是我们的责任。我们祝愿你的一生都充满了爱、希望、欢乐,就像你带给我们的那样。我们已等不及想要看到你会给世界带来什么。



  Mom and Dad



学习啦在线学习网   接受人生的不圆满

  Once a circle missed a wedge.The circle wanted tobe whole,so it went around looking for its missingpiece.But because it was incomplete and thereforecould roll only very slowly,it admired the flowersalong the way.It chatted with worms.It enjoyed thesunshine.It found lots of different pieces,but noneof them fit.So it left them all by the side of the roadand kept on searching.Then one day the circle founda piece that fit perfectly.It was so happy.Now it could be whole,with nothing missing.It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll.Now that it was a perfect circle,itcould roll very fast,too fast to notice the flowers or talking to the worms.When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly,it stopped,left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.


  The lesson of the story,I suggested,was that in some strange sense we are more wholewhen we are missing something.The man who has everything is in some ways a poor man.He will never know what it feels like to yearn,to hope,to nourish his soul with the dream of something better.He will never know the experience of having someone who loves him give him something he has always wanted or never had.

学习啦在线学习网   我觉得这个故事告诉我们,从某种奇妙意义上讲,当我们失去了一些东西时反而感到更加完整。一个拥有一切的人其实在某些方面是个穷人。他永远也体会不到什么是渴望、期待以及对美好梦想的感悟。他也永远不会有这样一种体验:一个爱他的人送给他某种他梦寐以求的或者从未拥有过的东西意味什么。

  There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations,who hasbeen brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doingso.There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strongenough to go through a tragedy and survive,who can lose someone and still feel like acomplete person.

学习啦在线学习网   人生的完整性在于一个人知道如何面对他的缺陷,如何勇敢地摒弃那些不现实的幻想而又不以此为缺憾。人生的完整性还在于一个男人或女人懂得这样一个道理:他(她)发现自己能勇敢面对人生悲剧而继续生存,能够在失去亲人后依然表现出一个完整的人的风范。

  Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for failing.Life is not a spellingbee,where no matter how many words you've gotten right,you're disqualified if you make onemistake.Life ismore like a baseball season,where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance.Our goal is to win more games thanwe lose.

学习啦在线学习网   人生不是上帝为谴责我们的缺陷而给我们布下的陷阱。人生也不是一场拼字游戏比赛。不管你拼出多少单词,一旦出现了一个错误,你便前功尽弃。人生更像是一个棒球赛季。即使最好的球队比赛也会输掉1/3,而最差的球队也有春风得意的日子。我们的目标就是多赢球,少输球。

  When we accept that imperfection is part of being human,and when we can continue rolling through life andappreciate it,we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspireto.That,I believe,is what God asks of us not "Be perfect",not "Don't even make amistake",but "Be whole."


  If we are brave enough to love,strong enough to forgive,generous enough to rejoice inanother's happiness,and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for usall,then we can achieve a fulfillmentthat no other living creature will ever know.






