Barking Off Squirrels
学习啦在线学习网 "Barking off" was a type of squirrel hunting popular in America in the late 18th century and early 19th century. It was created in the backwoods of Kentucky and popularized by renowned frontiersman Daniel Boone, who was famous for his marksmanship.
The goal of the contest was to hunt squirrels, but not by shooting them. Instead, the hunters would shoot the bark right below the squirrels. The impact was strong enough to shatter the bark and create a concussion blast powerful enough to kill the squirrels. For trophy hunters, this type of shooting had the added bonus of leaving the squirrels' skin intact. The practice of barking off squirrels occurred at a time when the woods of Kentucky were filled with these unlucky woodland critters. Regular squirrel hunts were so frequent that it wasn't uncommon for hunting parties to kill thousands of them in a single day. The most successful hunter often was not the best shot but the guy who could reload the fastest. That was why a new test of skill was welcomed by both hunters and spectators, who would often gamble on the outcome of the sport.
Equestrian Long Jump
Many sports are created by combining two concepts that already existed. While some ideas have been successful, not all of them are winners. Take equestrian long jump, for example. This sport took the human long jump and combined it with horse racing to create a sport that was less exciting than either.
There was a lot of interest in this concept in its early days. It was even featured as a sport at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris as part of a double equestrian event that also featured the horse high jump.If you are wondering why the equestrian long jump is not popular today, it's because it failed to make an impression. In fact, it was downright anticlimactic. The gold medal was won by Belgian racer Constant van Langhendonck and his horse, Extra-Dry. Their winning leap measured 6.1 meters. Although it was significantly better than any other horse jump that day—second place came in at 5.7 meters--it was still lackluster as people were expecting an inhuman display of athletic prowess. For comparison, the current world record for a human long jump is 8.95 meters.
Turtle Racing
You might think that turtle racing doesn't count as a forgotten sport because it is still practiced today, but there are few similarities between the old and current versions aside from the name. Nowadays, turtle racing is a fun activity for kids you can find at county fairs. All the participants huddle up in the center of a circle and let their turtles loose. The creatures wander around aimlessly until one eventually makes it out of the circle and is declared the winner.
学习啦在线学习网 也许有人认为乌龟赛跑不算被历史遗忘,因为现如今这项运动仍然存在,但除名字相似以外,古今两个版本的乌龟赛跑再无相像之处。现今在乡村集市,经常可以看到孩子们玩乌龟赛跑。参赛者聚集在画好的圆圈里然后在中心处放下各自的乌龟,乌龟们漫无目的地游荡,直到有一只爬出圈子,这便是冠军。
学习啦在线学习网 That was not the case 100 years ago. Back then, giant turtles were used in a genuine straight-line race. Crowds of excited spectators watched impatiently from the sides just like they would at a horse race. The turtles even had small children riding them like jockeys. As bizarre as that image might be, there are even stranger claims about the origin of the sport. According to an article in the Miami News, turtle racing first became popular in the Bahamas, where it was a favorite local pastime. However, there were a few key differences. For starters, the races took place in water instead of on land, so giant sea turtles were used, typically loggerhead turtles. These turtles had men riding them as jockeys, and they weren't just for show. They were there to make sure the animals followed the course, which was usually more complex than a simple straight line.
学习啦在线学习网 此规则跟100年前的乌龟赛跑大相径庭。那会儿,大乌龟真的要直线赛跑。赛场周围挤满了兴奋的观众,仿佛看赛马般狂热。有时甚至会有小孩像赛马骑师一样骑在比赛的大乌龟身上。更好玩的是,居然还有人考究起这运动的起源来。根据《迈阿密新闻》的一篇文章,乌龟赛跑初始在巴哈马群岛,且深得民心。然而,这与我们之前讨论的又有些关键的区别。首先,这里的比赛场地在水中而非陆地,所以用巨型海龟参赛,通常是赤蠵龟。而且参赛者真的会坐在海龟上,这不是为了表演,而是为了确保海龟沿着复杂的比赛路径爬行。
Jousting is an essential part of medieval lore. There was no better way for a knight to prove his valor than to enter a jousting tournament and perform in front of the king and his royal court. However, jousting champions are made, not born. In order to perfect their skills, knights would need to train—and that's quintain. Instead of two knights charging at each other, one knight would charge at a stationary target (also known as a quintain) in order to improve his skill.
