学习啦在线学习网 As a child—and as an adult as well—Bill was untidy. It has been said that in order to counteract this. Mary drew up weekly clothing plans for him. On Mondays he might go to school in blue,on Tuesdays in green,on Wednesdays in brown,on Thursdays in black,and so on,Weekend meal schedules might also be planned in detail. Everything time,at work or during his leisure time.
学习啦在线学习网 Dinner table discussions in the Gate's family home were always lively and educational.“It was a rich environment in which to learn,”Bill remembered.
Bill's contemporaries,even at the age,recognized that he was exceptional. Every year,he and his friends would go to summer camp. Bill especially liked swimming and other sports. One of his summer camp friends recalled,“He was never a nerd or a goof or the kind of kid you didn't want your team. We all knew Bill was smarter than us. Even back then,when he was nine or ten years old,he talked like an adult and could express himself in ways that none of us understood.”
Bill was also well ahead of his classmates in mathematics and science. He needed to go to a school that challenged him to Lakeside—an all-boys'school for exceptional students. It was Seattle's most exclusive school and was noted for its rigorous academic demands,a place where“even the dumb kids were smart.”
学习啦在线学习网 Lakeside allowed students to pursue their own interests,to whatever extent they wished. The school prided itself on making conditions and facilities available that would enable all its students to reach their full potential . It was the ideal environment for someone like Bill Gates.
In 1968,the school made a decision that would change thirteen-year-old Bill Gates's life—and that of many of others,too.
学习啦在线学习网 Funds were raised,mainly by parents,that enabled the school to gain access to a computer—a Program Data processor(PDP)—through a teletype machine. Type in a few instructions on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the PDP would type back its response. Bill Gates was immediately hooked—so was his best friend at the time,Kent Evans,and another student,Paul Allen,who was two years older than Bill.
Whenever they had free time,and sometimes when they didn't,they would dash over to the computer room to use the machine. The students became so single-minded that they soon overtook their teachers in knowledge about computing and got into a lot of trouble because of their obsession. They were neglecting their other studies—every piece of word was handed in late. Classes were cut. Computer time was also proving to be very expensive. Within months,the whole budget that had been set aside for the year had been used up.
学习啦在线学习网 At fourteen,Bill was already writing short programs for the computer to perform. Early games programs such as Tic-Tac-Toe,or Noughts and Crosses,and Lunar Landing were written in what was to become Bill's second language,BASIC.
One of the reasons Bill was so good at programming is because it is mathematical and logical. During his time at Lakeside,Bill scored a perfect eight hundred on a mathematics test. It was extremely important to him to get this grade-he had to take the test more than once in order to do it.
If Bill Gates was going to be good at something. It was essential to be the best.
学习啦在线学习网 Bill's and Paul's fascination with computers and the business world meant that they read a great deal. Paul enjoyed magazines like Popular Electronics,Computer time was expensive and,because both boys were desperate to get more time and because Bill already had an insight into what they could achieve financially,the two of them decided to set themselves up as a company:The Lakeside Programmers Group.“Let's call the real world and try to sell something to it!”Bill announced.
学习啦在线学习网 1968年,学校做出的一项决定改变了13岁的比尔·盖茨的生活——同时也改变了许多其他的人。
学习啦在线学习网 学校主要靠家长提供的资金通过一种电传打字机进入电脑——即程序数据处理机。在电传打字机上键入几条指令,几秒钟后程序数据处理机即会反馈回信息。比尔·盖茨当即就着了迷——他那时最要好的朋友坎特——他那时最要好的朋友坎特·埃文斯和另一名长他两岁的学生保罗·艾伦也是如此。
学习啦在线学习网 他们不管有没有空,都要赶到电脑室去用用那台机器。这些学生非常专注,以至于在电脑方面的知识都超过了老师,同时因为他们的执著也带来了不少麻烦。他们忽略了其他的课程——每项作业都迟迟才交,有时还旷课。上机时间也很昂贵。几个月后,当初留做一年用的预算就已经消耗殆尽了。
学习啦在线学习网 A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle,speeding through the night.一天夜里,男孩骑摩托车带着女孩超速行驶
学习啦在线学习网 they loved each other a lot……
学习啦在线学习网 girlslow down a little……i'm scared……
学习啦在线学习网 boyno,it'ssofun……
girlplease……it's so scary……
学习啦在线学习网 女孩:“求求你……这样太吓人了……”
boythen say that you love me……
girlfine……ilove you……can you slow down now女孩:“好……我爱你……你现在可以慢下来了吗?”
