朗读是学生学习英语的一种有效的方法;是提高听、说、读、写综合能力的一种行之有效的途径;能使学生更好地体会、理解和表达课文或读物的思想感情。小编精心收集了关于2分钟英语朗读短文 ,供大家欣赏学习!
Life Is Not Perfect
学习啦在线学习网 Go ahead with life as it is, with the bumps and pitfalls. However it is, give your best to everymoment.
Don't spend your time waiting for the perfect situation, something which is not very likely tocome.
学习啦在线学习网 Life is not perfect; the way you live can make it perfectly wonderful.
Life Is Wonderful
学习啦在线学习网 Face your past without regret.
学习啦在线学习网 Handle your present with confidence.
Prepare for the future without fear.
学习啦在线学习网 Keep faith and drop the fear.
学习啦在线学习网 Don't believe your doubts and never doubt your beliefs.
Life is wonderful if you know how to live it.
学习啦在线学习网 Everyone loves a bargain, as those restaurant chains which offer you special "all you can eat"deals for a fixed price know all too well. In Pakistan a pizza company had been doing a roaringtrade during the Muslim month of fasting. Families who were ravenous after a day of not eatingwould pile into the restaurants for the evening meal of Iftar to eat pizza after pizza for as littleas £7. But now there's been a national outcry over the cutting of this special deal. The pizzachain says stuffing yourself with endless food goes against the spirit of Ramadan and is aninvitation to gluttony. Gluttony's not about eating considerable amounts but eating just forthe sake of it. Olympic athletes like Mo Farah and Bradley Wiggins consume huge amounts ofprotein and carbohydrates at particular times as part of their preparation for races. The foodhas a purpose. They control it, it doesn't control them. Gluttony is the exact opposite, whichis why Christianity describes it as a deadly sin, an occasion when we let our desires be so satedthat they shape us, both physically and spiritually. With fasting, many religions use it as adiscipline of the body, as a sacrifice for God.
And yet fasting is also beneficial to our health,as a Horizon documentary this week explained. Medical evidence shows that not eating acouple of days a week can boost the brain and aid longevity, something that's apparently dueto how we evolved. That makes me wonder if the ancient peoples of the desert where theAbrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated had somehow realised this. Butwhat they certainly advocated is that just as exercise is good for the body, so fasting is aspiritual exercise, allowing us to flex the muscles of the soul. They believed that if we limitwhat we eat, particularly on special days or seasons, it helps us focus on God, putting love ofhim before our love of things, before our earthly desires, before ourselves. The Gospels recordJesus' 40 day fast in the desert had him tempted again and again by the Devil. It was a testingof his humility. That is why in the Christian tradition fasting goes hand in hand with prayerand the giving of alms to help those less fortunate than ourselves. It is a moment to focus onwhat is truly important, or to use current sporting jargon, get in the zone. Giving up food forthe spiritual athlete can do the same job as targeted eating for a sporting hero as he preparesfor the race of their life.
学习啦在线学习网 There is a lady sweet and kind, was never face so pleas'd my mind;
学习啦在线学习网 I did but see her passing by, and yet I love her till I die.
学习啦在线学习网 Her gesture, motion, and her smiles, her wit, her voice, my heart beguiles, beguiles my heart.
学习啦在线学习网 她的姿态,她的微笑,她的聪慧,她的声音俘获了我的心,俘获了我的心。
I know not why, and yet I love her till I die.
学习啦在线学习网 我不知道为什么,但是我会爱她到永远。
学习啦在线学习网 Her free behaviour, winning looks, will make a lawyer burn his books;
学习啦在线学习网 她自由的姿态,胜利的面庞,让律师都羞愧到自焚书籍;
学习啦在线学习网 I touch'd her not, alas! Not I, and yet I love her till I die.
Had I her fast betwixt mine arms, judge you that think such sports were harms, Were't anyharm? No, no, fie, fie, for I will love her till I die.
学习啦在线学习网 如果她躺在我的怀里,你觉得会给她带来伤害吗?没有一点儿伤害吗?不,不,呸,呸,因为我会爱她直到永远。
Should I remain confined there so long as Phoebus in his sphere, I to request, she to deny,yet would I love her till I die.
学习啦在线学习网 我是应该继续和她保持距离吗?我请求,她拒绝,但我还是会爱她到永远。
Cupid is winged and doth range, her country so my love doth change: but change she earth,or change she sky, yet will I love her till I die.
学习啦在线学习网 丘比特到处飞来飞去。她会变的,我的爱也会变的。但无论她怎么变,我也会爱她到永远。
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