
近期出柜女星 “暮光女”宣布出柜(2)

时间: 若木631 分享
What’s not to be accepting about her now having a girlfriend? She’s happy. I’ve met Kristen’s new girlfriend, I like her. What’s not to accept? She’s a lovely girl,’ she told the Sunday Mirror.

学习啦在线学习网   小k妈妈告诉《周日镜报》说:“何不接受她现在有女友的这个事实呢?她很开心。我见过克里斯汀的新女友了,我很喜欢。为什么不接受?对方是个可爱的女孩。”

  She then explained how she feels people must be ‘free to love whoever they want’, adding: ‘I accept my daughter loves women and men. We all choose our friends so we should be free to choose our lovers.’

学习啦在线学习网   小k妈妈还解释道,她认为人们“有自由去爱其所爱”,她还说,“我接受我的女儿是双性恋。我们可以选择我们的朋友,同样我们也可以选择我们的爱人。”

学习啦在线学习网   And speaking of her sadness at her daughter’s romance with R-Pattz not working out, she added: ‘They were a great couple. I’m very sad that Kristen and Robert didn’t have a chance to be alone together, they had to have the whole world with them and all the public stuff ruined everything, life became overwhelming.’


学习啦在线学习网   Kristen and R-Patz’s romance abruptly ended after she was seen kissing married director Rupert Sanders, 44, who had directed her in 2012 film Snow White and the Huntsman.


学习啦在线学习网   While she’s now happily dating Alicia, Robert, 29, is said to be engaged to singer FKA Twigs, 27.

  如今小k与艾丽西亚愉快地交往,而29岁的罗伯特则传出与27岁的歌手FKA Twigs订婚。

  ‘She’s not unhappy at all. She’s still friends with her ex-boyfriend and she’s moving forward,’ Jules added.


学习啦在线学习网   小编按:这个世界已经逆天了!好看的男人都变gay了!漂亮的女子也要结对了!最近女星出柜的消息层出不穷,从凯特女王到麦莉,现在又是小k(可怜的炮灰嫩牛五方)……现在出柜都要组团了!!你们开心就好TT

  She recently discussed how her mother feared she would 'go to hell' after revealing she was bisexual at age 14.

学习啦在线学习网   在她14岁跟母亲坦白自己是双性恋后,她谈到了自己的母亲有多么害怕自己会“下地狱”。

  But it is clear that Miley Cyrus, 22, and her mother Tish, 48, have always had an unshakable bond, and Tish told Paper Magazine that eventually she was able to accept her daughter's sexuality.

学习啦在线学习网   但是显然22岁的麦莉·塞勒斯和她48岁的母亲蒂什间存在着不可动摇的羁绊,蒂什告诉《Paper Magazine》娱乐杂志自己终于能接受女儿的性向了。

学习啦在线学习网   On Tuesday, the pair were seen together looking typically close as they left a restaurant in Los Angeles.


  She caused something of a stir last week after appearing to admit to a string of relationships with women.

学习啦在线学习网   上周她在承认了似乎和一连串女性有过恋爱关系之后掀起了轩然大波。

学习啦在线学习网   Cate Blanchett, who stars as divorcing mother who falls in love with another woman in Todd Haynes's new film, Carol, said: "In 2015, the point should be: who cares?"
