以下是小编整理的英语文章:穿内衣的方式透露了你的性格, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。
学习啦在线学习网 Putting your bra on in the morning may seem like a completelymeaningless task, but according to research by one humanbehavior expert, the way you snap that clasp closed actuallyreveals a great deal about who you are as a person.
学习啦在线学习网 每天早上穿文胸似乎没什么特殊寓意,不过,一位人类行为专家的研究表明,实际上,扣胸罩的方式很大程度上反映了你是个怎样的人。
学习啦在线学习网 Patti Wood, a body language and human behavior expert who teaches at Emory University inAtlanta, Georgia, has revealed that the way you put on your bra correlates with four differenttypes of people and personality. 'There are four distinct personality types - drivers, influencers,supporters, and careful correctors - who tend to have very unique ways of doing things, evensmall tasks,' she told Redbook.
在乔治亚州亚特兰大市的艾默里大学(Emory University)任教的肢体语言及人类行为专家帕蒂·伍德(Patti Wood)透露,穿胸罩的方式与四种不同类型的人及个性紧密相关。她在接受《红皮书》杂志(Redbook)采访时表示,“有四种鲜明的个性类型——驾驭者、影响者、支持者和校正者——每种类型的人处理事情都有独特的方式,即使是小事。”
Here, FEMAIL examines each bra-clasping style and what each means in relation to their linkedpersonalities.
If you fasten your bra behind-the-back you're a 'supporter'
学习啦在线学习网 People who fall into this personality type tend to follow tradition and stay true to what they havebeen taught. Patti explained that supporters think carefully before taking any action, so it isunsurprising that supporters prefer the tried and true method for putting their bras on.
学习啦在线学习网 这种类型的人倾向于因循守旧,不会质疑她们被教授的东西。帕蒂解释道,支持者一般是三思而后行。因此,支持者更喜欢穿胸罩的传统和正确方式,这也就并不奇怪了。
Supporters are said to be friendly, thoughtful and great listeners. They'll always remember yourbirthday and be there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. When shopping for bras,supporters will mostly likely be found in the fitting room with a group of friends.
学习啦在线学习网 If you fasten your bra at the front and then rotate it, you're an 'influencer'
学习啦在线学习网 Influencers are charismatic and love to be noticed and appreciated, so when it comes to theirlingerie they are drawn to bright colors and added details.
Clasping their bras in the front ensure influencers they will look their best because they will be surethey never missed a hook. They appreciate a good sense of humor and like to be challenged andlearn new things, however, they have a tendency to get bored easily. An influencer may notalways follow through on things that require an attention to detail or multiple steps.
学习啦在线学习网 从前面扣胸罩,这样影响者才能确保扣好每一个扣子,看起来很完美。她们欣赏幽默感,喜欢接受挑战、接触新事物。但是,她们也很容易无聊。对于需要注意细节、步骤繁复的事物,影响者通常不能持之以恒。
If you use a front-clasping bra, you're 'commanding'
People who purchase bras that fasten in the front are drivers who refuse to waste time, especiallywhen it comes to trying to clasp a hook they can't see.
学习啦在线学习网 Drivers value brevity and efficiency, and they tend to be directing, forceful and commanding.Because they are quick to the point, they expect other people to do the same. Because they fear alack of control, it is important for drivers to be in charge in all aspects of their lives.
Patty told Daily Mail Online that drivers prefer name-brands and superb quality, so they may bedrawn to high-end end bras from lingerie companies such as La Perla and Agent Provacateur.Drivers are known to make smart, well-researched decisions, so when it comes to bra shoppingthe have a no-nonsense attitude.
学习啦在线学习网 帕蒂告诉《每日邮报》网(Daily Mail Online),驾驭者更喜欢名牌产品,追求品质,所以她们会被诸如拉佩拉(La Perla)、大内密探(Agent Provacateur)等内衣公司的高档内衣所吸引。驾驭者做决定之前喜欢仔细研究,他们的决定往往很明智,所以,在买内衣时,她们的态度也比较严肃。
学习啦在线学习网 If you clasp your bra before sliding it over your head, you're a 'careful corrector'
学习啦在线学习网 People with this personality type like to make sure they are doing things right from the get go.They are cautious analyzers by nature. Unlike drivers, they crave lengthy explanations andstatistical evidence to back up whatever you are telling them.
学习啦在线学习网 这种个性的人喜欢从一开始就要确定她做的事就是正确的。她们天生就是谨慎的分析者。与驾驭者不同,她们需要长篇大论的解释和统计数据来支持你跟她说的任何事物。
