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学习啦在线学习网   一、关于价格术语:

  2002年,大连某工艺品进出口公司(以下称大连公司)出售一批圣诞节商品给英国客户,采用CIF的价格术语,及Irrevocable L/C的支付方式。由于圣诞节商品的销售季节性很强,因此,英国客户要求在合同中对到货时间作了以下规定:“8月份自中国港口装运,卖方保证载货轮船于11月10日抵达英国Liverpool。如迟于该日抵达,在买方要求下,卖方必须同意取消合同,如货款已经收妥,则须退还买方。”

学习啦在线学习网   合同签定后,大连公司于8月中将货物装运出口,凭L/C规定的装运单据向银行收妥货款。不料,轮船在航行途中,主要机件损坏,无法继续航行。虽然承运人租用大马力拖轮拖带该轮船继续前进。但当该轮抵达Liverpool时已是12月5日。于是,英国客户便以货物晚到为由,要求取消合同,并要求赔偿。经协商合同最终并未取消,但大连公司不得不让价40%(退还货款40%),从而遭受重大经济损失。

  试问:大连公司与英国客户所签定的是真正的CIF合同吗?说明理由。 About CIF:

  In 2002, a Dalian industrial import company (short for DL co.) had sold some Christmas products to their British customers in the form of CIF and Irrevocable L/C to purchase. Therefore, the British customers required the time of delivery as follow: shipping from Chinese port at August, the seller should ensure the ship will arrive at Liverpool at November 10. If arrive several days later, under buyer’s request, seller must have agreed to cancel the contract. If the payment of goods had already been taken, buyer should have returned it back.

  Once the contract had been settled down, DL Company exported the goods during Augustandtook his payment from bank with shipping documents based on L/C rules. Unfortunately, the ship had been damaged on the way of navigation and could not continue their job. Though the carrier rented high power tug to drag it to the destination port, the day they arrived at Liverpool was already December 5. In that case, the BritishCustomer asked to cancel the contract and claimed for compensation for the late of shipment. Through bargaining, the contract hadn’t been canceled at last. Instead, Dl Company had to give a reduction (return 40% of the payment) by which they had suffered a large economic loss.

学习啦在线学习网   Question: is the contract that DL Company and British customer had signed the true CIF contract? Why?

  Analysis of this case:

学习啦在线学习网   The case they have signed was not the true CIF contract.

  CIF, this term means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.

学习啦在线学习网   But in this case, their contract stipulated “Shipping from Chinese port at August, the seller should ensure the ship will arrive at Liverpool at November 10. If arrive several days later, under buyer’s request, seller must have agreed to cancel the contract. If the payment of goods had already been taken, buyer should have returned it back.” which means this contract had become a nominal CIF contract. Andit acts the function of an Arrival Contract.

  Base on the definition of CIFitem, the seller should not acceptsuchterms with schedule time to delivery. Because under the CIF term, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer.

  Even if the seller have the ability to deliver his goodspunctual and willing to take more risks, he should consider to take DES or DEQ forms to make the contract, by which to maximally have the protection of great cover.

  All in all, this contract is not a traditional meaning CIF contract.



学习啦在线学习网   问航运中失重2吨,投保何种险别可获理赔,船方对于失重是否负赔偿责任? International cargo transportation insurance

  ABC Company loaded 50 tons frozen fish (cargo in bulk) atPort of Dalian notarized by the notary office. While the ship was discharged at Port of Yokohama, there was 48 tons left.

学习啦在线学习网   Question: What cover should betaken out for the 2 ton loss in the transportation to get the Claims? Should the carrier pay for the loss of goods?

  Analysis of this case:

  There is no such assurance for such average and get claims.

  No, they are responsibility for theaverage.

  According to Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses (OMCC), such average do not belong to total loss and partial loss which defines the coverage in terms of the nature of the loss or damage, the extent of the loss or damage, and the conditions under which it occurred.

学习啦在线学习网   So, in this case, the goods weresubordinate to the frozen goods and in bulk. It is difficult for insurer to provide relevant insurance.

  As for the carrier, according to TheHagueRegulations detailed provision, which means that the carrier have no responsibility to the loss of bulk cargo freight.




  Clouse of shipment

  Dalian ABC Company had exported a batch of fruits which was 6000 kilogram in total toSingapore.According to C/L stipulation sent by the other party, partial shipment is not allowed. Ship should be loaded before September 30. ABC Company had separately loaded 3000 kilogram on boardby“Don fang”cargo ship from Dalian at September 8 and from Yantai at September 10. It also had been remarked different loading port and date of shipping.

