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学习啦在线学习网   北国的冬天,刚刚一场雪下过,冬天的雪好像一朵朵棉花糖,夜晚万籁俱寂。本文是关于冬天的英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!


  it is cold and dry outside. the wind often blows strongly. the days are shorter and the nights are longer. many animals go to sleep. they will sleep for a long time till the spring comes. people don’t like to go outside. they have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. but children like to be outside. because it often snows. there is snow around. there is ice on the ground. children can throw snowballs, make the snowmen. oh, look. what a surprise! do you see? the river is frozen! here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.

学习啦在线学习网   oh! winter comes. it is really an interesting season. it has so much fun!

  关于冬天的英语美文:冬日之光 A Light in Winter

学习啦在线学习网   On March 16, 2002, when daffodils were swaying in the slowly warming wind of a North Carolinaspring, I found myself in a snug hospital room with my wife and just-born daughter, only hoursold, and I thought of ice.

学习啦在线学习网   2002年3月16日,北卡罗来纳州的春天时节,水仙花在渐渐变暖的春风中摇曳,我与妻子以及刚刚出生才几个小时的女儿呆在一间温暖的病房里。这时,我想到了冰雪。

  A poem called Frost at Midnight, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, was on my mind. In this verse,written in 1798, Coleridge sits near his infant son, Hartley, on a winter night in England. Herecalls events from his troubled life, one fraught with chronic miseries ranging frommelancholy to botched love to opium addiction to writer’s block. With a fervor usuallyreserved for prayer, the poet envisions a life for his son free of these problems—a vibrant,creative existence. Coleridge then asks nature itself to nurture his parental hope, invoking thepotency of green summer but also, and especially, the winter’s “secret ministry of frost,” “quietly shining to the quiet moon.”


学习啦在线学习网   As a college professor, I had been teaching Frost at Midnight for year and had decided, soonafter my wife became pregnant, to read the poem to commemorate our baby’s birth. And so Idid recite the poem to our girl—we named her Una—hoping, like Coleridge, that her life wouldbe perennially blessed by leaves and ice alike, by summery days but also by the chilly periodswhen she would most need strength.

学习啦在线学习网   作为一名大学教授,我曾教授《霜夜》这首诗多年,而且早在妻子怀孕后不久就决定,要读此诗来纪念我们孩子的出生。后来我的确为我们的女儿(我们给她起名叫尤纳)朗诵了这首诗,如柯勒律治一样,希望她能够永远得到绿叶和寒冰的庇佑,无论是炎炎夏日还是最需要力量的寒冷时节,福佑都不断降临于她。

学习啦在线学习网   What intrigued and moved me about the poem was its curious suggestion that gloom andloneliness might actually cultivate a sort of luminous affection. Forlorn most of his life,Coleridge was acutely aware of the bliss of human connection. Had he led a life free of sufferinghe might have never realized the wondrous fullness that comes during a father’s watch over hischild’s midnight sleep.


学习啦在线学习网   To be hollow with longing is to be suffused with love. The thirsty person best knows water.Wounded hearts realize the essence of healing.


学习啦在线学习网   These are Coleridge’s exhilarating and strangely hopeful conclusions. They are optimisticbecause they envision a world in which suffering, inevitable and pervasive as gravity, is notmeaningless but rather a source of wisdom. Even in the darkest hell, there persists a consolinglight, a light that pulsates all the more forcibly against its murky background. I held this hopehigh the day my girl was born, knowing that she, no matter how adept, would necessarilyundergo failure, frustration, los and confusion.

学习啦在线学习网   这些是柯勒律治的结论,它们振奋人心,新奇而满载希望。这些论调是乐观的,因为在其眼中,世上的苦难,虽然如同地心引力一般,无处不在也无从逃避,但并非毫无意义,其实在是智慧的源泉。即使在最黑暗的地狱,总尚存一缕慰藉的光芒,在阴暗背景的映衬下它跳动得愈加有力。在女儿出生那天我满怀这种希冀——知道无论她多有能耐,都必然会遭遇失败、挫折、损失和迷惘。

学习啦在线学习网   Maybe these challenging episodes would push her to explore her life with more honesty, toassess with more rigor her strengths and weaknesses, and thus to discover useful truthsunavailable in her more contented moments.


  Only months after that March day in the hospital, I sat in my study preparing for a class onColeridge’s Kubla Khan and heard Una in another room gurgle and coo and then cry. I thoughtabout how she would soon grow too old to play with me and then become too jaded to careabout me and then leave home for somewhere else and only very seldom come back. I suddenlyfelt sadder than I ever had before. I felt the pain of losing her and the wonder of loving her. Iadored her more for her imminent going. This wasn’t happiness, and it wasn’t pleasure. It wasa more profound and durable experience, a moment encompassing both tragedy andeuphoria, a child lost and a child found.


