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学习啦在线学习网   Oil Refining

  An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil War. Crude oil, or petroleum -- adark, thick ooze from the earth -- had been known for hundreds of years, but little use hadever been made of it. In the 1850's Samuel M. Kier, a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania,began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene. Refining, like smelting,is a process of removing impurities from a raw material.

学习啦在线学习网   Kerosene was used to light lamps.It was a cheap substitute for whale oil,which was becomingharder to get. Soon there was a large demand for kerosene. People began to search for newsupplies of petroleum.

  The first oil well was drilled by E. L. Drake, a retired railroad conductor. In 1859 he begandrilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania. The whole venture seemed so impractical and foolish thatonlookers called it "Drake's Folly".But when he had drilled down about 70 feet (21 meters),Drake struck oil. His well began to yield 20 barrels of crude oil a day.

  News of Drake's success brought oil prospectors to the scene. By the early 1860's thesewildcatters were drilling for "black gold" all over western Pennsylvania. The boom rivaled theCalifornia gold rush of 1848 in its excitement and Wild West atmosphere. And it brought farmore wealth to the prospectors than any gold rush.

  Crude oil could be refined into many products. For some years kerosene continued to be theprincipal one. It was sold in grocery stores and door-to-door. In the 1880's refiners learnedhow to make other petroleum products such as waxes and lubricating oils. Petroleum was notthen used to make gasoline or heating oil.


  一种重要的新兴工业--炼油业在国内战争后成长起来。 未加工的石油,或原油--一种深色的地下的稠浆--数百年来一直为大众所知,但是人们却很少使用过它。 在十九世纪五十年代,萨缪尔 ·M ·科尔,宾西法尼亚西部的一位制造商,开始从当地的溢出物中收集石油并将它炼成煤油。与冶炼矿石一样,石油提炼是一个从未加工的原料中除去杂质的过程。煤油被用来点灯。 它是鲸油的一种便宜的替代品,而鲸油正变得越来越难以获得。 不久就产生了对煤油的大量需求。 人们开始寻找新的石油供应。 第一口油井为 E ·L ·瑞克,一个退休的火车检票员所钻得。

学习啦在线学习网   1859年他开始在宾西法尼亚的泰特斯维尔钻井。 整个的这项冒险事业看起来是如此不现实和愚蠢以致旁观者称之为"鸭子的蠢行"。 (译者注:Drake's Folly, drake 在这里意含双关,即指瑞克的名字,又指该词的本义即鸭子。 )但当瑞克往下钻至70 英尺(21 米)的时候,他发现了石油。 他的油井从此每天生产20 桶原油。 瑞克成功的消息将石油勘探者们吸引到现场。 截止到 19 世纪 60 年代早期,这些冒险者为寻找"黑色的金子"钻探遍了整个宾西法尼亚西部。 这项繁荣的事业在刺激性和粗犷的西部气氛上可与1848 年的加州淘金热相媲美,而且它为勘探者带来了远超过淘金潮的财富。 原油能被提炼成许多产品。多年以来煤油一直是主要的一种产品。它在杂货店中出售由人挨户推销。 19世纪八十九十年代炼油者们懂得了生产其它石油产品,如蜡和润滑油。 那时石油还没有被用来制造汽油或采暖装置用油。


学习啦在线学习网   Oil and Water

  To understand the emulsifying process, we must first accept the scientific principle that oiland water do not naturally mix. Quite literally, they find each other's presence repulsive. Agood illustration of this aversion is homemade oil and vinegar salad dressing.When youshake or beat your salad dressing, you do more than disperse the oil throughout the vinegar:you also break down the oil into droplets minute enough to remain temporarily suspended inthe vinegar (which from now on we will call water, because that tart condiment is in effectmainly water). The second you stop agitating the dressing, the oil droplets start to combineinto units too large to be suspended in the water, and thus slither their way upward,separating from the water in the process.

  The oil rises to the top and the water sinks because oil has a lower specific density than water.If you want a stable emulsion, you need an emulsifying agent which prevents the oil dropletsfrom combining into larger units. Emulsifying agents occur naturally in many animal substancesincluding egg yolks and milk. An emulsifying agent helps to keep the oil particles from combiningin three basic ways. First, the agent coats the oil, serving as a physical barrier between thedroplets.

