学习啦在线学习网 One's beliefs are revealed not so much in words or in formal creeds as in the assumptions on which one habitually acts and in the basic values by which all choices are tested.
The cornerstone of my own value system was laid in childhood with parents who believed that personal integrity came first. They never asked, ”What will people think?” The question was,“What will you think of yourself, if you do this or fail to do that?” Thus, living up to one’s own conception of one’s self became a basic value, and the question, “What will people think,” took a subordinate place.
学习啦在线学习网 孩提时,父母的教诲正是我个人基本价值观的来源,他们相信人格是一切之首。他们从不问:“人们会怎么想?”而是问:“如果你做这件事而不做那件,你会怎么想?”因此,按自己的意愿生活便成为了最基本的价值观,而“人们会怎么想?”这个问题则退居二线。
学习啦在线学习网 A second basic value, in some ways an extension of the first, I owe to an old college professor, who had suffered more than his share of grief and trouble. Over and over he said to us, “The one thing that really matters is to be bigger than the things that can happen to you. Nothing that can happen to you is half so important that the way in which you end it.”
Gradually I realized that here was the basis of the only really security and peace of mind that a human being can have. Nobody can be sure when disaster, disappointment, injustice, or humiliation, may come to him through no fault of his own. Nor can one be guaranteed against one’s own mistakes and failures. But the way we meet life is ours to choose. And when integrity, fortitude, dignity, and compassion are our choice, the things that can happen to us lose their power over us.
学习啦在线学习网 The acceptance of these two basic values led to a third. If what one is and how one meets life are of first importance, one is not impressed by another's money, status, or power, nor does one judge people by their race, color, or social position. This opens up a whole new world of relationships, for when friendships are based on qualities of mind and character, one can have friends among old and young, rich and poor, famous and unknown, educated and unlettered, and among people of all races and all nations.
Given these three basic values, a fourth became inevitable. It is one's duty and obligation to help create a social order in which persons are more important than things, ideas more precious than gadgets, and in which individuals are judged on the basis of personal worth. Moreover, for this judgment to be fair, human beings must have an opportunity for the fullest development of which they are capable. One is thus led to work for a world of freedom and justice through those social agencies and institutions which make it possible for people everywhere to realize their highest potentialities.
学习啦在线学习网 有了上面三条基本的价值观,第四条自然就无法避免。它是一个人协助创造社会秩序的责任与义务。在这个社会秩序中,人比物重要,思想比精巧的器具重要,个人的价值是以人的基本原则为基础的。此外,为保证这个评判的公正,人类必须有机会全面发展自身的能力。于是,社会组织与机构便致力于使世界各地的人们认识到他们最大的潜能,并引导人们为创造一个自由公平的世界而工作。
Perhaps all this adds up to a belief in what has been called the human use of human beings. We are set off from the rest of the animal world by our capacity consciously to transcend our physical needs and desires. Men must concern themselves with food and with other physical needs, and they must protect themselves and their own from bodily harm, but these activities are not exclusively human. Many animals concern themselves with these things. When we worship, pray, or feel compassion, when we enjoy a painting, a sunset or a sonata, when we think and reason, pursue ideas, seek truth, or read a book, when we protect the weak and helpless, when we honor the noble and cherish the good, when we cooperate with our fellow men to build a better world, our behavior is worthy of our status as human beings
学习啦在线学习网 Many years ago I met a man whose unique psychology helped me to shed a life of struggle and uneasiness for great happiness, for peace of mind, and for a measure of success I otherwise would not have attained.
学习啦在线学习网 His name was George Robert White, a man who was orphaned and impoverished at a tender age. Yet, a man whose God-given beliefs made him both a material and a spiritual millionaire at thirty.
学习啦在线学习网 他名叫乔治·罗伯特·怀特,幼年时父母双亡,贫困不堪,然而,因信奉上帝,三十岁时便成为物质上和精神上的百万富翁。
My path to success, and to what I had considered its natural result- happiness-was the ordinary road over which most American businessmen travel, namely, endless hours of hard work, social contacts, wise investments, headaches and heartaches.
学习啦在线学习网 我的成功之路,也是大多数美国商人的致富之路,它由无休止的辛勤工作、社交活动、明智的投资、头痛和心痛一起铺设而成。我曾认为成功理所当然会给我带来幸福。
学习啦在线学习网 To be sure, in a materialistic sense, I had traveled a long way from my father’s farm in Nova Scotia. I had become an executive in a multi-million dollar drug firm. But where was the resulting happiness that my material gain was supposed to have afforded me?
In my private moments of mental inventory, I discovered that I had no more peace of mind, nor was I less afraid of the problems of life and death, than many years before, when I planned my road to happiness and success by the flickering lamp in my father's tiny farmhouse. The reason was, I had neglected spiritual values in my anxiety for material gain.
学习啦在线学习网 但我一人独处整理思绪时,我发现自己的心态不如多年以前在我父亲那幢小小的农舍,坐在摇曳的油灯旁规划我的幸福成功之路时那样平和,我仍然同当年一样害怕想到生与死的问题。原因是:在我急于追求物质财富时,我忽略了精神财富的价值。
It took the kindly advice of George Robert White, to open the pathway for me to happiness and freedom of mind. The important lesson Mr. White taught me is this: If we are to be happy, if we are to be successful in every aspect of the word, if we are to live truly full lives, we must share ourselves, as well as our material gain, with our fellow men.
As a young man, Mr. White took over the leadership of a small soap-manufacturing plant in Boston, and throughout his career he gave away to charity a large part of his net profits.
Yet, despite his unusual business practices, Mr. White built that tiny concern into the world-famous Cuticura Corporation, and became the multi-million-dollar manufacturer of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Shampoo.
学习啦在线学习网 尽管他的经商之路不寻常,他却致力使一家小小的工厂发展成世界著名的库提库亚公司,一个资产达百万美元,生产库提库亚肥皂、软膏和香波的厂家。
I shall never forget Mr. White's words: "Personal success, business success, built upon materialism alone, are empty shells concealing disappointment, saddened lives," which he epitomized by saying: "Cast your bread upon the waters and it will come back in abundance."
学习啦在线学习网 Since Mr. White's death, I have endeavored, as his successor, to adhere to his code of ethics. Two dollars out of every three dollars profit earned by our corporation is shared with others in helping to make our nation a better place in which to live.
学习啦在线学习网 We, in our corporation, believe that it is not sufficient only to manufacture as fine a product as is possible-millions of dollars over the years are being shared by our corporation for the advancement of medicine and science, for chemical research, for art and for beauty.
学习啦在线学习网 在我们公司,我们的信念是:尽力生产优质产品是不够的——多年以来,我们公司将数百万美元投入研发药物和科学,研究化学,提高生活的艺术氛围和人们的审美能力。
学习啦在线学习网 In my personal life I have adopted Mr. White's beliefs, and, in doing so, I have become much better equipped to serve humanity.
学习啦在线学习网 怀特先生的信念也成为我私生活的信条,以它为行动准则,我为人类的奉献更多。
My reward, my blessings, have come to me in the form of personal satisfaction and peace of mind that had been substantially foreign to me.
Yes, I believe that spirituality is the needed seasoning to America's materialism. But it must be that kind of spirituality that takes the form of help and service toward our fellow men.
学习啦在线学习网 的确,我相信,美国的物质主义非常需要精神力量的调剂。这种精神力量必须表现在帮助同胞、为同胞服务上。
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