学习啦在线学习网 美文可以用来涵养学生心灵,培养学生的想象能力,为学生提供写作素材,并可用来提供写作技巧方面的借鉴。学习啦小编整理了有关大学生英语美文,欢迎阅读!
This is, of course, not an all-inclusive list, but it’s a good start to reclaiming some time back. These were some of my biggest time-wasters:
1. Television – just stop it. Besides the occasional news, a movie every once in a while, some documentaries, I found it to be a huge time-waster.
学习啦在线学习网 电视——直接忽略。我发现,除了偶尔看看新闻、电影和纪录片,电视对我来说纯粹是浪费。
2. Internet/web – It’s really become the new television, and as such, an equivalent waste of time. Ask yourself this, “Do I really need to see another cat video?”
学习啦在线学习网 3. Email – This was a more difficult one for me since responding to emails made me believe that I was being more productive. However, responding to emails all day was actually making me less productive by taking my focus off things that I really needed to get done. I now limit my time and frequency of responding to emails.
学习啦在线学习网 邮件——这个还真难下手。毕竟,我一直认为回复邮件可以提高效率。但事实却是,每天回复邮件反倒转移我的注意力,大大降低了效率。现在我已经限制了自己回复邮件的时间和频率。
Seven Ways to Create More Time In Your Day
1. Get Up Earlier
学习啦在线学习网 Get up fifteen minutes earlier. If you're like most folk, your morning probably feels rushed: you drag yourself out of bed at the last possible minute, grab a hasty shower, maybe get some breakfast if you're lucky, sort out the kids/cat/partner and dash off to work.
学习啦在线学习网 提前15分钟起床。你要是像大部分人那样起床,早上可能会觉得有点赶:在最后一刻挣扎着起来,赶紧冲个澡,来得及的话就吃两口早餐,安顿好小孩/猫咪/爱人后冲出门上班。
学习啦在线学习网 Getting up just a bit earlier can give you some breathing space. Perhaps it'll give you time to actually sit down and enjoy your breakfast for once. Maybe you can use that fifteen minutes a day to read through that book or stack of journals that you keep meaning to get to.
学习啦在线学习网 稍微早点起床就不至于那么匆忙。或许至少可以真正坐下来吃顿早餐。你也可以利用每天早起的15分钟看看书或者整理一下记事本。
2. Create a Plan
At the start of your workday, before you even check your emails, make a plan. Jot down the three most important tasks you want to accomplish that day. Put a big star next to the most important. Now, before you get into the busy work of emails and photocopying and tidying your desk, start on that important task and see it through to the end.
Surprisingly few people take the time to plan their workday, and end up spinning their wheels on a number of low-priority tasks without really accomplishing anything big.
学习啦在线学习网 3. Batch Tasks Together
When you're going through the workday, try to keep similar tasks together. When you switch from one thing to another, your brain takes a few minutes to catch up and settle in: constantly jumping between answering emails and writing a report and tidying up your desk just means you'll lose track of where you'd got to. You might feel like you're working super-efficiently (because your mind is buzzing all over the place), but you'll actually be wasting a lot of time.
学习啦在线学习网 If you need to answer a number of emails, do them all at once. The same goes for phone calls, filing, photocopying and other similar tasks.
4. Block Out Chunks of Time
Do you have some big project that you'd love to get round to? Maybe it's writing a novel, starting a business, training for a marathon... whatever your particular venture or goal, you never get around to making progress.
学习啦在线学习网 你是否有个大计划总想花时间去做?比如写小说、创业、或马拉松训练,不管个人想法或目标是什么,你就是还没时间去落实吧?
The best way to tackle big projects like this is to force them into your schedule. Spare time doesn't just appear from nowhere – you need to make a conscious effort to create it. Block out a weekend afternoon, for instance: tell family and friends you have another engagement that day. Then storm on ahead with that project. Trust me, you'll feel great for having made a start.
5. Don't Multitask
学习啦在线学习网 Although multitasking feels efficient – because it feels busy – it actually loses you time. By sticking to doing one thing at a time, you'll be much more focused and able to produce your best work: there's nothing efficient about rushing a job which you then end up having to redo.
