学习啦在线学习网 故事教学法在外语学习中的运用取得了良好的效果并且得到了广泛的运用。小编精心收集了三年级1分钟英语小故事,供大家欣赏学习!
when she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring.one hotsummer afternoon she was playing in the cool,quiet water with hermaidens when she heard arustle behind the bushes .she feltquite angry to find that a young hunter was peepingadmiringlyat her naked body .her maidens gave a sharp cry and crowded around thegoddess.but young actaeon had seen the huntress.
actaeon loved the hunting.he had been searching the woods every day.on this particularafternoon he felt so tired with running about that he,by accident,came over to the springinsearch of water.he was thus surprised to find artemisba thing.the angry goddess was not tobe calmed.she splashed water in the hunter''s face.as soon as the water drops fell onactaeon,he was changed into a stag .just at that moment he heard the barking of his team offifty hunting dogs.they were coming up to him.he was suddenly seized with fear ,andpresently ran away.the dogs,all driven mad by the goddess,ran after him closely.running asfast as his legs could carry him,actaeon was soon out of breath .feeling certain that he 1wasto die,he dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get up.the dogs camenearer to their former masterand tore him to pleces.
学习啦在线学习网 当厌倦狩猎时,阿尔特弥斯常常在小山泉中淋浴。一个盛夏的下午,她和仙女们正在凉爽平静的山泉中戏水时,突然听到灌木丛中沙沙作响。她非常恼怒地发现一个青年猎人用爱慕的眼光偷看自己的裸体。仙女们发出刺耳的尖叫,簇拥在她身旁。但猎手阿卡同还是看见了女猎手阿尔特弥斯。
学习啦在线学习网 阿卡同酷爱打猎。他每日都穿越森林,搜寻猎物。而就在这个下午,他四处奔波颇感疲劳,因寻找水而偶然来到这片泉水旁。这样,他就惊奇地发现水中沐浴的阿尔特弥斯。恼火的女神无法息怒。她将泉水溅到猎手的脸上。水落在他身上后,阿卡同转眼就变成了一只牡鹿。恰在这时,阿卡同听到了猎狗的嚎叫,猎狗们向他扑来,他突然惊慌失措,拔腿逃跑。而那群被女神逼疯了的猎狗们则在后面穷追不舍。阿卡同拼命狂奔,很快就上气不接下气。感觉自己肯定会死去,他就一下躺在地上,不想再起来了。猎狗赶上了从前的主人,将他撕成了碎块。
Atlas And Perseus
学习啦在线学习网 after the killing of medusa,perseus,carrying her head with him,flew far and wide,over landand sea.as night came on,he reached the western limit of the earth ,where the sun goesdown.here he would gladly have rested till morning.it was the kingdom of king atlas,who wasbigger than all other men.he was rich in flocks and herds and had no neighbor or rival toinvade his country.but his chiefpride was in his gardens,whose fruit was of gold,hangingfromg olden branches,half hid with golden leaves.perseus said tohim,“i come as a guest.iclaim zeus for my father and i killedmedusa.i seek rest and food.”but atlas remembered thatanancient prophecy had warned him that a son of zeus should one day rob him of his goldenapples .so he answered,“go away!or neither your false claims of glory or parentage shallprotect you” ;and he attempted to drive him out.perseus,finding thegiant too strong forhim,said,“since you value my friendship solittle,please accept a gift”;and turning his faceaway,he heldup medusa''s head.atlas was changed into stone.his beard and hair becameforests,his arms and shoulders cliffs,his head asummit,and his bones rocks.each partincreased till he becamea mountain,and(such was the pleasure of the gods)heaven with allits stars rests upon his shoulders.
学习啦在线学习网 阿特拉斯和珀尔修斯
the Golden Touch
midas,son of the GREat goddess of ida,by a hero whosename is not remembered ,was apleasureloving king of macedonian bromium,where he ruled over the brigians and planted hisfamous rose gardens.
学习啦在线学习网 one day,the old hero silenus,dionysus'' former teacher,happened to straggle from the mainbody of the dionysian army as it marched out of thrace into boeotia,and was found sleepingand drunken in the rose gardens.the gardeners tied him and ledhim before midas,to whom hetold wonderful tales of a big continent lying beyond the ocean''s stream ——altogetherseparatefrom the united mass of europe,asia,or africa——where gigantic,happy,andlonglived people lived in splendid cities,enjoying a wonderful law system.midas,delighted withsilenus'' fictions,entertained him for five days and nights,and then ordered a guide to leadhim to dionysus'' headquarters.
学习啦在线学习网 dionysus,who had been worrying about silenus,sent toask how midas wished to berewarded.he replied without hesitation:‘please turn all i touch into gold.'' however,notonlystones,flowers,and the furnishings of his house turned to gold but,when he sat downto table,so did the food he ate and the water he drank .midas soon begged to be freed fromhis wish,because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst.highlyamused ,dionysus told him tovisit the source of the river pactolus and there wash himself.he obeyed,and was at oncefreedfrom the golden touch,but the sands of the river pactolusare bright with gold to this day.
学习啦在线学习网 弥达斯是伊达山大女神和一位姓名不详的英雄的儿子。他是马其顿勃洛弥恩的好寻欢作乐的国王。他统治勃里癸亚人民,种植闻名遐迩的玫瑰花。