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学习啦在线学习网   Covering One's Ears While Stealing a Bell


学习啦在线学习网   Mr. Wang thinks he is clever, but he always does foolish things

学习啦在线学习网   王先生总以为自己很聪明,实际上他总干傻事。

学习啦在线学习网   One day he sees a beautiful bell at the top of a door. "Oh! How nice! I will take it home." He thinks, "What can I do?" After a while he has a "good" idea. "Aha! I have an idea now. I can plug my ears. Then I will not hear the ring when I take off the bell."


  Then he does so. But as soon as he takes off the bell, the owner opens the door. "What are you doing?" the owner says angrily.

学习啦在线学习网   于是他就这样做了。可是他刚拿下铃铛,屋子的主人就打开门,怒气冲冲地说:"你在干什么?"


  At the time when Fan, a nobleman of the state of Jin, became a fugitive, a commoner found a bell and wanted to carry it off on his back.

学习啦在线学习网   春秋时侯,晋国贵族智伯灭掉了范氏。有人趁机跑到范氏家里想偷点东西,看见院子里吊着一口大钟。钟是用上等青铜铸成的,造型和图案都很精美。小偷心里高兴极了,想把这口精美的大钟背回自已家去。

  But the bell was too big for him.

学习啦在线学习网   可是钟又大又重,怎么也挪不动。

  When he tried to knock it into pieces with a hammer there was a loud clanging sound. [/en]

学习啦在线学习网   他想来想去,只有一个办法,那就是把钟敲碎,然后再分别搬回家。小偷找来一把大锤,拼命朝钟砸去,咣的一声巨响,把他吓了一大跳。

学习啦在线学习网   He was afraid that someone will hear the noise and take the bell from him, so he immediatelystopped his own ears.

学习啦在线学习网   小偷着慌,心想这下糟了,这种声不就等于是告诉人们我正在这里偷钟吗?他越听越害怕,不同自由地抽回双手,使劲捂住自已的耳朵。

学习啦在线学习网   To worry about other people hearing the noise is understandable, but to worry about himself hearing the noise (as if stopping his own ears would prevent other people from hearing) isabsurd.


学习啦在线学习网   掩耳盗铃文章英文翻译

学习啦在线学习网   Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell

学习啦在线学习网   During the Spring and Autumn period,Zhi Bo of the State of Jin destroyed Fan's family.Taking advantage of this occasion,a man went to Fan's house and tried to steal something.As soon as the man entered the gate,he saw that there hung a big bell in the courtyard.The bell was cast in high-quality bronza,and was beautiful in design and shape.The theif was very glad,and decided to carry this beautiful bell back home.But no matter how hard he tried,he could not move the bell,because the bell was both big and heavy.He thought and thought again,and believed there was only one way to solve the problem.He had to break the bell to pieces before he was able to carry them back to his home separately.

学习啦在线学习网   The thief found a big iron hammer,with which he struck the bell with all his might.The striking produced an enormous crashing sound,which might.The striking produced an enormous crashing sound,which made the thief terribly frightened.The thief got flurried,thinking that it was too bad to have produced the crashiing sound which would himself on the bell,trying to muffle the crashing sound with his arms.But how could the crashing sound of the bell be muffled?The crashing sound still kept drifting melodiously to distant places.The more he listened to the sound,the more frightened hw became.He xubconsciously shrank back,and covered his ears hard with his hands."Hey,the sound becomes fainter,inaudible,"the thief became cheerful at once," wonderful!The sound of the bell can not be heard when the ears are covered."He immediately got some odd bits of cloth,made two rolls with them,and had his ears plugged with the two cloth rolls.He thought that in this way nobody could hear the sound of the bell.Feeling relieved,he began striking the bell,one blow after another.The resounding sound of the bell was heard at distant places,and finally people caught the thief by gracing the sound.

学习啦在线学习网   This story comes from"Knowing Yourself" in The Annals by Buwei,written just before the Qin Dynasty(221-207 B.C.)was founded.Allegedly,when Li Yuan,Emperor Gao Zu of the Tang Dynasty(618-907),read this story,he felt it simply ridiculous and said,"This is what is called plugging one's ears while stealing a bell."

学习啦在线学习网   Later,people have used the set phrase "plugging one's ears while stealing a bell" to refer to the ignorance and foolishness of the person who deceives himself as well as others.


学习啦在线学习网   春秋时侯,晋国贵族智伯灭掉了范氏。有人趁机跑到范氏家里想偷点东西,看见院子里吊着一口大钟。钟是用上等青铜铸成的,造型和图案都很精美。小偷心里高兴极了,想把这口精美的大钟背回自已家去。可是钟又大又重,怎么也挪不动。他想来想去,只有一个办法,那就是把钟敲碎,然后再分别搬回家。


学习啦在线学习网   他越听越害怕,不同自由地抽回双手,使劲捂住自已的耳朵。“咦,钟声变小了,听不见了!”小偷高兴起来,“妙极了!把耳朵捂住不住就听不进钟声了吗!”他立刻找来两个布团,把耳朵塞住,心想,这下谁也听不见钟声了。于是就放手砸起钟来,一下一下,钟声响亮地传到很远的地方。人们听到钟声蜂拥而至把小偷捉住了。

学习啦在线学习网   故事出自《吕氏春秋·自知》“掩耳盗钟”被说成“掩耳盗铃”,比喻愚蠢自欺的掩饰行为。


《掩耳盗铃》这则寓言,讲了一个盗铃人掩着自己的耳朵去偷别人家的铃铛,结果被人当场发觉的故事。下面是学习啦小编带来的掩耳盗铃文章英文翻译,欢迎阅读! 掩耳盗铃文章英文翻译 Covering Ones Ears While Stealing a Bell 掩耳盗铃 Mr.


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