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学习啦在线学习网   引导学生走近美文,使他们成为美文的崇拜者和得益者,听取 哇 声一片,这正是我们教者的责任,也是当代教育所期待的。小编精心收集了300字英语美文摘抄,供大家欣赏学习!


  It was a few days before Christmas many years ago and it looked like it would be a lean one for my family.


学习啦在线学习网   The saw mill that I was working at had laid a lot of us off while machinery was being repaired so we didn’t have much money.

学习啦在线学习网   我工作的木材加工厂当时正在维修机器,于是我们当中很多被临时停雇,因此我们当时没有什么钱。

  My wife and I had scrimped and saved to buy our young children some toys, but an unexpected car repair had taken most of our cash. We decided then that we could only afford to get one small gift for each of our children.


  We arrived at the store and walked down the parking lot past people loading gifts into their cars. I envied them a bit, because it sure didn’t feel like Christmas to me.

学习啦在线学习网   我们到了商店,经过停车场的时候,看见人们在把礼物装进自己的车里。我有点嫉妒他们,因为我并不觉得自己是在过圣诞节。

  We hurried into the store past the Salvation army bell ringer with our heads down. I had always enjoyed putting something in his kettle before but wasn’t sure if I could afford to this time.

学习啦在线学习网   我们急急忙忙走进商店,在经过救世军敲钟人的时候,我们低下了头。(以往)我都会在他的小壶里放上些东西,但是我不确定这次我还能不能付得起。

学习啦在线学习网   We searched all through the store hoping to find one thing each of our small children would like. Thankfully, we were able to get them each someone sweet. We headed for the checkout, bought the toys, and were amazed that we even had a few dollars left over.


  As we walked out of the store into the brisk, Winter air I stopped and dropped those dollars into the bell ringer’s kettle. I didn’t have a dime left but that didn’t matter. Suddenly, it felt like Christmas.


  I think the wonderful actress, Dale Evans put it best when she said: “Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give it’s Christmas.” It doesn’t have to be a gift of money either. When we give our time, it’s Christmas. When we share our smile, it’s Christmas. When we give others our kindness and compassion, it’s Christmas. When we do anything at any time to help another, it’s Christmas.

学习啦在线学习网   在我看来,女演员Dale Evan把圣诞节的意义阐释得最好,“圣诞精神在于满怀着爱的行动,每当我们去关爱、去施予,就体现了圣诞精神。”它并不需要你花钱买礼物。每当我们愿意为别人花时间(做公益),那就是圣诞节;每当我们用笑容(感染周围),那就是圣诞节;每当我们对别人亲切友善、热情满满,那就是圣诞节。无论何时,无论以何种方式,每当我们帮助别人,那就是圣诞节。

  May you do all you can to make it Christmas every day of the year and every day of your life here. May you always share God’s light through the love you give and the life you live.



学习啦在线学习网   As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch light. "This must be the house." I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group. We pulled up in front of an older home with the porch light glowing. We gathered up our song books, walked up the steps, and knocked on the door. We heard a faint voice from inside say, “Come on in. The door is open." We opened the door.

学习啦在线学习网   在那个寒冷的12月份的夜晚我们开车在路上慢慢行驶时看到了门廊的灯光,我跟我们这个“积极行动的青年小队”说:“一定就是这家了。”我们把车停在一栋旧房子前,门廊灯光很亮。我们拿出歌集,走上台阶敲了敲门,听到里面传来一个虚弱的声音:“进来吧,门开着呢”,我们推开了门。

学习啦在线学习网   There in a rocking chair sat an elderly woman with a big smile on her face. "I've been expecting you." she said weakly. Ruth was one of our Meals On Wheels stops I had arranged; along with the usual church members who enjoyed carolers. We handed Ruth the basket of goodies the teens had assembled earlier that evening. Then I asked Ruth what carols she would like to hear. Ruth's face was beaming as she joined in singing each song.

学习啦在线学习网   摇椅上坐着一位老太太,脸上带着灿烂的笑容,她虚弱地说:“我一直盼着你们来。”Ruth的家是我安排的上门送餐服务的一站,和我们一起来的还有喜欢唱圣歌的常去教堂的人。我们递给Ruth一篮子美味的食物,都是我们这些年轻人那天晚上提前装好的。然后我问Ruth她想听什么圣诞颂歌,她跟着唱每首歌时脸上都洋溢着笑容。

学习啦在线学习网   As we hugged Ruth good-bye she said to me with tears glistening in her eyes, “The day you called I was still in bed. I had just finished praying. I asked God if it would be possible to have some Christmas Carolers come to my home and sing this year. Thank you for being the answer to my Christmas prayer."


  Wow, what an awesome experience to have the opportunity to be the answer to someone's Christmas prayer.

学习啦在线学习网   哇哦,能使别人的祷告得以实现是多棒的一次经历呀。

学习啦在线学习网   Bible Text: When you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you. Matthew 6:6



  I have received many Christmas gifts over the years. The best gift I ever received was presented to me by a stranger. I never even knew his name and I only had contact with him for less than 60 seconds. His Christmas present to me changed the way I think about people and about Christmas.

学习啦在线学习网   这些年我收到过很多圣诞礼物,其中最好的礼物来自一个陌生人。我不曾知道他的名字,我俩之间沟通不到60秒。他送我的圣诞礼物改变了我对别人和圣诞节的看法。

学习啦在线学习网   I hate Black Friday sales. It's often a gathering of people who are there for many different reasons. Some are looking for a deal on that one item for their loved one, or perhaps themselves. Their intentions are completely unrelated to the festive time of year, and can merely be summed up with one word, "EBay!"

学习啦在线学习网   我讨厌黑色星期五的特卖,总有很多人因为很多不同的原因聚在一起。有些人是为所爱的人或者可能为自己买东西。他们的目的都跟一年一度的节日一点关系都没有,只能总结为一个词:“便宜”!

  It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the local department store on Black Friday morning. They had advertised a child's bike that she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large crowd, waiting for the manager to blow the whistle. After a while the whistle blew. It was like throwing a bucket of chum into a tank of sharks. I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but if we did not, I was OK with that too.


  As the pallet of bikes began to gradually decrease in size, I saw my polite opportunity to wrap my hands around the corner of one of the boxes. I lifted it off the crate and suddenly felt some mild resistance. I looked up to see one of the largest gentlemen I had ever seen in my life. Intimidating was not the word to describe his presence. He was adorned with numerous straps of metal spiked leather around both arms and even his neck. Tattoos were an obvious passion of his.


  I started to relinquish the box but he gently pushed it back in my direction and back into my hands. He then directed it into my shopping cart. He looked at me, smiled, and said, "Merry Christmas."My wife and I went to the checkout, paid for the bike and went home. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was by far the best Christmas gift I had ever received. The kindness of a stranger that broke all preconceived notions I may have had of stereotypes and prejudices. The tenderness of a human heart in a simple act. I will never forget it.


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