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学习啦在线学习网   If you want to stand out among people, there is no shortcut or alternatives for you but hard work.


学习啦在线学习网   There was once a boy in ragged clothes full of patches running to ask a building contractor who wore the finery with a tobacco pipe in his mouth in a construction site of a skyscraper, "how could I become as rich as you when I grow up ?"


  With a glance at the boy, the tall and strong-build contractor replied, "I would like to tell you a story first about three diggers. The first digger liked holding a spade without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a boss in the future. The second digger always liked complaining about the long-time work and his low salary. The third digger liked quietly devoting himself to digging without making any claims. Several years later, the first digger was still holding his spade in the original place and the second took an excuse of work injury for early retirement. Only the third digger became the boss of the building company. Do you understand the moral of this story? Just go to buy a red shirt and work hard."

学习啦在线学习网   小男孩满脸困惑,百思不解其中的道理,只好再请他说明.承包商指着那批正在脚手架上工作的建筑工人,对男孩说:"看到那些人了吗?他们全都是我的工人.我无法记得他们每一个的名字,甚至有些人,根本连脸孔都没印象.但是,你仔细瞧他们之中,只有那边那个晒得红红的家伙.穿一件红色衣服.我很快就注意到,他似乎比别人更卖力,做得更起劲.他每天总是比其他的人早一点上工.工作时也比较拼命.而下工的时候,他总是最后一个下班.就因为他那件红衬衫,使他在这群工人中间特别突出.我现在就要过去找他,派他当我的监工.从今天开始我相信他会更卖命,说不定很快就会成为我的副手.“

学习啦在线学习网   The little boy was puzzled and could not figure out the implication of the story. So he asked the contractor to explain further. Pointing to the builders who were working on scaffold, the contractor talked to the little boy, "Look at those people! They are all my workers. I can not remember all of their names, and even I have no impression of some of them. But if you look carefully, you will notice a sunburned man in red among them. I notice him very early. He seems to be working harder with higher spirits than others. He is always the first one to work every day while the last one to leave. It is exactly his red shirt that makes him stand out among all the workers. Now I am about to ask him to be my taskmaster and I believe he will work even much harder from now on. Maybe he will soon be promoted to my assistant.


学习啦在线学习网   "You know, that is also how I got where I am now. I once worked harder and outperformed others. However, if I had worn a blue shirt as other workers did at that time, I would not have been noticed by my boss. So I wore striped shirt every day and worked arduously. Soon my day came, and my boss noticed me and promoted me as taskmaster. After I earned enough money, I also became a boss eventually.


  Success can only be born in action. Working hard is all winners' shared and indispensable experience for achieving their dreams in their lives. The more you achieve from your hard work, the greater significance of hard work you will perceive. Life needs action to fulfill and I hope you can set up your goal and start your journey right now.


  :旧鞋子也有温暖 Old Shoes, Happy Life


  People often drop into a gloomy life and are unable to extricate themselves.

学习啦在线学习网   有个生活比较潦倒的销售员,每天都埋怨自己"怀才不遇,命运在捉弄他".

学习啦在线学习网   There once was a poor and frustrated salesman complaining every day that there was no platform for him to display his ability and the fate was often pulling his legs.


  At Christmas Eve, every family decorated their houses with lanterns and streamers and it was very festive everywhere. But he was alone sitting in a bench in a park and recalling the past. It was on the same day last year when he was also alone drinking his Christmas day away, without new clothes, new shoes, let alone a new car and a new house.


  “Damn! I have to spend this Christmas day with these old shoes again.” he signed and began to take off the old shoes. Suddenly, he glanced a young man in a wheel chair passing by him with his hands arduously pushing the wheel forward. It dawned on him that he was so lucky to have shoes to wear while that man did not even have the chance. Afterwards, the sales man did anything with a calm mood and cherished every opportunity to improve himself. He worked hard and tried his best to make a progress every day. Several years later, he eventually changed his life totally and became a millionaire


学习啦在线学习网   If you look all around, you will find there are so many people who were born disabled in the society but they are confident in life and never complain about the unfair destiny. They are also not to beg others’ almsgiving. Instead, they constantly strive to make themselves stronger and more excellent to serve the society. By contrast, we should feel ashamed. We are born healthy, but we are fed up with life; we complain about our colleagues and dissatisfy with our jobs.


