Recognize Where the Waste Is 了解时间浪费在哪里
学习啦在线学习网 In order to begin a time management program, you need to pinpoint exactly where you are wasting the most time. Likely, there will be many areas where you need better time management. Look at those areas and start working on them every day. Slacking off here or there won’t help you. Be rigid。
学习啦在线学习网 要开始进行时间管理程序,就要非常精确的找出自己在什么地方浪费了大把时间。很多方面的时间管理你可能都需要改进。审视这些,开始每天在这些事务上用心。不要懈怠任何事情,那样对你是没好处。必须严格要求自己。
吃饭时多做点事 Multi-Task While Eating
学习啦在线学习网 Eating while just staring at the wall is a great time waster. Which is not a good thing. At least check your e-mail or read over a project you have to work on in the afternoon while you are munching your way through that tuna sandwich. If you read in your free time, do it during lunch to give you some extra time later when you are usually reading。
学习啦在线学习网 吃饭时仅仅盯着墙面是对时间的巨大浪费。这是很不好的事。在你大口吞食金枪鱼三明治的时候,至少应该查看邮件,或者看看下午的待办事项。平时你用业余的时间看书,但是你如果在吃饭的时候看书的话,原本用于看书的时间就节省下来了。
使用节约时间的工具 Get Some Tools
学习啦在线学习网 Getting your life organized will help your time management because you won’t have to think about what is coming up next on your schedule. You can also look up directions if you have a meeting, what restaurants are nearby, and a million other handy things to save yourself some time. Some people use their iPhone for these functions and some still use the Palm Pilot system. Whatever you use, make sure you can surf the net and plug in your daily schedule at ease。
提前计划 Plan Ahead
Each night, there needs to be a moment where you review what will be happening the next day. If you have somewhere to be at 8:30am, plan accordingly. Set your alarm to wake up earlier. Plan your route to avoid as much of the morning traffic rush as possible. It will only take a couple of minutes to refer to your schedule, but will save you tons of time the next day。
知道孰轻孰重 Priorities
学习啦在线学习网 Making sure you are attacking a task in the order is also key to managing your time. Alphabetizing your record collection instead of doing your taxes is probably not a smart move. Make a list of things you need to do -- no matter how small -- and put them in order. You can then attack projects and tasks as they move up the list instead of trying to do pieces of projects at the same time. That just keeps you unfocused and wasting time。
学习啦在线学习网 还有个合理安排时间的关键,就是确保计划井井有条。不去处理税务事宜,反而去整理音乐磁盘,这么做很不明智。把要做的事情,不论多小,都按顺序列在单子上。然后你就可以开始排时间表了,有些事要先做,这样你就不会把时间都浪费在一些琐碎的事情上了。这种做法能避免你分散精力、浪费时间。