boygive me a big hug……
the girl gave him a big hug.女孩紧紧拥抱了他一下
girlnow can you slow down女孩:“现在你可以慢下来了吧?”
boycan you take off my helmetandputitonit'suncomfortable andit's bothering me while idrive.男孩:“你可以脱下我的头盔并自己戴上吗?它让我感到不舒服,还干扰我驾车。”
then next day,there was a story in the newspaper.amotorcycl ehad crashed into a building because it sbrakes were broken.第二天,报纸报道:一辆摩托车因为刹车失灵而撞毁在一幢建筑物上
学习啦在线学习网 there were two people on the motorcycle,of which one died,and the other had survived……
学习啦在线学习网 车上有两个人,一个死亡,一个幸存……
学习啦在线学习网 the guy knew that the brakes were broken.he didn't want to let the girlk now,because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared.驾车的男孩知道刹车失灵,但他没有让女孩知道,因为那样会让女孩感到害怕。
instead,he was told the last time that she loved him,got a hug from her,put his helmetonher so that she can live,and die himself……
学习啦在线学习网 once in a while,right in the middle of anordinary life,love gives usafairytale……
学习啦在线学习网 就在一会的时间里,就在平常的生活里,爱向我们展示了一个神话。
A Handful of Clay 一撮黏土
学习啦在线学习网 There was a handful of clay in the bank of a river. It was only common clay,coarse and heavy;but it had high thoughts of its own value,and wonderful dreams of the great place which it was to fill in the world when the time came for its virtues to be discovered.
Overhead,in the spring sunshine,the trees whispered together of the glory which descended upon them when the delicate blossoms and leaves began to expand,and the forest glowed the fair,clear colors,as if the dust of thousands of rubies and emeralds were hanging,in soft clouds,above the earth.
The flowers,surprised with the joy of beauty,bent their heads to one another,as the wind caressed them,and said:“Sisters,how lovely you have become. You make the day bright.”
The river,glad of new strength and rejoicing in the unison of all its waters,murmured to the shores in music,telling of its release from icy fetters,its swift flight from the snow-clad mountains,and the mighty work to which it was hurrying——the wheels of many mills to be turned,and great ships to be floated to the sea.
Waiting blindly in its bed,the clay comforted itself with lofty hopes.“My time will come,”it said.“I was not made to be hidden forever. Glory and beauty and honor are coming to me in due season.”
学习啦在线学习网 One day the clay felt itself taken from the place where it had waited so long. A flat blade of iron passed beneath it,and lifted it,and tossed it into a cart with other lumps of clay,and it was carried far away,as it seemed,over a rough and stony road. But it was not afraid,nor discouraged,for it said to itself:“This is necessary. The path to glory is always rugged. Now I am on my way to play a great part in the world.”
But the hard journey was nothing,compared with the tribulation and distress that came after it. The clay was put into a trough and mixed and beaten and stirred and trampled. It seemed almost unbearable. But there was consolation in the thought that something very fine and noble was certainly coming out of all this trouble. The clay felt sure that,if it could only wait long enough,a wonderful reward was in store for it.
学习啦在线学习网 Then it was put upon a swiftly turning wheel,and whirled around until it seemed as if it must fly into a thousand pieces. A strange power pressed it and molded it,as it revolved,and through all the dizziness and pain it felt that it was taking a new form.
Then an unknown hand put it into an oven,and fires were kindled about it——fierce and penetrating——hotter than all the heats of summer that had ever brooded upon the bank of the river. But through all,the clay held itself together and endured its trials,in the confidence of a great future.“Surely,”it thought,“I am intended for something very splendid,since such pains are taken with me. Perhaps I am fashioned for the ornament of a temple,or a precious vase for the table of a king.”
At last the baking was finished. The clay was taken from the furnace and set down upon a board,in the cool air,under the blue sky. The tribulation was passed. The reward was at hand.