学习啦在线学习网 Typically, the target was a shield balanced on a pole with a counterweight at the other end. The weight served multiple purposes as the quintain would spin when hit. An accurate shot would cause the maximum spin, and this was considered a good indicator of a knight's skill. However, a slow or incorrect hit could spin the weight (usually a sandbag) in time to hit the rider from behind and knock him off his horse. Since quintain was merely a form of training, there was very little pomp and circumstance associated with it. Everyone was free to watch and even participate. Eventually, this turned quintain into a sport of its own, accessible to all the classes. Even those without a horse could participate by using a wooden horse or a boat in some areas. They could even simply run toward the target.
学习啦在线学习网 Eel Pulling
学习啦在线学习网 It shouldn't be surprising to find out that human beings weren't always concerned with the welfare of animals. We certainly would not have let it get in the way of a good time. Such was the case with eel pulling, a practice that was popular in the Netherlands in the 19th century. There were two basic forms of this sport. One was a classic tug-of-war battle, but the rope was replaced with a live eel. The eel was soaped up to make it more slippery, and two teams would pull ferociously at each end of the doomed animal.
The other version of eel pulling involved hanging the eel from a line dangling over a canal. Players had to jump and take down the eel while passing through the canal in a boat. This version of the sport, which was more popular, was more entertainment than sport. Spectators would laugh at the participants, who often ended up in the canal.The biggest eel pulling hot spot was Amsterdam. The game was so popular that people kept playing it even after it was outlawed. Trying to stop the Dutch from enjoying their eel pulling had dire consequences, as the people of Amsterdam found out on July 25, 1886. A police officer ended a game in progress by cutting the line. This triggered the Eel Riot of 1886, which resulted in 26 deaths, 100 injuries, and countless arrests.
学习啦在线学习网 另一个版本的"拔鳗鱼"则是用绳索把鳗鱼悬挂在在运河一处的上方。参赛者需乘船流经此处并跳起来"拔"下鳗鱼。这一版本的"拔鳗鱼"更为流行,与其说是运动不如称其为一种娱乐,因为一般来说参赛者最后都会掉进水里,这让观众们捧腹大笑。"拔鳗鱼"最流行的地方是阿姆斯特丹。该运动项目实在太火了,以至于后来被列为了非法运动,人们却还是乐此不疲。如果你想要禁止荷兰人开展"拔鳗鱼"比赛,后果非常严重。1886年6月26日,阿姆斯特丹一位警官剪断挂鳗鱼的绳索,中断了一场"拔鳗鱼"比赛,这就引发了1886年的"鳗鱼暴乱"事件,导致26人死亡,100人受伤,还有数不清的人被拘留。
这十项体育运动 巴西全球无敌手
学习啦在线学习网 One of the world's most spirited lands, Brazil has made its mark on soccer fields and Carnival extravaganzas, but what it really leads the planet in are exuberance and passion for living.
As the world descends on Rio de Janeiro for the XXXI Olympiad, Brazilians are ready to help the world take a load off and experience something missing for a while: fun.
Here are 10 things Brazil does better than anywhere else:
学习啦在线学习网 以下十样东西,巴西全球无敌手。
Playfulness – Brazil's citizens know how to have fun, and it's infectious. From sports to celebrations, Brazilians play hard.
学习啦在线学习网 玩闹——巴西人民深谙玩乐之道,这一天性还颇具感染力。从运动项目到狂欢庆典,巴西人总能嗨到飞起。
Research shows that playfulness creates a kind of charisma that others want in on.
学习啦在线学习网 研究表明,玩闹营造出一种魔力,会让其他人想参与进来。
It's a key part of the Brazilian personality: a willingness to laugh at themselves, their predicaments and political absurdities and to welcome others in on the joke.
学习啦在线学习网 A few years back, Brazilians voted a clown into Congress. What was unusual was that he was a real clown by profession. Francisco Everardo Oliveira Silva, known by his stage name of "Grumpy" in Portuguese, won on a slogan, "It can't get any worse."
It did. Despite their problems, Brazilians can put them aside and live in the moment, something the rest of the world could learn from.
学习啦在线学习网 确实如此。就算面临难题,巴西人还是能把它们放在一边,活在当下。这是其他国家可以学习的一点。
Brazil is a music universe unto itself, unrivaled in diversity of musical styles, instruments and rhythms.