学习啦在线学习网 虽然同时处理多个任务会使你感到很有效率(因为一直在忙),但其实很耗时间。坚持一次只做一件事,你会更专注更有效率:与其匆忙“鬼画符”后又返工,还不如先专心做好一件事呢。
6. Stay Focused
学习啦在线学习网 When you are working on a task, make a conscious effort to remain focused. Sure, you'll have intrusive thoughts like maybe I should check my email or this desk could really do with tidying. Just recognize that those thoughts are impulses which you don't need to give into. If you think of something while you're working on your task like I really must phone Joe, then just make a note on a bit of paper or in your diary so you don't forget – and get on with the task at hand.
学习啦在线学习网 You'll accomplish much more by working in a deliberately focused way than if you let yourself jump around from task to task as things come to mind.
学习啦在线学习网 7. Finish Work On Time
学习啦在线学习网 Finally, one of the best ways to make more time in your life is to finish your work on time! If you work for an employer, make an effort to leave the office on time – at least a couple of days each week. (I know this is difficult if your workplace has a long-hours culture).
If you work for yourself, you need to be even more self-disciplined, as your work is likely to be very easily accessible when you're at home! Some good ways to create a boundary at the end of the day are to keep your work separate from the rooms in your house where you relax. You could also schedule something social in the evening (perhaps meeting friends for a drink) so that you can't get caught up in "just one more email".
学习啦在线学习网 Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it maybe, from the back or from a blurb on the front. But who knows, right? Those bits and pieces aren't always right.
学习啦在线学习网 Sometimes people advertise themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re something completely different. Either there was some good marketing attached to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a superficial way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could have ever told you.
You start off slow. The story is beginning to unfold. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment lugging this time around. Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel guilty about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll keep hate-reading or just set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe you’ll come back to it some night, drunk or lonely — needing something to fill the time, but it won’t be any better than it was when you first started reading it.
Maybe you’re worn out. You’ve read tons of books before. Some were just light weights on a Kindle or Nook, no big deal really. Others were Infinite Jest-style burdens, heavy on your back or in your purse. Weighing you down all the time. Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just weren’t worth it. Do they even write new, great works of literature anymore? Maybe that time you fell in love with a book before will just never happen for you again. Maybe it’s a once in a lifetime feeling and you’re never gonna find it again.
Or something exciting could happen. Maybe this will become your new favorite book. That’s always a possibility right? That’s the beauty of risk. The reward could actually be worth it. You invest your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is empathy and a new understanding and pure wonder.
学习啦在线学习网 当然,生活总会有新鲜事发生,你也会有新的爱书。一切总有可能,不是吗?这正是冒险的魅力。得到的也大抵物有所值吧。你在字里行间播撒时间和心思,自然便可收获新的感悟、理解与遐思。
How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger, some author, some character. It’s like they’re seeing inside your soul. This book existed inside some book store, on a shelf, maybe handled by other people and really it was just waiting for you pick it up and crack the spine. It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not alone.”
You just want more of the story. You want to keep reading, maybe everything this author’s ever written. You wish it would never end. The closer it gets to the smaller side of the pages, the slower you read, wanting to savor it all. This book is now one of your favorites forever. You will always wish you could go back to never having read it and pick it up fresh again, but also you know you’re better for having this close, inside you, covering your heart and mind.
学习啦在线学习网 你渴望更多故事,你继续阅读,甚至搜集这位作者以往所有作品。你希望故事永远延续。书页越翻越薄,你也越读越慢,心里想着要细细含英咀华。此刻,它确定无疑就是你永恒的至爱了。你总想一读再读,每次捧起它都感觉新奇如初,而你也明白:因为内心深处的每一缕思绪都与它这般亲密,你已变得更加美好。
学习啦在线学习网 “A year's plan starts with spring. A day's plan starts with morning.” People often would like to make some plans and preparations, even make an accurate calculation of each stage so as to make study and work systematic and orderly.
On the contrary, “Plan varies faster than change.” Even the most accurate plan may have accidents and maybe disturbed. It then became the excuse for those who are unwilling to make plans.
学习啦在线学习网 Are you good at making plans? Will you make a schedule for a week, a month, a quarter or even a year? If your plan is disturbed, what will you do? Will you follow suit or be pushed by time?