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学习啦在线学习网   阅读是人们获取信息的重要途径,而在英语教学中,阅读是学习的重要环节,也是语言使用的重要方面。学习啦小编整理了400到500的英语短文,欢迎阅读!


  I like to see movie so much, before I was in middle school, science fiction movie is my favorite movie, like Harry Potter, for which I read the books for not only one time. But as I grow up, I start to watch other types of movie, like horror movie. I was afraid of watching horror movie before, because I would think about the horrible plots at night, even in my dreams, I would dream about it. One day, my friends asked me to watch horror movie with them, then I realized it was so exciting, the unknown plot caught my eyes. Sometimes I kept my eyes closed because of the scaring faces. But I loved this feeling. Since then, I fall in love with horror movie, I become more and more brave. Now watching horror movie has become an interesting activity with my friends.



学习啦在线学习网   When people start to set the goal, they will think about the result immediately, of course they want to get the best result. If people can predict the result, most of them will give up by knowing the unsuccessful ending. It seems that if the result is bad, what people work for is meaningless. Well, in my opinion, the process of fighting for the goal is much more important than the result. When we fight for our goal, we will do our best and try to improve ourselves, even we fail in the end, but when we look back at the beginning, we can find that we are no longer the childish ones, we have grown up and become mature. What’s more, on the process of fighting, we get close to success, as the saying that fail is the mother of success. So don’t treat the result so serious, just enjoy the process.

学习啦在线学习网   当人们开始定目标,他们会立刻想到结果,当然他们想要得到最好的结果。如果人们能够预知结果,他们大部分人会因为知道失败的结果而不去尝试。似乎如果结果是坏的,人们所做的努力就会没有意义。然而,在我看来,为目标而奋斗的过程比结果重要得多。当我们为了目标而奋斗的时候,会努力做到最好,尝试提高自己,即使最终失败,但是在我们回望开始的时候,就会发现我们不再是那个天真的自己,我们已经长大,变得成熟。而且,在奋斗的过程中,我们离成功也近了一步,正如有句话叫失败是成功之母。因此不要把结果看得那么严重,享受过程就好。


学习啦在线学习网   Last week, my English teacher showed us a famous violin player, the guy was not only looking young and handsome, but also played so well. After watching the video, I searched many information about him. The violin player is David Garrett, he is from Germany. He showed great talent in violin when he was a child. David loved to play the violin, he practiced so hard. He was practicing when other children were playing outside. The hard working helped David stand out, he got the amazing skill. An agent found him by chance and decided to sign him, since then, David recorded his album and got famous around the world. He broke the world record and being the violin player who can play the fastest. When people listen to him play, no one will ignore his skill, though he is really handsome.



学习啦在线学习网   Last night, I watched an interesting movie. It is called Intern, which are played by the famous beautiful girl Anny Hathaway and an old but skilled man. The story tells about a retired man finds his own place again by being an intern in garment company. The old man helps his boss who is acted by Anny come back her family life again. Though the man is aged, his is really young in mind. He keeps studying the constant news and learn the newest technology. Unlike the people who are in the same age and have no idea about the Internet, this old man is full of passion and he lives the wonderful life. So age is not the excuse to stop moving on, it is never too old to learn. Everyone can choose the life they live, no matter how old they are.


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阅读是人们获取信息的重要途径,而在英语教学中,阅读是学习的重要环节,也是语言使用的重要方面。学习啦小编整理了400到500的英语短文,欢迎阅读! 400到500的英语短文篇一 I like to see movie so much, before I was in middle school, s


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