Beautify your surroundings 赞美身边的东西
While you’re walking your dog, walking to your car, waiting for the bus or riding your bike take a moment and beautify where you are. Pick up a piece of garbage or 10 or 20, pull a weed or hammer in a nail. Every little bit helps but having the “I didn’t do it so I’m not picking it up” mind set doesn’t. Do your part and take pride in your neighborhood or work area.
学习啦在线学习网 当你遛狗,或是取车,等公车,骑着自行车的时候,花一点的时间感受你身边的东西,赞美身边的东西。扔垃圾或者除去杂草,取下钉子。任何一个细小的动作都是有帮助的,但不要有“我不想做所以我不去做”的思想在。做好你的一部分,夸赞邻居的工作,以他们为豪,或是爱你工作的地方。
Give 给予帮助
学习啦在线学习网 It may seem counter intuitive but to feel better yourself, do something for someone else. It doesn’t have to be anything big, elaborate or a year in the planning it just has to be sincere. Ask your co-worker in the next cubical over if they would like a coffee, pay the toll for the person in the car behind you, hold the door for someone, give a hug, smile.
学习啦在线学习网 这直觉上看起来是相反的,但为别人做点事情,感觉却非常好。不需要是一些大事,具体的或是一整年的。只要真诚帮助别人就可以了。问问你隔壁的同事需不需要一杯咖啡,帮助你后面的人付车费,帮别人开门,或是给一个拥抱,微笑。