七年级英语短文带翻译:Americans' Home
Americans like their homes to reflect their personal tastes. Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house and making it more "livable". They often try to create a eozy atmospehre so that when they're at home, they'll really feel "at home".
Sofas and lounge chairs may be heavily padded and arranged in groupings conducive to relaxed conversation. The bathroom even receives special attention. Carpeted floors, scented soaps, colorful wallpaper and decorative curtains adorn the "comfort room" in many homes.
学习啦在线学习网 沙发及安乐椅可能会被铺上厚厚的垫子,并运用不同空间组合的摆设,让坐着的人可以轻松地谈话。甚至连浴室也破费心思:铺有地毯的地板、香气四溢的肥皂、彩色的壁纸及装饰窗帘,如此就打扮出了许多家庭的“舒服之地”。
And on average, Americans have more bathrooms than any other people in the world.
学习啦在线学习网 Lisa Marie Odegard, an interior designer in Bozeman, Montana, comments that "a home is a haven. People want an open, easy feeling to make their homes comfortable". For that reason, many new homes now have big, open kitchens and vaulted ceilings.
学习啦在线学习网 Americans try to make the most of their space, too. The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves, and people spare no pains to add dressers, filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space. Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle, Americans feel it's a battle worth fighting.
People in America keep an eye on the latest trends in interior design. In the 80s, the "country" look dominated the home decorating scene. Rustic furniture and shelves full of old-fashioned knick-knacks created a homey atmosphere reminscent of rural America several generations back .
学习啦在线学习网 The 90s have brought in another longing for the past: the retro 50s and 60s look - plain and simple furniture with square backs and arms and block-style legs.
学习啦在线学习网 90年代又带入另一个怀旧情愫:回溯到50及60年代风貌——有四方形靠背、把手以及有方正桌脚的朴素、简单的家具。
七年级英语短文带翻译:British Columbia
学习啦在线学习网 British Columbia is the third largest Canadian province, both in area and population. It is nearly 1.5 times as large as Texas, and extends 800 miles (1,280km) north from the United States border. It includes Canada's entire west coast and the ialands just off the coast.
学习啦在线学习网 英属哥伦比亚是加拿大的第三大省,无论是面积还是人口都是如此。它几乎是德克萨斯的1.5倍,从美国边境一直向北延伸了800英里(1,280公里)。它包括了加拿大整个西海岸及附近岛屿。
Most of British Conlumbia is mountainous, with long rugged ranged running north and south. Even the coastal island are the remains of a mountain range that existed thousands of years ago. During the last Ice Age, this range was scoured by glaciers until most of it was beneath the sea. Its peaks now show as islands scattered along the coast.
学习啦在线学习网 The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate. Sea winds that blow inland from the west are warmed by a current of warm water that flows through the Pacific Ocean. As a result, winter temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild.
学习啦在线学习网 These warm western winds also carry moisture from the ocean. Inland from the coast, the winds from the Pacific meet the mountain barriers of the coastal ranges and the Rocky Mountains. As they rise to cross the mountains, the winds are cooled, and their moisture begins to fall as rain. On some of the western slopes almost 200 inches (500cm) of rain fall each year.
学习啦在线学习网 More than half of British Columbia is heavily forested. On mountain slopes that receive plentiful rainfall, huge Douglas firs rise in towering columns. These forest giants often grow to be as much as 300 feet (90m) tall, with diameters up to 10 feet (3m). More lumber is produced from these trees than from any other kind of tree in North America. Hemlock, red cedar, and balsam fir are among the other trees found in British Columbia.
学习啦在线学习网 大部分英属哥伦比亚密布着森林。在有充足降水的斜坡上,巨大的道格拉斯枞树高耸入云。这些森林巨人常常长到高达300英尺(90米),直径粗达10英尺(3米)。这些树产出了比北美其他任何树都多的木材。铁杉、红香樁、香脂冷杉枞都是发现于英属哥伦比亚的树种。
America's Modern Immigrants Problems
The percentage of immigrants (including those unlawfully present) in the United States has been creeping upward for years. At 12.6 percent, it is now higher than at any point since the mid 1920s.
We are not about to go back to the days when Congress openly worried about interior races polluting America's bloodstream. But once again we are wondering whether we have too many of the wrong sort of newcomers. Their loudest critics argue that the new wave of immigrants cannot, and indeed do not want to, fit in as previous generations did.
学习啦在线学习网 我们并非要回到国会公开地表示忧虑劣等民族会影响美国的血统的年代。但是,我们再次担忧,我们对待这些新来者犯了很多错误。他们最响亮的评论家指出,新一代移民不能,事实上也不想,像他们的前辈那样适应美国。
We now know that these racist views were wrong. In time, Italians, Romanians and members of other so-called inferior races became exemplary Amerians and contributed greatly, in ways too numerous to detail, to the building of this magnificent nation. There is no reason why these new immigrants should not have the same success.
Although children of Mexican immigrants do better, in terms of educational and professional attainment, than their parents, UCLA sociologist Edward Telles has found that the gains don't continue. Indeed, the fourth generation is marginally worse off than the third. James Jackson, of the University of Michigan, has found a similar tend among black Caribbean immigrants.
学习啦在线学习网 Tells fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps of American blacks that large parts of the community may become mired in a seemingly state of poverty and underachievement. Like African-Americans, Mexican-Americans are increasingly relegated to segregated, substandard schools, and their dropout rate is the highest for any ethnic group in the country.
We have learned much about the foolish idea of excluding people on the presumption of ethnic racial inferiority. But what we have not yet learned is how to make the process of Americanization work for all.
学习啦在线学习网 我们已经了解基于民族或种族的劣等而将某些人排除在外是多么愚蠢的想法。但是我们还没有学会的是怎样实现美国化的进程。
I am not talking about requiring people to learn English or to adopt American ways; those things happen pretty much on their own. But as arguments about immigration hear up the campaign trail, we also ought to ask some broader question about assimilation, about how to ensure that people, once outsiders, don't forever remain marginalized within these shores.
学习啦在线学习网 That is a much larger question than what should happen with undocumented workers, or how best to secure the border, and it is one that affects not only newcomers but groups that have been here for generations. It will have more impact on our future than where we decide to set the admissions bar for the latest ware of would-be Americans. And it would be nice if we finally got the answer right.
学习啦在线学习网 这个问题比如何对待非法移民用工,或如何更好地保卫海岸等问题更宽广,这个问题不仅影响了新移民,也包括上几代的移民。这个问题对我们未来的影响比我们决定为将来的美国移民潮设置准入门槛的影响更大。如果我们找到正确答案就好办了。