  C. S. Lewis once claimed that the opening lines of Kubla Khan filled him with an unquenchablebut rapturous yearning. He believed that such exultant aching is nothing other than joy: “anunsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction.”


  The German term for this experience is, as Lewis tells us, Sehnsucht, and it describes preciselythose instants when we are most alive: so sad we want to cry, so overjoyed that we weep.These antagonistic epiphanies, the inspirations of Coleridge’s genius, mark the transformativeepochs of our lives.

学习啦在线学习网   正如刘易斯所告诉我们的,描述这种体验的德语单词是“Sehnsucht”,它恰恰是描述了我们生活的大部分瞬间:悲伤得想哭,狂喜得落泪。这些截然相反的感受——来源于柯勒律治的天才灵感——记录着我们人生每个重要的转变时刻。

  I have been blessed by at least one such revelation, a marriage of verdure and frost. It keepsmy fatherly affections as fresh as the spring, even though I know snow is never far. It holds meclose to my girl as she walks into the cold distance. She is now seven years old and growingfast. She laughs as much as she cries.




  Ask the locals when is the best time to visit the Forbidden City, majority of them will tell youthe winter. Covered in snow, the majesty of this grand palace is rather enhanced, and becomesmore awe-inspiring.

学习啦在线学习网   问问当地人,什么时节最宜参观紫禁城,大部分人的会告诉你:大约在冬季(O(∩_∩)O)。在皑皑白雪的覆盖下,宏伟的宫殿更显庄严,更令人惊叹。

  From the bottom of my heart,I had to admire the great natural. By the same hydrogen andoxygen are two elements of the material, if it is merged into the rivers, lakes, sea, or in the airof loitering worth, but can become a kind of white hexagonal crystals, a piece of riding Wind,quietly falling down, as if from another world. More than light rain, fog and transparent;romantic but not sensational, and not lingering artificial, but not naive innocent, falling inthe free and easy shows.


  Beijing's cold winter, dry and cold of the dry and cold, windy, sitting inside listening to high-risebuilding, as if serious Guikulanghao general. However, if only so, it is also a lot of money inwinter, late autumn is just a continuation of it. Only ushered in the first snow, snow will bePian Pian hanging branches of leaves completely cleared, will be suspended dust particles in theair pressure buried in the ground, the fall will be all without any idea of impetuous feelingscoagulation, Beijing's winter will come true.

  北京的冬季很冷,干冷干冷的,还刮风,坐在高层建筑内聆听,严重时犹如鬼哭狼嚎一般。但是倘若只是如此,那也算不得冬季的,那只是深秋的一个延续罢了。只有迎来了第一场雪,片片雪花将枝头吊着的叶片彻底清理干净,将悬浮在空中的灰尘颗粒压埋在地上,将秋的一切毫无头绪的浮躁的心情凝固的时候,北京的冬季 便真正来到了。


  At one of the most stunning mountains of China, see the four wonders — ancient pines, bizarre rocks, seas of clouds, and hot springs, and see the sunrise. When the snow settles on all these, the real charm of Mt.Huangshan emerges.


学习啦在线学习网   作为中国最著名的奇山之一,黄山以其四绝“奇松,怪石,云海,温泉”以及美丽的日落景色吸引了无数游客的前来。但当皑皑白雪覆盖黄山每一寸土地时,它那美妙的身姿却是前所未有的清新与迷人。


  The Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival 2009, started from 5th January lasting for nearly 3 months, is definitely the highlight and must-go of a winter tour to China. Every year, artists from around the world will gather in China's northern city Harbin to create a fantasy of ice, snow, and fireworks. There will be literally an ice city created for the festival. Tens of thousands tons of ice and snow will be used to construct buildings and restaurants in life sizes, and thousands of ice and snow sculptures will be created.



学习啦在线学习网   At the Ice City, see the splendid ice carvings, ice lanterns, ski in ski resort, and join the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, which is held annually in January, lasting around a month.



学习啦在线学习网   What can be more exiting for shopping when the brands you love are at half price or less? The winter Christmas sales in Hong Kong is in-no-doubt the paradise for your hunting on luxury brand clothing, jewelries, and electronic devices.



  Enjoy a fine winter in Hong Kong. No typhoon or freezing weather to worry about, during the Christmas holiday, the local people go all out with their decorations, the colours and tinsel are just mesmerizing, they attend the amazing "Winterfest" and taste crazy shopping there, may you join in? We recommend a Hongkong winter tours for you.

学习啦在线学习网   来香港享受一个绝妙的冬天吧!在这里,你不用担心台风,寒冷。圣诞假期期间,这里万人空巷。盛装出行的当地人在闪耀的霓虹灯的包围中,尽情享受着“冬季嘉年华”的迷人魅力。你愿意加入他们疯狂购物的行列吗?我们由衷向您推荐“香港冬之旅”。