The world knows samba, a mix of European marches and African drumming; and bossa nova, a slower samba infused with French impressionism and American jazz.
But Brazil's diverse population moves to the beat of many different drummers.
Instruments such as the comical cuíca -- a drum that sounds like a dog in heat -- are found only in Brazil.
一些乐器只在巴西才能见到,比如名为comical cuíca的鼓,它发出的声音好像小狗在发情。
学习啦在线学习网 Satisfying lunches – Lunch is not a dainty affair in Brazil. It's advisable to go easy on breakfast, as the midday meal may put most visitors close to capacity.
学习啦在线学习网 令人满足的午餐——巴西的午餐不是量少精细型。建议早餐少吃点,因为大多数人会在中午这餐吃到撑。
Brazilian portions can be gigantic, often larger than even the standard American plateful. It's not a miscommunication when your waiter brings you enough food for twice your number.
学习啦在线学习网 A light breakfast is advised, since you'll consume a lot more than you thought for lunch.
Brazilians don't bury their cuisine in fiery sauces that kill flavor. In fact, aside from Bahians, they steer clear of hot sauces in favor of flavorful seasonings.
They specialize in supertender thin strips of beef and other carnivorous delights, served with rice, beans and fried bananas, washed down with a beer or guaraná soda.
学习啦在线学习网 他们特别喜欢极其嫩滑的薄牛肉条和其他肉类,配以米饭、豆子和炸香蕉,连同啤酒或瓜拉纳汽水一起食用。
It's often said that if Brazilians could channel the creativity and industry they put into their annual Carnival blowout into economic endeavors, the country would be unstoppable.
Celebrating is a priority for Brazilians, whether it's on a colossal scale or just a backyard barbecue.
学习啦在线学习网 不管是大型盛典还是后院烧烤,举办庆祝活动是巴西人的第一要务。
And the festivities don't stop. A profusion of regional celebrations, great support for the arts and an abundance of religious holidays keep celebrations on the calendar year-round.
学习啦在线学习网 Plastic surgery – Brazil passed the United States in 2014 as the top country for several cosmetic surgery procedures. Medical tourists flock to the country in pursuit of body modifications.
学习啦在线学习网 整形手术——2014年,巴西在多类整形手术项目上超越美国,成为整形第一大国。追求外形修整的医疗游客蜂拥而至。
Brazil passed the United States in 2014 as the top country for several cosmetic surgery operations, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Brazilian plastic surgeons racked up more than 161,000 eyelid operations, 515,000 breast procedures, 129,000 bellies, 380,000 faces and 63,000 butt augmentations (a rapidly growing segment, no pun intended). Brazil's contributions amounted to almost 13% of the world's plastic surgery operations.
There's no stigma to plastic surgery in Brazil and people talk openly about their procedures and recommended doctors.
学习啦在线学习网 在巴西,做整形手术并非耻辱,人们公开谈论手术流程并推荐医生。
学习啦在线学习网 The quality of surgeons is high and the prices lower than in the United States. The combination attracts medical tourists from around the world.
Exotic fruit – A tremendous array of fresh fruit keeps the beverages flowing at Brazil's many thirst-quenching juice bars.
学习啦在线学习网 Brazil has the world's widest collection of homegrown exotic fruits, many of which you have never heard of.
Some, like açaí and acerola, both from the Amazon region, have started to become popular outside Brazil for their health properties, but many of the exotic fruits you can experience only in Brazil, either fresh at the market or from one of the many juice bars.
And it's not just in rare fruits that Brazil excels. The country is the No. 1 producer of citrus fruit in the world.
Brazilians are experts in especially tasty fruit drinks, or sucos. Just about every other street in Rio has a juice bar.
学习啦在线学习网 巴西人是制作美味果汁饮料(sucos)的专家,里约每隔一条街就有一家果汁店。
It can be awkward meeting strangers and edging into their personal space, so Brazilians like to get past the preliminaries and go straight to greeting like a longtime friend.
A kiss on both cheeks is customary for a male introduced to an adult female, with another pair of kisses delivered on leaving.
学习啦在线学习网 男士结识成年女性时,习惯上要在对方的两颊亲吻,离别时还要再亲两下。
Of course, there's no holding back for people who are more than friends, and you will see passionate kisses exchanged openly in public as if no one else was looking.
