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  以下是小编整理的哲理类英语美文欣赏:经营感情的奥秘 摒弃10个坏习惯, 希望对你有所感触。

  Ever feel that your relationship suffers from aunique brand of frustration, tension, distance, orany number of other troubling feelings? The realityis, there is struggle in every romance. "If you areexperiencing disillusionment, well, join the humanrace" .

  你是否曾经感觉自己的感情曾经遭受沮丧,紧张,距离或其他负面情绪的困扰?事实是,在每段感情中这些纠结都不可避免。“如果你正在经历这种幻灭,那么说明你和大家都一样” 。

  Hendrix, author of the best selling book, Getting theLove You Want, started examining the question, "why do couples fight" in the late 1970s. Afterstudying and working with thousands of couples, he has found that there are 10 common badhabits couples engage in that make relationships miserable and can lead to break-up ordivorce.

学习啦在线学习网   畅销书《相爱一生》的作者Hendrix在上世纪70年代末开始研究这个问题,“夫妻间为什么会有争斗”。在对几千对夫妻进行了研究和共事之后,他发现,那些婚姻悲剧的夫妻有10个共同的坏习惯,这可能导致他们分手或离婚。

学习啦在线学习网   1. Be critical.


学习啦在线学习网   Even "constructive" criticism can make your partner defensive and reduce the feeling of safetyin a relationship. Being harsh and judgmental when angry can trigger a "flight or fightresponse."

学习啦在线学习网   哪怕是“建设性”的批评也会让你的伴侣产生抵触情绪,并降低二人关系之间的安全感。过于严厉和主观,会让愤怒引发一场“战斗或战斗反应”。

学习啦在线学习网   2. Insist your partner be exactly the same as you.


  "Absolute compatibility" is an express route to a dull relationship. If you insist your partnerhave the same feelings and perceptions as you do, it can lead to despair and misery.

学习啦在线学习网   “绝对的一致”很快就会让两人的关系变得乏味。如果你坚持让你的伴侣拥有和你一样的感觉和认识,这会导致绝望和悲剧。

  3. Flee from intimacy.


  If you habitually avoid being physically or emotionally close with your partner throughescaping into work, hobbies, television, or other activities, you risk creating a divide betweenyou and your partner that may become impossible to breach.


  4. Play the blame game.


  Using "you" language when upset will make your partner put up their defenses. When yourgoal is to communicate in a way that fosters intimacy, use statements that begin with "I feel"instead.


学习啦在线学习网   5. Bargain.


  Both "giving conditionally and receiving cautiously" erode relationships. He warns against doingsomething for a partner only when you want something in exchange.

学习啦在线学习网   “有条件的给予和谨慎的接受”都会毁掉一段感情。Hendrix警告的是那些为伴侣做某件事只是为了交换另一件事的人。

学习啦在线学习网   6. Be casual about romance.


学习啦在线学习网   No relationship can be spontaneously joyful forever. Once the initial excitement of a newromance wears off, some couples think their relationship is over and give up trying. They riskmissing out on experiencing a deeper kind of love.


  7. Focus on the negative.


学习啦在线学习网   If you constantly think and talk about your partner's flaws it can amplify your discontent. Aparadox of most forms of couples therapy is that you spend your sessions complaining aboutyour partner—something that can actually be detrimental to your relationship.


  8. Refuse to listen.


学习啦在线学习网   Thinking you are the right all the time and engaging in a one-way monologue is a great wayto end up in a relationship…of one.

学习啦在线学习网   认为自己任何时候都是正确的,而且只顾着自己说话,这是毁掉一段感情的好办法。

学习啦在线学习网   9. Hide your needs.


  If you don't express what you need and want to your partner, you'll constantly feel deprivedand frustrated. It's crucial share "the things that truly touch your heart."

  如果你从不对伴侣表达你需要什么想要什么,你会一直感觉到不满和沮丧。分享那些“真正触动你内心的东西” 是非常重要的。

  10. Expect a fairytale romance.


  Fairy tales are just that and eventually we all have to come down to earth. Demanding thefantasy go on forever prevents your partner from ever being their authentic self and fostersresentment and distance.

学习啦在线学习网   童话只是童话,最终我们都要回归现实。希望幻想一直延续会让你的伴侣永远无法做真实的自己,会给你们带来怨恨和距离。