学习啦在线学习网   Second, it reduces the water's surface tension, which, in turn, reduces the water's ability torepulse oil. Third, the agent gives the surfaces of the oil droplets identical electrical charges;since like charges repel each other the droplets repel each other.


  为理解乳化过程的发生,我们必须首先认识到这样一条科学原理:水和油不能自然混合,它们实实在在互相排斥。 家制的油醋沙拉调料就是一个好例子。 当你搅拌沙拉调料时,你不仅使油扩散到醋里,而且使油滴被搅得很小可以悬浮在醋中( 自此我们改称它为水,因为事实上这种酸性调味品的主要成份就是水)。 一旦你停止了搅动,油滴就会凝聚,大到再也不能悬浮在水中时,它们就向上滑动出来而与水分离了。 因为油的密度小,所以油会浮在水上。如果想得到稳定的乳化,就需要一种乳化剂。它可以不让油形成大的油滴。

  自然界中,很多动物体中含有乳化剂,如蛋黄和牛奶。 乳化剂可以从以下三方面阻止油滴凝聚。 一、 乳化剂包裹住油滴,在油滴间形成一道物质屏障。 二、 乳化剂降低水的表面张力,从而降低了水排斥油的能力。 三、 乳化剂使油滴表面带上了同种电荷,因为同种电荷互相排斥,油滴之间也相互排斥。


  Obtaining Fresh Water from Icebergs

  The concept of obtaining fresh water from icebergs that are towed to populated areas andarid regions of the world was once treated as a joke more appropriate to cartoons than reallife. But now it is being considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientistshave warned that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out offood.

学习啦在线学习网   Glaciers are a possible source of fresh water that has been overlooked until recently. Three-quarters of the Earth's fresh water supply is still tied up in glacial ice, a reservoir ofuntapped fresh water so immense that it could sustain all the rivers of the world for 1,000years. Floating on the oceans every year are 7,659 trillion metric tons of ice encased in 10,000icebergs that break away from the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of them fromAntarctica.

学习啦在线学习网   Huge glaciers that stretch over the shallow continental shelf give birth to icebergsthroughout the year. Icebergs are not like sea ice, which is formed when the sea itself freezes,rather, they are formed entirely on land, breaking off when glaciers spread over the sea. Asthey drift away from the polar region, icebergs sometimes move mysteriously in a directionopposite to the wind, pulled by subsurface currents. Because they melt more slowly thansmaller pieces of ice, icebergs have been known to drift as far north as 35 degrees south of theequator in the Atlantic Ocean. To corral them and steer them to parts of the world where theyare needed would not be toodifficult.

  The difficulty arises in other technical matters, such as the prevention of rapid melting inwarmer climates and the funneling of fresh water to shore in great volume. But even if theicebergs lost half of their volume in towing, the water they could provide would be far cheaperthan that produced by desalinization, or removing salt from water.


  把冰山拖到世界上人口稠密的地区和干旱地带,再从中获取淡水,这个想法曾一度被认为是一个笑话,更适合于卡通画,而非现实生活。 然而现在,许多国家正相当认真地考虑这件事情,特别是在科学家们发出警告之后。 科学家们认为人类将在耗尽粮食之前首先耗尽淡水资源。冰川是一个直到最近以前一直被忽视的可能的淡水源。 全球四分之三的淡水还锁在冰川的冰块中。 冰川就是一个蓄水池,其中未开发的淡水量是如此巨大,足够支持全世界的江河 1000 年。 每年有 7,659 万亿公吨冰漂流在海洋中。 它们包含在 10,000 座从极地冰帽中断裂出来的冰山中。

  这些冰山的 90%以上来自南极。 一年四季里,覆盖在浅层大陆架上的巨大冰川生成了众多冰山。 冰山和海水的冰不同,后者是海水自身结冰形成的,而冰山则完全是在陆地上形成的。 当冰川伸展到海水中时,冰山就断裂下来。 当漂离极地地区时,冰山有时会在底层洋流的推动下颇为神秘地逆风移动。 由于冰山比小块的冰融化要慢,因此有的冰山在大西洋中向北飘到了赤道以南35°的地方。 把冰山蓄拦起来并拖到世界上需要它们的地方将不会太困难。 有困难的是其它的技术事宜。 比如,如何防止冰山在较暖的气候中迅速融化以及如何把大量的淡水收集到岸上去。 但是,即便在拖的过程中冰山失去了一半体积,这样做也远比从海水中脱盐取得淡水便宜。

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