学习啦在线学习网   Question: does party A’s behavior constitutes a violation of contract?

  Analysis of this case:

  Partial shipment means shipping the commodity under one contract in more than one lot.Herein, partial refer to different freighter and flight number which doesn’t means that there can only be one loading port for the delivery. Therefore, even ABC Company had exported his goods in different loading ports and at different time, their behavior cannot be regarded as partial shipment. Since the deal was clinched at one time which effectively made it a one-time delivery.

  That is to say, party A’s behavior cannot be regarded as a violation of contract.


学习啦在线学习网   新加坡ABC公司向奇瑞国际公司(以下称奇瑞国际)进口500套B14的CKD,付款条件为不可撤销L/C。双方签订合同后,ABC公司通过新加坡发展银行开立了L/C(Unrestricted Negotiation),证上列明按“UCP500”办理。

学习啦在线学习网   Singapore ABC company has imported 500 suits of B14 of CKD from Chery international company (short for Chery International), in the terms of payment by irrevocable sight L/C. under the contract, Company ABC applies to Singapore Development Bank and open an L/C(Unrestricted Negotiation) based on the term of UCP500 that is listed in the credit.

学习啦在线学习网   奇瑞国际发运货物后,凭全套与L/C规定相符的单据向中国银行芜湖市分行议付,取得了全额货款。但CKD抵达新加坡经ABC公司检验后,发现只有480套。新加坡发展银行认为收到的货物与L/C规定的数量不符,因而拒付。中国银行芜湖市分行则以开证行拒付为由向奇瑞国际追索货款。


学习啦在线学习网   (1) 新加坡发展银行没有权利拒付?

学习啦在线学习网   (2) 中国银行芜湖市分行有没有权利向奇瑞国际追索货款?

  About Letter of Credit:

学习啦在线学习网   After CheryInternational (beneficiary) ships the goods, the beneficiary obtains anegotiable bill of loading based on L/C and gains full payment from Bank of China, Wuhu branch. However, the CKD goods that arrives at Singapore had been inspected, only 480 suits left. Singapore Development Bank refuses to pay for the goods because the quantities of goods are not in compliance with that specified in the L/C. Bank of China, Wuhu branchclaim indemnity from Chery International for being refused by Issuing Bank.

学习啦在线学习网   Suppose you are the staffwho takes in charge of this case, DidBank of China, Wuhu branch have the right to claim indemnity from Chery International? Analysis of this case:

  Wuhu branch of Bank of China has the right to claim indemnity.

  The Negotiation, in fact, means a cash advance is granted to the exporter when the documents are presented with the fulfillment, on top of the acceptanceof one draft. The negotiation of the drafts at maturity implies the debit of additional interest computed from the date of acceptance to the actual settlement date. It means that the payment that beneficiaryreceived from the advising bank is not a real sense of payment.

  Therefore, served as an advising bank (Negotiation Bank), Wuhu branch of Bank of China has the right to claim indemnity from Chery International when the issuing bank (Singapore Development Bank) refuse to pay.


  For first time importers, it is highly advisable to use a customs broker to enter and clear goods through customs. Customs brokers are licensed by the countries in which they operate, and they act on behalf of the importer to file the necessary documents for goods to enter a country at the port-of-entry. Depending on their relationship with their client, they may also pay customs duties and other importing expenses on their client’s behalf. Finally, they advise importers about issues of which they may need to be aware such as country or origin markings.

  When choosing a customs broker, the importer should first make sure they can enter goods at their desired arrival port. Prior to placing an order with a manufacturer, the respective nation’s customs agency and the importer’s customs broker should be consulted to avoid possible problems such as the following:

学习啦在线学习网   Any legal issues that might exist with the product in the country of import

学习啦在线学习网   Finding out after the product arrives at port that the product is subject to import quotas (such as those put on textiles)

  Possible health, safety or other regulations which apply to the product to be imported

学习啦在线学习网   Before the goods are shipped, ensure the packing regulations for the destination country have been adhered to by the factory. For example, every box, bale or case may need to be numbered with the exact quantity in each.

学习啦在线学习网   One easy to avoid, but all too common problem encountered when importing is the failure to mark the product in compliance with country of origin regulations. To avoid this, contact the respective customs agency of the nation where the merchandise will be imported to ensure the goods are in compliance. Furthermore, this marking must be visible to the ultimate purchaser of the product.

