Rumors are circulating that American actress Anne Hathaway is replacing Carey Mulligan to star in a remake of the 1964 film My Fair Lady. It's still a mystery who will finally snag the role of Eliza Doolittle, a vulgar flower girl who is transformed into a lady by a language expert, but the news has definitely called attention to the word “lady”。
The word always conjures up images of women in the Victorian era of British history or Jane Austen novels. But do we have to go back to dressing in that style to be a lady? What does being a lady actually mean in the 21st century?
学习啦在线学习网 这一词汇总是让人们联想起英国历史上的维多利亚时代以及简?奥斯汀小说中的女性形象。但要成为淑女,就非得选择这种复古装扮么?21世纪,淑女到底是如何定义的呢?
British etiquette tutor William Hanson told The Telegraph that being a lady today is all about elegance and confidence. “The behavior doesn't need to be something straight out of a Jane Austen novel,” he said. But that doesn't mean there are no specific rules to being a modern day lady. According to Hanson and other experts on etiquette, a real lady must tick all the following boxes of style and manner.
学习啦在线学习网 英国礼仪顾问威廉?汉森在接受《每日电讯报》采访时表示,现如今,淑女的判定标准不外乎优雅与自信。“行为举止不必照搬简?奥斯汀小说,”他说。但这并不意味着新时代淑女无规可循。汉森和其他礼仪专家一致认为,一位真正的淑女必须严格遵守以下这些有关风度与礼仪的条条框框。
学习啦在线学习网 Education
Being educated was one of the essential qualities of a lady in the time of Jane Austen, when the middle class was commonly educated at home. In Pride & Prejudice, Caroline Bingley says: “A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing and the modern languages to deserve the word [lady].” Mr Darcy adds that an accomplished lady must also improve her mind through extensive reading.
This educational requirement hasn't been compromised much. A lady by today's standards must educate herself in every possible way, from higher education to common sense manners, according to Candice Simpson, author of How to Be a Lady: A Contemporary Guide to Common Courtesy.
学习啦在线学习网 Dress code
One of the biggest misconceptions of a lady is that she can't be fashionable, pointed out Eunice J Leong of elegantwoman.org. As a modern example of a lady, Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton has proved that it's possible to be elegant and fashionable at the same time. But elegant fashion is usually understated and simple ― ostentatious designer logos should be avoided.
学习啦在线学习网 来自elegantwoman.org网站的尤尼斯?J?梁指出,人们对淑女最大的误解就是淑女与时尚绝缘。作为当代淑女的典范,剑桥公爵夫人凯特?米德尔顿已经证明时尚与优雅可以并存。但优雅的时尚通常是低调而简约的——应避免高调的品牌标志。
In addition, according to Hanson, a lady never feels the need to show her flesh, legs or cleavage ― she always lets her natural beauty shine. Hanson even prescribes strict skirt lengths. He believes a lady should never wear any garment that rises too far above the knee ― if necessary, she should wear dark colored tights. Based on this rule, Lady Gaga, one of the most famous ladies of our times, should be simply Gaga.
学习啦在线学习网 英国礼仪顾问威廉?汉森还表示,真正的淑女从不需要露肉,露腿或者露乳沟——她永远散发出自然美。汉森甚至规定了严格的裙长要求。他认为,淑女不应穿任何膝上过短的裙子。若有必要,也应该配上一条深色的打底裤。从这一点看,时下最知名女性之一的Lady Gaga大概只能改叫Gaga了。
Table manners
A true lady knows that she is expected to begin eating first, before the men, said Hanson. So don't faff around, as a true gentleman will just sit there watching his food go cold as you carry on chattering.
学习啦在线学习网 汉森表示,真正的淑女清楚自己在用餐时应该优先于男士。所以不要瞎忙活一通,因为一位真正的绅士可是会一直听着你唠叨然后眼睁睁地看着自己的食物冷掉的。
A much forgotten skill, added Hanson, is “turning the table”。 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is still an advocate of this. It means speaking to the person on either side of you, one after the other. During the first course a lady speaks to the person on her left, during the second course she speaks to the person on her right, and so on. And no one ever talks across the table.
Art of words
Although it can be tempting to gossip quietly about a friend or close acquaintance, a lady should avoid mean gossip, said Hanson. It leaves a bad impression on others, even if they are joining in. If you freely gossip about someone, others will begin to wonder if you gossip about them to others.
学习啦在线学习网 Further tips for being a lady, as offered by Hanson, include:
Don't swear.
Don't be brusque with others.
Don't overshare or talk about your private life loudly in public.