Close beside the board there was a pool of water,not very deep,not very clear,but calm enough to reflect,with impartial truth,every image that fell upon it. There for the first time,as it was lifted from the board,the clay saw its new shape,the reward of all its patience and pain,the consummation of its hopes——a common flower-pot,straight and stiff,red and ugly. And then it felt that it was not destined for a king‘s house,nor for a palace of art,because it was made without glory or beauty or honor;and it murmured against the unknown maker,saying,“Why hast thou made me thus?”
Many days it passed in sullen discontent. Then it was filled with earth,and something——it knew not what——but something rough and brown and dead-looking,was thrust into the middle of the earth and covered over. The clay rebelled at this new disgrace.“This is the worst of all that has happened to me,to be filled with dirt and rubbish. Surely I am a failure.”
学习啦在线学习网 But presently it was set in a greenhouse,where the sunlight fell warm upon it,and water was sprinkled over it,and day by day as it waited,a change began to come to it. Something was stirring within it——a new hope. Still it was ignorant,and knew not what the new hope meant. One day the clay was lifted again from its place,and carried into a great church. Its dream was coming true after all. It had a fine part to play in the world. Glorious music flowed over it . It was surrounded with flowers. Still it could not understand. So it whispered to another vessel of clay,like itself,close beside it,“Why have they set me here?Why do all the people look toward us?”And the other vessel answered,“Do you not know?You are carrying a royal scepter of lilies. Their petals are white as snow,and the heart of them is like pure gold. The people look this way because the flower is the most wonderful in the world. And the root of it is in your heart.”
Then the clay was content,and silently thanked its maker,because,though an earthen vessel,it held so great a treasure. ruby红宝石emerald翡翠fetter束缚
学习啦在线学习网 从前在一条河边有这么一撮黏土。说来也不过是普通的黏土,质地粗拙;但他对自己的价值却抱有很高的看法,对它在世界上所可能占有的地位具有奇妙的梦想,认为一旦时运到来,自己的美德终将为人发现。
学习啦在线学习网 河水也因为增添了新的力量而感到高兴,它沉浸在水流重聚的欢乐之中,不断以美好的音调向河岸喃喃絮语,叙述着自己是怎么挣脱冰雪的束缚,怎么从积雪覆盖的群山奔腾跑到这里,以及它匆忙前往担负的重大工作——无数水车的轮子等待着它去推动,巨大的船只等待着它去送往海上。
学习啦在线学习网 黏土懵懵懂懂地呆在河床,不断用种种远大理想来安慰自己。“我的时运终将到来,”它说,“我是不会长久被埋没的。世间的种种光彩,荣耀,在适当的时候,会降临到我的头上。”
学习啦在线学习网 这段路程非常辛苦,但比起后来所经受的种种折磨痛苦却又不算什么。黏土被抛进一个槽子里面,然后便是一番搀和,捶打,搅拌,践踏。真是不堪其苦。但是一想到某种美好崇高的事物必将从这一番痛苦中产生出来,也就感到释然了。黏土坚决相信,只要它能耐心地等待下去,总有一天它将得到重酬。
学习啦在线学习网 接着它被放到一只飞速转动着的悬盘上去,自己也跟着团团旋转起来,那感觉真好象自己即将被甩得粉身碎骨。在旋转中,仿佛有一种神力把它紧紧搏捏在一起,所以尽管它经历一切眩晕痛苦,它觉着自己已经开始变成一种新的形状。
学习啦在线学习网 木板之旁便有一泓潭水,水虽不深也不很清,但却波纹平静,能把潭边的事物,公正如实地反映出来。当黏土被人从板上拿起来时,它这才第一次窥见了自己新的形状,而这便是它千辛万苦之后的报偿,它的全部心愿的成果——一只普普通通的花盆,线条粗硬,又红又丑。这时它才感觉到自己既不可能登帝王之家,也不可能入艺术之宫,因为自己的外貌一点也不高雅华贵;于是它对自己那位无名的制造者喃喃抱怨起来,“你为什么把我造成这等模样?”
学习啦在线学习网 这时黏土心满意足了,它暗暗地感谢它的制造者,因为虽然自己只是一只泥土器皿,但里面装的却是一件稀世奇珍。
