学习啦在线学习网 Some experts believe this recently discovered 1887 melainotype showing six men drinking around a table may include a rare sighting of painter Vincent van Gogh.
Van Gogh famously recorded himself in numerous self-portraits, but was known to abhor photography and supposedly never sat for a photo as an adult; only two rare photos of the artist as a child are known to exist, taken when he was 13 and 19.
学习啦在线学习网 梵高有很多赫赫有名自画像记录了自己的影像,但他却偏偏讨厌摄影,据说成人后的梵高从未正式地坐下来拍摄一张自己的照片;这位大名鼎鼎的艺术家在童年时光只留下两张罕见的照片:分别是在他13岁时和19岁时所拍摄的。
学习啦在线学习网 The image first came to the attention of French photo expert Serge Plantureux when two individuals acquired the photo at an estate sale and thought they recognized a few of the faces, among them, artists Paul Gauguin and Emile Bernard—a significant discovery in and of itself.
学习啦在线学习网 Analyzing the photographic process, the photographer pinpointed that a bearded figure who appears amongst the gathering of stoic men might be Van Gogh.
学习啦在线学习网 这张照片最初引起了法国相片专家瑟奇·普拉图科克斯的注意,当时有两个人在房产拍卖会上认出了这张照片,他们指认了照片中的几张脸,其中就有艺术家保罗·塞尚和埃米尔·伯纳德。
学习啦在线学习网 摄影师对拍摄过程做了分析,他精确指出那位出现在斯多葛派聚会中的长着胡须的人很可能就是梵高。
The photo went to auction just this weekend and was expected to fetch between 6,000 to 0,000, though a final sale price hasn’t been made public. Still, some experts aren’t convinced. The photo expert for the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam feels it can’t be the artist “because it simply does not look like him,” and also mentions the artist’s desire to never be photographed. Others note that Van Gogh didn’t mention the gathering in his meticulously written letters from the time period.