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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:结婚初始 你会收获哪三大好处, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

学习啦在线学习网   I believe that my first 365 days of matrimony have been significant. I’d like to share what this first year has taught me about my relationship, myself and marriage in general.

学习啦在线学习网   我认为自己婚姻生活的第一年至关重要。我愿意和大家分享这一年我在夫妻关系、自我以及婚姻方面的心得。

  First, I've learned that being married is far less stressful than wedding planning -- at least for me.The process of making decisions for the huge event was a little... much at times. Looking back, I've realized that I didn't need to work myself up over things so much. Being married, while full of decisions and tasks, is much more mundane than planning to get married ever was -- and thank goodness for that.


学习啦在线学习网   Another key lesson I learned has to do with my perception of marriage and how that's changed.I find myself thinking critically about my choices as a wife -- how my actionsaffect my husband, how I can communicate better, talk more gently, be the person I want to be. I now feel a deeper responsibility to just be better. Showing up for my partner, and our marriage, as my best self matters far more now than it ever did before. Since, of course, we're in this for life and all.

学习啦在线学习网   我学到的另一课有关我对婚姻的理解,即婚后婚姻观的变化,这也很关键。我发现自己会批判性地看待自己作为一名妻子所做出的选择,我的行为会如何影响我的丈夫,我怎样能和他更好地沟通、说话更温柔、做那个我想成为的人。我觉得现在有更深层的一种责任促使我向更好的自己发展。把最美好的自己呈献给我的伴侣以及我们的婚姻,这比之前任何时候都更为重要。当然,那是因为我们融入彼此的生活,相伴一生一世。

  Finally, I've learned that while I do feel a sense of responsibility to myself and my husband to continue to be a better person, marriage hasn't really changed our daily lives all that much.


学习啦在线学习网   We still go out for drinks with friends, spend lazy Saturday mornings in our pajamas, and take turns making each other coffee. Yet, even when we do these everyday things, we do them as husband and wife.


学习啦在线学习网   I love being able to call the man I've chosen by his new, shiny title, and likewise being his Mrs. Sometimes, hearing the still new-to-us labels spoken aloud (like, when we introduce each other now as husband and wife) takes me by surprises. In a good way, of course. When I hear those words, I feel grown up in a way I never have before.

学习啦在线学习网   我喜欢用闪亮的新称呼来叫我选中的这个男人,也同样爱被唤作他的妻子。听到人们用我们尚不熟悉的称呼(如,现在我们以夫妻名义来介绍彼此),也会给我带来惊喜和意外。当然,我是说惊喜。听到这些话语,我感觉自己前所未有地成长了。

  I can only hope that, when we're celebrating our own 50th anniversary, I still feel this joy and satisfaction, even after the word "wife" has been uttered hundreds of times. As it stands now, I can't imagine ever getting tired of hearing it.
