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学习啦在线学习网   如果过分追求成长速度,无异拔苗助长。成长的历程,正因为有各式各样的经历才显得尽善尽美。小编精心收集了关于成长变化的英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!


  Suddenly look back, that we have already grew up, when the word, 18 has often hung in the mouth. Once upon a time, that is so sacred 18 years old, only know when we grow up, can fly. But now, when I really must face it, when suddenly feel a vague unprepared. I worry about whether oneself can fully understand 18 this ordinary digital contain rich connotations, but I understand, 18 means responsibility. Maybe growth itself is a kind of responsibility!High school years, we spent six years before the flowering, 17 in the rainy season. Once in the confusion, and in quiet sighed for yourself in confusion and calm, we grow up. Hence, began to use my own brain to think about everything around, perhaps this is shallow, but we should not blindly follow a group of pride, to the child with reason and mature farewell once young ignorant.18 is an end, is a start. At this moment, and lost, in pursuit of the conversion between, we feel happy, also experiencing pain.

  Almost all of the pain comes from the dream. When we tasted suffering to realize your dream, finally, it joy appreciate that: pain, often breeds happy seeds. This is not an easy growth, pain and sufferings, is not bad, we know that, when reality cannot change, we shall timely change, but we have always loved with real bargain, because we love the world, the happiness and warmth and love and pain of the world. In the process of growing up, we learned that you, for we cannot untie those small knot, we learned to smile, to appreciate beauty of it. Because we know that just graciously turned, can find new and beautiful scenery.Growth is a pain, but I don't want to let it leave scar. Growth is a metamorphosis, experienced hardships to break cocoon.In the growth of the road is often lonely, to learn in no one's time to give ourselves. Don't worry, fear brave, frankly, facing the growth of everything for yourself in the faith, encouragement, give yourself to yourself. In the growth of the journey, we need is calm, quiet, bravely facing.Standing on the threshold of the adult, the eyes of the young people are still may face. Young, bright eyes, revealed a cynical smile, lonely lurk gentle sadness. Maybe this is sad to grow, rejoice, frustrated with relief, noise with halcyon.Once the bitter memories of the day, in the picture, has a fragrance.

  Whenever night with lightsome pace shanshan, the flourishing and noisy, and gradually disappeared in the quiet night, I often into the boundless memory. In memory, the promise of desire and beautiful promises that grasping the persistence and unremitting efforts, the blade into my happiness, elaborate collect.Yes, the pain and growth record, grow under the engraved along the footprint, step by step, we become mature and future.


学习啦在线学习网   The fulfilling life, the distinctive life, the relevant life, is an achievement, not something that will fall into your lap because you're a nice person or mommy ordered it from thecaterer[20]. You'll note the founding fathers took pains to secure yourinalienable[21]right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—quite an active verb, "pursuit"—which leaves, I should think, little time for lying around watching parrots rollerskate on Youtube. The first President Roosevelt, the oldRough Rider[22], advocated thestrenuous[23]life. Mr. Thoreau wanted todrive life into a corner[24], to live deep and suck out all themarrow[25]. The poetMary Oliver[26]tells us to row, row into the swirl and roil. Locally, someone ... I forget who ... from time to time encourages young scholars tocarpe the heck out of the diem[27]. The point is the same: get busy, have at it. Don't wait for inspiration or passion to find you. Get up, get out, explore, find it yourself, and grab hold with both hands. Now before you dash off and get your YOLO (You Only Live Once) tattoo, let me point out the illogic of that trendy little expression—because you can and should live not merely once, but every day of your life. Rather than You Only Live Once (YOLO), it should be You Live Only Once (YLOO) ... but because YLOO doesn't have the same ring, we shrug and decide it doesn't matter.

  None of this day-seizing, though, this YLOOing, should be interpreted as license for self-indulgence. Like accolades ought to be, the fulfilled life is a consequence, agratifying[28]by-product. It's what happens when you're thinking about more important things.

学习啦在线学习网   Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. Go to Paris to be in Paris, not to cross it off your list and congratulate yourself for being worldly. Exercise free will and creative, independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you, but for the good they will do others, the rest of the 6.8 billion—and those who will follow them. And then you too will discover the great and curious truth of the human experience is that selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself. The sweetness joys of life, then, come only with the recognition that you're not special.


学习啦在线学习网   然而,所谓时不我待,或者人生无法重来,都不应拿来作为自我放纵的借口。正如荣誉本身一样,充实的人生是一个结果,一个带给人成就感的副产品。它是你在思考更为重要的事情时自然而然的结果。




学习啦在线学习网   爱情,在婚姻的殿堂中成长

学习啦在线学习网   Social scientists have observed that marriages typically move through a series of at least four stages. Each stage presents unique learning opportunities and blessings, along with challenges and obstacles.


