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学习啦在线学习网   摘录:露珠先生汇聚到一个大池塘当中,恐惧消失了,取而代之的是无尽的喜悦。露珠先生不复存在了,却没有被毁灭。融入集体,他终于得以完整。

  As the sun rose, a dew drop became aware of its surroundings. There it sat on a leaf, catching the sunlight and throwing it back out. Proud of its simple beauty, it was verycontent. Around it were other dew drops, some on the same leaf and some on other leaves round about. The dew drop was sure that it was the best, the most special dew drop of them all.

  Ah, it was good to be a dew drop.

学习啦在线学习网   当太阳升起的时候,一滴露珠苏醒过来。它坐在一片叶子上,一边吸取着阳光,一边又将阳光反射出去。它美得那样纯粹,不禁有些沾沾自喜。在它的周围,是许多其它的露珠,它们有的和他在同一片叶子上,有的在其他叶子上。露珠先生相信,自己是最棒的,最特别的那一颗。


学习啦在线学习网   The wind rose and the plant began to shake, tipping the leaf. Terror gripped the dew drop as gravity pulled it towards the edge of the leaf, towards the unknown. Why? Why was this happening? Things were comfortable. Things were safe. Why did they have to change? Why? Why?


学习啦在线学习网   The dew drop reached the edge of the leaf. It was terrified, certain that it would besmashed into a thousand pieces below, sure that this was the end. The day had only just begun and the end had come so quickly. It seemed so unfair. It tried desperately to do whatever it could to cling to the leaf, but it was no use.

学习啦在线学习网   露珠先生还是被带到了叶子边缘。它惊恐万分,因为一旦自己掉下去,必将粉身碎骨,一切就会这样结束。新的一天才刚刚开始,这么快就要结束了吗?好不公平啊!露珠先生拼命地抓住叶子,然而并没有什么用处。

学习啦在线学习网   Finally, it let go, surrendering to the pull of gravity. Down, down it fell. Below there seemed to be a mirror. A reflection of itself seemed to be coming up to meet the dew drop. Closer and closer they came together until finally...


学习啦在线学习网   And then the fear transformed into deep joy as the tiny dew drop merged with the vastness that was the pond. Now the dew drop was no more, but it was not destroyed.

学习啦在线学习网   露珠先生汇聚到一个大池塘当中,恐惧消失了,取而代之的是无尽的喜悦。露珠先生不复存在了,却没有被毁灭。

  It had become one with the whole.

学习啦在线学习网   融入集体,他终于得以完整。