学习啦在线学习网   Maybe all of us would feel afraid when we realize we have fallen into such frustrating state of life, but worse is you even do not realize you have fallen into such a jeopardous situation.


  为了成功 训练自己

  Ever seen a great champion boxer like Manny Pacquiao? With his speed, agility and power, he has conquered lots of other great boxers of the twenty first century. In between fights, he keeps his training regime and intensifies it when another fight approaches.


学习啦在线学习网   Just like a boxer, we, too come face to face with many opponents in the arena of life—problems and difficulties. The bad news is, we don’t really know when our bouts with these opponents occur—no posters and promotional TV commercials; no pre-fight Press Conference and weigh in to make sure that we measure up to our opponent; and there is no Pay Per View coverage.


  Here are several reasons why you should train yourself for success like a champion boxer!

学习啦在线学习网   为什么我们应该像一个拳击冠军那样训练自己?原因有以下几点。

学习啦在线学习网   You don’t practice in the arena, that’s where your skills and your abilities are evaluated. This also means that you don’t practice solving problems and developing yourself when problems occur, you prepare yourself to face them long before you actually face them.


  Talent is good but training is even better. Back in college, one of my classmates in Political Science did not bring any textbook or notebook in our classes; he just listened and participated in discussions. What I didn’t understand was how he became a magna cum laude! Apparently, he was gifted with a great memory and analytical skills. In short, he was talented.

学习啦在线学习网   有天赋是件好事情,但是训练更重要。还在大学时,我的一位学政治学同学上课时从不带课本或者笔记,他只是听课、参与讨论。我所不能理解的是他如何成为一名优等生的!显然,他被赐予了极好的记忆和分析能力,简言之,他是个天才。

  If you are talented, you probably need less preparation and training time in facing life’s challenges. But for people who are endowed with talent, training and learning becomes even important.Avoid the lazy person’s maxim: “If it ain’t broken, why fix it?” Why wait for your roof to leak in the rainy season when you can fix it right away.

学习啦在线学习网   如果拥有天赋,你可能需要较少的准备和训练就能应对人生的挑战。但是对天才而言,训练和学习更加重要。抛弃懒人的格言"羊未丢,何须补"吧。既然你现在就能搞定,为什么要等到下雨天让屋漏雨呢?

学习啦在线学习网   Training enables you to gain intuition and reflexes. Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, said that artists, athletes and anyone who wants to be successful, need 10,000 hours of practice to become really great. With constant practice and training, you hone your body, your mind and your heart and gain the intuition and reflexes of a champion. Same thing is true in life.

学习啦在线学习网   训练能使你获得直觉和反应力。马尔科姆·格拉德威尔在他的书《Outliers》提到,艺术家、运动员或者任何想获得成功的人,在变得真正优秀之前都需要练习10000小时。经过持续的练习和训练,你的身体和心智得到磨练,你从而具备了冠军的直觉和反应力。生活亦是如此。

  Without training, you will mess up. Without training, you will not be able to anticipate how your enemy will hit you. You will trip at that hurdle. Your knees will buckle before you hit the marathon’s finish line. You will lose control of your race car after the first lap. With training, you lower the likelihood of these accidents


学习啦在线学习网   Winners train. If you want to win, train yourself for it. You may be a lucky person and you can win a race, or overcome a problem at first try. But if you do not train, your victory may be like a one-time lottery win, which you cannot capitalize on over the long run.and you become fitter and more capable of finishing the race.


学习啦在线学习网   Keep in mind that training is borne out of discipline and perseverance. Even if you encounter some setbacks in your training regime, if you keep at it and persevere, you will soon see results in your life and when problems come, you will be like the champion boxer who stands tall and fights until the final round is over and you’re proclaimed as the champion!
