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  女人软弱和依赖的日子一去不复返了。现在大多数女性努力追求坚强和独立。不管别人怎么说,成为 一个有权利的女人是很好的和鼓励其他女性更强和更快乐。这并不意味着男性弱,但有时没有他们的帮助你可以应付一些情况。遵循这些小技巧,成为一个强大的女人。

  1. Don’t be ashamed of your independence


  I have always wondered why so many lonely women prefer to stay home instead of going out. I carried out a few surveys and was astonished by the results. Many women said that they are ashamed of their independence and they are afraid to go to a restaurant or cinema alone. It’s ridiculous. Women should never be ashamed of being independent. If you don’t have a partner or friend, it doesn’t mean that you should stay home and avoid all social gatherings. Be proud of yourself and show everyone that you are an empowered woman.

学习啦在线学习网   我一直想知道为什么那么多寂寞的女性宁愿呆在家里而不是出去。我进行了一些调查和被结果所惊讶。很多女性说她们羞愧于独立,他们害怕独自一个人去餐厅或电影。这是荒谬的。女性不应该因独立而羞愧。如果你没有一个合作伙伴或朋友,这并不意味着你应该呆在家里,避免所有社交聚会。为自己而骄傲并告诉大家你是一个强大的女人。

  2. Stay positive


  The power of positive thinking is immense. Positivity breeds success, happiness and positive actions that help you inspire other people to think positively and cope with the hard times with less stress. All powerful women are positive and they tackle all their problems with a smile on their faces. Don’t let anyone and anything to bring you down. If you need to cope with a heartbreak, do it. You are smart, strong and beautiful and you will definitely find your Mr. Right.

学习啦在线学习网   积极思考的力量是巨大的。积极性孕育成功,幸福,积极的行动,积极帮助你激励别人思考, 更少的压力应对困难时期用。强大的女人都是积极和她们解决所有的问题都是脸上带着微笑。不要让任何人和任何事让你失望的。如果你需要处理心碎,这样做。你是聪明的,强壮的和美丽的,你肯定会找到你的白马王子。

  3. Speak up


  If you want to say something, say it! Don’t keep silent when you want to talk. Most women are afraid to express their point of view and their hide their emotions, feelings and thoughts from others. Empowered women are not afraid to speak up and they are never ashamed of their thoughts.


  4. Learn how to say ‘no’


  If you don’t want to work on your weekend, say ‘no’ to your coworker or boss. If you don’t want to go on a date, say ‘no’ even if that guy is nice. Doing too much things at once won’t make you an empowered woman and doing things you don’t want to do won’t make you happier. Just because you are strong and smart doesn’t mean you should help everyone and do everything.

学习啦在线学习网   如果你不希望在周末工作,对你的同事或老板说“不”。如果你不想去约会,说“不”,即使那个人是很好的人。一次做太多的事情不会让你成为一个强大的女人,做你不想做的事情不会让你更快乐。仅仅因为你是强大的和聪明的并不意味着你应该帮助每个人,做所有的事。

  5. Cope with your problems on your own


  Every woman in the world can cope with any problem on her own. You just need to believe in your power and your abilities. In order to become an empowered woman, learn how to fix your problems without your parent’s or partner’s help. It may be difficult at first, especially if you’ve never handled any hard situation alone. Once you start, don’t give up no matter what. Coping with your problems on your own will help you feel more confident and empowered and you will show other women that they are strong enough to do the same.


  6. Empower other women to live a happy life


学习啦在线学习网   Powerful women always help others. They volunteer at shelters, help people to cope with the hard times and inspire them to live a happy life. Set a good example and show other women that they can be as strong and independent as you are. Help them to embrace themselves and celebrate their lives.


  7. Set powerful goals


学习啦在线学习网   Life is not complete without goals. They help us reach success, become happy and make all our dreams come true. Every week or month set a few goals and make plans how to reach them. Each morning (or evening) create a to-do list of all of the things you want to do that day and make sure you do everything possible to accomplish them. If your goal is to get a promotion, consider taking extra tasks, reading a lot of book and studying every single day to reach that goal. You will feel more empowered once you get a promotion (or achieve any other goal!)


  Being an empowered woman is not as difficult as you think. Find that power in yourself and use it to improve people’s lives as well as your own life. Although men are afraid of powerful women, it doesn’t mean you should be weak in order to find your love. Be yourself and people will love you no matter how powerful you are. Are you an empowered woman? Do you think it’s good for women to be independent?

学习啦在线学习网   成为一个强大的女人并不像你想的那么困难。在自己身上发现那种强大和用它来改善人们的生活以及你自己的生活。虽然男人害怕强大的女人,这并不意味着你应该为了找到你的爱而弱小。做真实的自己,人们会爱你不管你有多么强大。你是一个强大的女人吗?你认为它有益于女性独立吗?