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  'What happens is they will do a Cross Fit class then go and eat a piece of cake because they think they deserve it. Which means you can become fit and fat at the same time,' he said.

  A study conducted by Arizona State University also recently found similar results when they studied the effects of aerobic exercise on overweight women.


学习啦在线学习网   近日,亚利桑那州立大学也进行了关于有氧运动对超重女性有何效果的研究,该研究结果与之相似。

  The researchers asked 81 women who had a sedentary lifestyle to participate in a 12 week aerobic exercise program involving three treadmill sessions a week. They were also asked not to alter their diet.

学习啦在线学习网   The end result found that while they were fitter after twelve weeks, they also were fatter. There was no noticeable weight loss amongst the group and almost 70 per cent of the women had piled on some fat mass during the program.

学习啦在线学习网   研究人员邀请了81名平日有着静态生活方式的女性参加了一个12周有氧运动计划,平均每周有三次在跑步机上的锻炼机会,同时研究人员也要求她们不要改变自己的饮食习惯。

学习啦在线学习网   研究最终结果表明,尽管12周后她们或许变得比以前健美了一些,但同时也比以前胖了。这组女性并没有显著的减重成果,其中近70%的女性在参与这一计划后堆积了更多的脂肪。

  Jowett says the important thing to note is that fitness and weight loss are different ball games. He believes it's a 80/20 ratio with 80 per cent being about what we eat and 20 per cent exercise.

  So what counts as strenuous exercise? 'Anything that you assess on a "Relative Perceived Exertion" scale, with one being easiest and ten being harmful,' says Jowett.



  'A brisk walk is good because you can still talk, but if you're doing exercise that feels above a seven like running, cycling, aerobics, Cross Fit, then it won't be good for weight loss,' he said.

  Jowett also notes that the exercise on 'The Biggest Loser' is not sustainable for people who are dramatically overweight because apart from the likelihood of injury and muscle strain, workouts like running are too strenuous on the body and lead to a spike in hunger which results in sugar cravings, high insulin levels and weight gain.


学习啦在线学习网   乔伊特也强调了那种在《超级减肥王》节目中的运动并不适用于一些明显超重的人群持续进行,除了十分容易发生受伤和肌肉劳损的情况外,跑步这类剧烈的运动对于身体能量的消耗很大,容易使人感到饥饿并激发身体对于糖分的渴望,增加了胰岛素水平而导致体重增加。

  The solution Jowett believes is to separate fitness and weight loss. Address the weight issue first by taking steps towards healthy eating and then also adopt a simple 10,000 step a day approach.

学习啦在线学习网   For those who aren't sure how to tackle the basics, Jowett has also developed new weight loss app 'Trim for Life' that assists you with a holistic health plan including: personalised recipes, motivation and expert tips from some of Australia's best health and fitness coaches (including celebrity trainer Luke Istomin).


学习啦在线学习网   对于那些不确定自己该如何开始进行最基础第一步的人,乔伊特也为他们开发了一种新型的减重应用程序,“整理生活”。这一应用程序能够帮你制定出全面的生活健康计划,其中包括来自于全澳洲最优秀的健身教练们的所提出的关于减重的个性化食谱、鼓励、小提示等。(教练中还包括明星教练伊斯托明)

  If fitness is still a priority, Jowett says you can always step up the hardcore exercise later.

学习啦在线学习网   As for whether exercise is necessary at all - Jowell says if it's to drop kilos, forget about it.

  'Strenuous exercise is not the right prescription, it's like cough medicine for a toe infection, it's just not the solution for weight loss.'

学习啦在线学习网   如果健身仍然是一些人的优先选择的话,乔伊特教练建议可以在随后增加一些高强度的训练。

学习啦在线学习网   至于说运动到底是不是必要的,乔伊特教练表示如果你只是为了减掉体重的话,那还是算了。

学习啦在线学习网   “剧烈运动绝对不是正确的瘦身方法,这就像是用止咳药去治疗脚趾感染一样,是完全不适合减重的方案。”


What happens is they will do a Cross Fit class then go and eat a piece of cake because they think they deserve it. Which means you can become fit and fat at the same time, he said. A study conducted b