学习啦在线学习网   It is important to know the rate before product arrives at port. See the following link for more information. The tariff rate levied by customs must be paid before the importer can take possession of the goods. While tariff rates in countries like the U.S. average around 5%, they can be significantly higher for some goods, particularly those with higher labor content.

学习啦在线学习网   The majority of customs clearance is about paperwork. Different goods can require different types of documentation, but A bill of lading, a commercial invoice and Packing list must prepare include. It is crucial to make sure these documents, and any others that may be needed for a particular shipment, are carefully completed and reviewed before the goods arrive.

  To avoid excess storage fees, arrange for a freight forwarder or some other type of transporter to ship the goods to their final destination as soon as they have cleared customs.

学习啦在线学习网   Being aware of these points, as well working closely with customs and a customs broker, will make the importing process run more smoothly and will reduce the possibility of unnecessary difficulty or expense.

  All entries must be lodged and cleared electronically prior to goods being loaded for export. Sipping companies, airlines, or freight forwarders will usually provide arrival papers around the time the shipment is due to arrive.

学习啦在线学习网   You will be required to arrange any necessary permits from other agencies (such as agriculture clearances or firearms permits). If you are a first time importer, Customs will assist you with the clearance procedures.

学习啦在线学习网   You will need to provide Customs with:

学习啦在线学习网   Permits issued from other agencies, if applicable

  Evidence of your identity (such as your passport or driver's license)

  The arrival documentation from the shipping company, airline, or freight forwarder

  Evidence of overseas freight and insurance costs

  For purchases via e-mail, internet, or mail order etc — evidence of the value from the supplier Where it is clear the importation is for a private individual and the parcel contains sufficient information, an assessment will be made by Customs and sent to the recipient.

  If further information is required in order for an assessment to be made, or permits from other agencies are required, a notice will be sent to the recipient.

  If you are importing goods and the mail processing company uses a track and trace system, goods are sometimes stated as being held by Customs. This means that the goods are waiting for Customs clearance, not that Customs is in possession of your item. Please contact the mail processing company for any further queries regarding this item.

  Exchange rates

  Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) is a common term in a sales contract that may be encountered in international trading when ocean transport is used. When a price is quoted CIF, it means that the selling price includes the cost of the goods, the freight or transport costs and also the cost of marine insurance.

  A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier e.g. a ship's master or by a company's shipping department, acknowledging that specified goods have been received on board as cargo for conveyance to a named place for delivery to the consignee who is usually identified.

  It can be used for all modes of transport including multimodal transport. The seller pays for the freight to the named point of destination. The buyer pays for the insurance. The passing of risk occurs when the goods have been delivered into the custody of the first carrier.

  The seller delivers the goods into the custody of the first carrier, and this is where risk passes from seller to buyer. The buyer pays for the transportation. It can be used for all modes of transportation including multimodal transport, such as in shipping containers where the ship's rail plays no relevant part in determining a shipping point.

  It is at the time taking your goods through customs clearance that you may encounter unforeseen expenditures related to certain mistakes your foreign partner can make if said partner does not receive timely notice of the requirements imposed by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

  The companies that have learned the hard way what the price of such customs miscarriages is now choose to commit the management of customs issues to professionals. This allows them to achieve the best results and saves them some unreasonable time-and-resource expenditures.

学习啦在线学习网   We will give a preliminary estimate of the applicability of our Customer's documents, issue preliminary recommendations, prepare the required sets of documents and have them approved, compile the customs freight declaration, pass through the applicable registration formalities with the customs authorities, participate in customs operations and provide the Customer with all the documents after the closing of the customs regime declared.

学习啦在线学习网   By tracking the shipping process, by keeping immediate contact with the carrier, by developing the procedure for and controlling the correctness of the documents to be submitted, our specialists will virtually do whatever possible to help your business to steer clear of all storms, rocks and shallows that threaten anyone venturing across the ocean of Russian customs law.

学习啦在线学习网   In the present importers and exporters prefer to customs affairs independent company by individuals or legal office must be assigned.


随着改革开放,国际贸易专业迅速发展,在一定程度上满足了社会发展的需要。下面是学习啦小编带来的国际贸易英文文章,欢迎阅读! 国际贸易英文文章1 一、关于价格术语: 2002年,大连某工艺品进出口公司(以下称大连公司)出售一批圣诞节商