学习啦在线学习网 Bakeries – Baked goods come in many shapes and sizes in Brazil. The art of the bakery thrives in Brazil in the form of the padaria.
学习啦在线学习网 The art of the bakery thrives in Brazil in the form of the padaria.
These neighborhood temples to the sweet tooth offer a dizzying variety of cakes, or bolo -- moist and dense that melt in your mouth -- plus an array of tarts, cheesecakes, cookies, brownies, fruit-topped tortes, flans, mousses and the potent mini-coffees known as cafezinhos.
学习啦在线学习网 Local padarias keep your budget under control and the palate delighted.
学习啦在线学习网 当地的面包店会让你的预算可控又大饱口福。
Paderias also offer a wide assortment of fresh-baked bread and croissants and many have deli fare for lunch and dinner, from sandwiches to empanadas to pastels. Some padarias have soups, crepes and fresh juices.
There's only one thing wrong with these one-stop shops for the taste buds: They're in Brazil and not on your block.
Trees? They got 'em here. The Amazon has some 390 billion trees, which adds up to half the total of the world's surviving rainforests and 16,000 different species of trees.
学习啦在线学习网 树木?巴西可多了。亚马逊雨林有约3900亿棵树,面积占全球现存热带雨林的一半,包括了16000种不同种类的树木。
学习啦在线学习网 More than half the Amazon Basin's 1.4 billion acres are in Brazil, including thousands of miles of the Amazon River, the world's largest river by volume.
The Amazon is home to 1 in 10 of the world's known species, 20% of the world's bird species, 40,000 plant species and trees crucial to limiting greenhouse gases.
Brazil is a realm of the senses, where everything is felt, smelled and tasted more intensely. That goes for one of the country's favorite menu items, churrasco, meaty delights pulled off the barbecue grill.
Churrasco involves spearing slabs of beef, pork, chicken and sausage with skewers. When they're seared just right, the skewers are pulled out and the meat is sliced off in thin sections with surgical precision, unlike the jumbo hunk portions of American steaks.
学习啦在线学习网 At the big steakhouses, called churrascarias, servers go table to table, wielding skewers sizzling with meat and carving knives like something out of ancient Chinese swordplay. One has beef, another pork, another chicken.
学习啦在线学习网 The choices are tempting, but the diner's goal should be to stand upright afterward and walk out under their own power.
学习啦在线学习网 First or second graders may be more eager to talk about the fun they have in sports.
As they move into more competitive games, kids become more focused on winning.
They often forget to have fun. Without constant reminders and good examples,
学习啦在线学习网 却常常忽略运动的乐趣。在没有人正确指引的情况下,
they may also forget what behavior is appropriate before, during, and after a sporting event.
学习啦在线学习网 If a child has a coach who cares only about being in first place,
学习啦在线学习网 如果他们的教练只在乎能否能得第一名,
the child picks up the message that it's OK to be ruthless on the field.
学习啦在线学习网 If parents are constantly pressing them to play better,
学习啦在线学习网 children get the message that they're only as good as their last good play --
学习啦在线学习网 孩子们会认为,与以往一样,
and they'll try any method of achieving one.
学习啦在线学习网 为了获得胜利可以不计任何代价。
Adults who emphasize good sportsmanship, however,
学习啦在线学习网 那些强调高尚体育精神的成年人,
see winning as just one of the several goals they'd like their kids to achieve.
学习啦在线学习网 却把获胜看做是希望于自己孩子完成的众多目标之一。
The help young athletes take pride in their accomplishments, so that the kids see themselvesas winners,
even if the scoreboard doesn't show the numbers going in their favor.
学习啦在线学习网 即使他们的比分并不尽人意。
The best coaches -- and parents -- encourage their kids to play fair,
to have fun, and to concentrate on helping the team.
Remember the saying, "Actions speak louder than words"?
还记得“事实胜于雄辩” 这句老话吗?
学习啦在线学习网 That's especially true when it comes to teaching your kids the basics of good sportsmanship.
Your behavior during practices and games will influence them more than any pep talk or lectureyou give them.
学习啦在线学习网 成年人在孩子训练和比赛时,如果能够以身作则,其效果要比任何鼓舞士气的讲话和说教都好的多。