学习啦在线学习网   Stage One – Romance, Passion and Promise

学习啦在线学习网   第一阶段——浪漫,激情,承诺

学习啦在线学习网   In the beginning of a relationship partners often communicate effortlessly and at length. They seem to intuit each other’s needs and wishes and go out of their way to please and surprise each other. Couples begin to develop a strong sense of “we.”


  Individual differences are minimized, if noticed at all; partners are very accepting. Joy, excitement, happiness and hope abound.


  Partners present and elicit their best selves. Life seems promising. It is a time of sharing dreams and romance. This is a time to be remembered and cherished.


学习啦在线学习网   Stage Two – Settling down and Realization


  The high energy and intensity of Stage One inevitably give way to the ordinary and routine.

学习啦在线学习网   第一阶段的热情和激情不可避免地被随之而来的生活琐事所磨灭。

  Ideally, in Stage Two couples learn to deepen their communication skills. They work to understand and express their wants, needs, and feelings.


学习啦在线学习网   They learn to be honest and vulnerable and to listen actively to each other.


学习啦在线学习网   They become aware of differences not noticed previously and develop strategies for dealing with them. Couples learn about give and take, negotiation and accommodation.


学习啦在线学习网   Stage Three – Rebellion and Power Struggles


  Spouses cannot always live up to each other’s expectations. They will disappoint and unintentionally hurt each other.

学习啦在线学习网   夫妻关系中没有人总能满足对方的期盼。不经意间,他们会使对方失望,甚至伤害到对方。

学习啦在线学习网   They now become intensely aware of their differences and may use control strategies to bring back the desired balance.


学习啦在线学习网   Power struggles are common. Blame, judgment, criticism and defensiveness are likely outcomes.


  Fear and anxiety enter the relationship. Couples’ thinking can narrow into right/wrong, good/bad polarities.

学习啦在线学习网   婚姻关系混进了恐惧和担忧,夫妻的思想很可能会缩窄到对/错,好/坏两个极端。

学习啦在线学习网   Ideally, couples learn about forgiveness and accommodation in this stage. They learn to deal constructively with anger and hurt. A supportive community becomes especially important.


  Stage Four – Discovery, Reconciliation, and Beginning Again


  Couples can push through the previous stage through deepened communication, honesty and trust.

学习啦在线学习网   夫妻可以跳过第三阶段这道坎,但需要加深彼此的沟通,坦诚和信任。

学习啦在线学习网   Ideally, they discover and create a new sense of connection. They learn more about each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

学习啦在线学习网   在理想的情况下,他们会探寻并创造出一种新的维系婚姻的方式。

  They learn to identify and talk about their fears instead of acting them out. They refuse to judge or blame their partner; they translate their complaints into requests for change.

学习啦在线学习网   他们学会要了解更多对方的长处和弱点。他们学会试图说出他们心中的恐惧,而不是直接表现在行动上以致伤害对方。他们不再批评或指责对方,而将对方的抱怨视为让自己变得更好的要求。

学习啦在线学习网   Partners see each other in a new light, as gifted and flawed, just as they themselves are gifted and flawed. Empathy and compassion increase. They learn to appreciate and respect each other in new ways; they learn not to take each other for granted.


  They find a new balance of separateness and togetherness, independence and intimacy. A new hope and energy return to the relationship.

学习啦在线学习网   他们发现了一种在分开和共处之间,独立和亲密之间的平衡。婚姻关系重新注入新的希望和力量。

  Additional Challenges and Stages


  Many couples will encounter additional life cycle stages. Just like marriage, creating a family will face many challenges.


学习啦在线学习网   It is another opportunity to learn about cooperation and becoming a team, about dealing with differences and conflicts, and about taking time to pause and choose.


学习啦在线学习网   Parenting is a spiritual journey that involves not only the growth of the children but the growth of the parents. Like marriage, it will have many opportunities to surrender and die to self, to let go and to grieve.

学习啦在线学习网   成为父母是一个心灵上新的旅程,期间不断发育成长的不仅有孩子,而且父母也会壮大他们的力量,思想更加成熟。如同婚姻,成为父母也要很大牺牲,要懂取舍和放弃。

  Other life cycle challenges include illness, unemployment and other financial crises, retirement, and the death of one’s partner. Many couples must take care of the older generation while letting go of the younger one.


学习啦在线学习网   Growth throughout the marital journey requires openness and flexibility. Faith requires trust and surrender. Even if we cannot see the entire road and where it will end, we need to have clarity to take the next few steps.

学习啦在线学习网   在婚姻的旅程中,爱情的成长需要坦诚和适应。信念需要信任和退让来维持。尽管我们未必能遇见前方的道路,也不知何处是幸福的彼岸,我们仍然需要清晰的指导,引领未来的生活。

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