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  2017百万同题英文写作题目:My Life in the Future

学习啦在线学习网   假如某英文报社组织一次名为“畅想未来”的征文活动,请你根据下面的要点提示,写一篇短文,畅想未来某一天你的生活和工作情况。


学习啦在线学习网   1.起床后边刷牙边欣赏镜子角上的音乐播放器(music video)里播放的音乐

  2.机器人为你准备好了早餐。吃饭时机器人为你准备好公文包和燃氢电力车(hydrogen fuel cell car),之后程序自动驾车将你送到办公室;

学习啦在线学习网   3.你用数字监控系统(digital monitoring system)处理完日常工作后,听机器人为你读当天的新闻摘要。

  2017百万同题英文写作范文:We Are What We Read

  Some people believe that reading is a critical part of learning and growth. Finding the right book at the right time can light an emotional spark within us that motivates us to read more, understand more, and read joyfully. When that happens, the world opens. Everything becomes possible. However, others believe we learn by doing, and learn best from first-hand and concrete experiences, using our senses, exploring our environment of people, things, places and events. What is your view on this issue? Write an essay in response to this issue and give reasons to support your position.


学习啦在线学习网   读书往往对一个人的成长和学习有着重要的影响。在恰当的时间,阅读一本好书可以点燃思想的火花,让我们更加博闻强识,享受阅读。不知不觉,阅读拓宽了我们的视野,激发出无限可能。然而,也有人认为,最好的学习方式是通过实践,使用我们的感官去探究周遭环境中的人、事和风景。对此,你有何看法?就这一主题写一篇作文(本科及以上学生建议300字以上,其他学生如中学生建议100字以上),并给出合适的理由证明你的观点。


  We Are What We Read

学习啦在线学习网   It is generally acknowledged that readingplays an essential role in the growth of individuals. There is no denying thatpeople take extensive reading as a priority in learning. While this doesn'tnecessarily mean learning is restricted to reading, practice is alsocontributing to one's upbringing.

  On the one side, the importance of readingcan never be overemphasized. Great books offer us creative ideas, optimistic perspectivetowards the life and the world, psychological health and cultivate interest.For example, Chairman Mao, who is presumably the greatest militarist of moderntimes and led Chinese people finally overturned imperialism, feudalism, bureaucracy,is a passionate reader throughout his life. Similarly, Premier Zhou, whoseinspiring stories concerning reading books are widely spread, had gain greatrespect as a diplomat with wisdom and humor, which can be partly attributed tohis accumulation of knowledge that is extracted from books. By the contrary, thosewho fail to gain access to books, wasting time on virtual worlds, is likely tolower expectation for themselves and do harm to society. As the saying goes, "Promotingreading among people is pertinent to the health and creativity of a democraticsociety".

学习啦在线学习网   On the other side, we should get a clear perspectiveof the importance of the role of action that plays in learning. It is apparentthat what we take for granted nowadays is actually concluded from thousands ofexperiments. Consequently, going outside and taking part in activities, insteadof reading inside all day long, can teach us something we cannot figure out inbooks. To illustrate, frequent exposure to natural largely shorten the physicaldistance between us and natural, which is of great beneficial to our process oflearning. Furthermore, participating in various kinds of activities, which promotecommunication and interaction, can improve interpersonal relationship.

  In summary, reading and doing are both theindispensable parts of learning. Since they are considered two sides of thecoin, it would seem ridiculous to separate them apart.
