学习啦在线学习网 Perk up I did, but not in the way she was thinking. At that precise moment, I knew I was in the wrong job and more importantly, the wrong career path. In one life lesson she had unwittingly (and unrelentingly) taught me three key things:
学习啦在线学习网 我还记得当时喝了大量咖啡因和减充血剂,不过最终还是努力完场了演示稿。小睡了一两个小时候,我又回到办公室接听电话。在通话过程中,我昏昏欲睡,浑身疼痛不已,还不停咳嗽。一会儿,那位副总裁将电话调为静音,看着我说:“我需要你打起精神来。”
学习啦在线学习网 Pursue great people and not the paycheck
学习啦在线学习网 Do work you love
学习啦在线学习网 Create a healthy work-life balance
• 追随优秀的人,而不是工资
• 做自己喜爱的工作
• 保证健康的工作和生活平衡
学习啦在线学习网 Suddenly, the income was not as important as being able to work with great mentors and people I could learn from. I had hoped for this when accepting the investment-banking job and soon realized it didn’t exist. I remained blinded by the pay until that mute button was pressed. I left and ultimately took a job that paid much less but was far more rewarding in terms of the people and the work.
Having a clear understanding of what was important to me was critical not just when co-founding a company that I wanted to work at – but also to create a place that fosters satisfying careers for all those I work with as well.
学习啦在线学习网 不论是共同创建一家自己希望为其奋斗的公司,还是为同事们创造一个平台,让他们获得令人满意的职业发展,对我而言,最为关键的是,清楚什么才是对自己最重要的。