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  Chinese Women Volleyball Team

  It all began in June, 1976, when the new China National Women's Volleyball Team was formed. It wasn't easy, as the world of volleyball was dominated either by the Western teams which were characterized by their power and height, or by the more versatile Eastern teams (e.g. Japan) which are know for their speed and skill.

学习啦在线学习网   But the new team had two features that became important for their later success: Hope and a good coach. Yue Wai Man, 37 at that time, was named the head coach of the team. His unique vision made him realize to be one of the best, you have to learn what makes them the best. Therefore, a unique style combining speed, height, power and skill was developed.

  Being the best of Asia was only the first step. Our beloved Chinese ladies knew full well what has been waiting for them next.

  I really hope our Chinese Women Volleyball Team can win the gold again.


  Every Chinese, who experienced 1980s, will remember forever the day November 6th 1981 when the China National Women's Volleyball Team defeated the Japan National Team (the so-called "Toyo Women Magic") with 3 to 2 at the 3rd World Women's Volleyball Cup in Osaka Japan. That's the first world title for China Women's Volleyball Team. Everyone was shocked by this news. At that time, China had just been out of the "Cultural Revolution". When the news was broadcasted, people burst into joyful tears.


  Their victory was the result of all the former volleyball players' effort. In 1965,a famous coach of Japan was invited to China to help train the China National Women's Volleyball Team. Seeing both the players' conscientious and spirit and the support from the Chinese people, he exclaimed, "I'm sure that the China National Women's Volleyball Team will become strong!"


学习啦在线学习网   In 1982, the China National Women's Volleyball Team won the gold medal again at the World Women's Volleyball Championships in Peru under the leadership of Yuan Weimin.


  In August 1984, the China National Women's Volleyball Team defeated successively the Japan National Team and the US National Team with 3 to 0, and won the gold medal again at the 23rd Olympic Games, which realized the "Triple Crown" dream at the world matches. The pride head coach of Japan National Team said, "Defeating China National Team is equal to block the Yangtze River. Both are impossible." The American coach said, "I hope our children will play basketball as well as the Chinese girls."


  The elder players gradually retired after 1985. Then Lang Ping, the World No.1 Spiker at that time, was named the captain. She and her teammates went to Japan to join in the 4th World Cup, and won the title for the 4th time without losing any match.


  Two years later, the China National Women's Volleyball Team came to the 14th World Women's Volleyball Team Championships. Though the famous players, such as the "Iron Girl" Cao Huiying, the "Iron Hammer" Lang Ping, the "Wall of Tian An Men Rostrum" Zhou Xiaolan, and the "Quick Attacker" Zhang Rongfang, had retired, the Chinese girls still won the gold medal by their strength and wisdom. The "Penta Crown" shocked the world. What a miracle!


  The "Penta Crown" is not only a great honor, but also an ever spur. It has become the spirit of the China National Women's Volleyball Team. At present, the China National Women's Volleyball Team has become a symbol of striving and competing in Chinese people's hearts.


  As the fast development of other countries' volleyball career, the China National Women's Volleyball Team had lost parts of their advantages for a period. In early 1995, Lang Ping, the former core player of the "Penta Crown" team, became the head coach of the Chinese National Team. Though it's very hard to train these young players in such a short time, she made it. The China National Women's Volleyball Team won the bronze medals at the 7th World Cups at the end of 1995. Then they won the silver medals at the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, and the gold medals at the 13th Asian Games in 1998. The China National Women's Volleyball Team became the No.1 in Asian again. What's more, they made a greater miracle at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. These young girls defeated the rival in a very disadvantaged situation and won the gold medals finally, which were the bestaffirmation for their previous hard work.

学习啦在线学习网   随着世界各女排强国的迅速发展和奋力追赶,中国女排在以后的一段时间内出现了滑坡。1995年初,原中国女排“五连冠”主力队员郎平毅然出任主教练。在时间紧、任务重、队伍新、选手嫩的条件下,克服重重困难和矛盾。使得中国女排在1995年底开始出现转机,夺得第7届女排世界杯第三名,之后在1996年的亚特兰大上又勇夺银牌。1998年的第13届亚洲运动会上中国女子排球对夺得了女子排球项目的冠军,又一次开始称雄于亚洲排坛。特别是2004年的雅典奥运会,中国女排姑娘,更是演绎了惊天大逆转,创造了奇迹。这是奇迹,更是对女排姑娘平时付出的最大肯定。

学习啦在线学习网   Along with Reform and Opening up Policy's carrying on and the Spirit of the National Women's Volleyball Team, volleyball had spread in all parts of China. You can find people playing volleyball everywhere, not only in the residential areas and the countryside, but also in schools and factories. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games render a nationwide movement of body-building in China. Meanwhile, it serves more chances for the sports events development including the volleyball in China.

学习啦在线学习网   随着中国改革开放的深入,在女排精神的鼓舞下,排球这项竞技运动在中国得到更为广泛的开展和流行。无论是在城市、还是在农村、无论是在校园、还是在各种企事业单位都能见到热门在排球场上挥汗如雨的镜头。2008年北京奥运会,带给了中国人民全民健身的理念,同时也刺激了中国各项经济体育项目的发展和进步,这也给中国排球运动事业的发展带来了较好的机遇。


  We all know that the Chinese women volleyball team beat the Serbia to claim the gold medal of the women's volleyball tournament at Rio 2016 Olympic Game.This news has convinced us and reassured us that the Spirit of China Woman Volleyball does exist.

学习啦在线学习网   It seemed to win the match was not possible for the Chinese team, but the girls were very strong and insistented to fight for the last minute. Even they lost the first game, they never gave up.

  As the saying goes,”Never give up.” What it implies is that in order to achieve our goals,we should never give up,even when we are in adversity. There is a silver lining and be positive and hopeful in times of darkness.Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the stories of some famous people,such as the story of the famous inventor Edison,who argued that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.As we all know,Edison invented the light bulb.All things are difficult before they become easy.So it follows that whatever we do,we will inevitably encounter difficulties and frustration,even setbacks.What’s more,in time of this inevitable darkness,it is fruitless to curse or complain;rather be positive and to get ready for the sunshine.Positive thinking will let us do everything better than negative thinking do.When light comes with opportunity,a positive attitude is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.

  In conclusion,I think we should always keep the three words “Never Give Up” in mind, keep a positive thinking and silver lining will be the best assurance all though.We should try our best to pursue our dreams.






