以下是小编整理的英语文章:找工作与找对象的5大惊人相似之处, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。
Let's face it: for most of us, job hunting is a means to an end. Very seldom do you meet anyone who claims to enjoy the process for itself (and when you do, they're generally such wildly extroverted people that they're fairly rare specimens of humanity in the first place).
In this way, job hunting is a lot like dating – a thing you have to do, in order to get achieve your goal of a dream job or relationship, and not necessarily something you'd do for fun.
That's perfectly OK. In fact, by considering the many ways in which these not-so-fun processes resemble one another, you can figure out ways to maximize the experience to get to the dream-job part that much sooner.
学习啦在线学习网 Here's how job hunting and dating are basically the same thing:
学习啦在线学习网 通过阅读以下几点你会发现找工作其实就像找对象:
1. Rejection, rejection, rejection.
学习啦在线学习网 1.你总是被拒绝、拒绝再拒绝。
学习啦在线学习网 Why do most people dislike job hunting? Because so much of the process involves hearing the words, "thanks, but no thanks" ... or worse yet, sitting by the proverbial phone and getting no feedback at all. It's pretty easy to wind up feeling like a wallflower who didn't get asked to the prom when you've been looking for a job for some time and coming up short.
2. You can't hurry love. No, you just have to wait.
学习啦在线学习网 你不能催促爱情快快到来。永远不能,你只能慢慢等。
How long does it take to get a job? The answer, of course, varies, although one formula says that for every ,000 worth of salary, expect to spend one month job searching. Regardless, even when the economy is red-hot, you probably won't find the job of your dreams right away.As in dating, get ready to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince or princess.
学习啦在线学习网 找一份工作需要多久?答案当然是不尽相同的,尽管一则公式推导说一份1万美金月薪的工作都需要找一个月。不管怎样,即使经济炙手可热,你也不一定能很快地找到理想的工作。正如约会中,在遇到你的王子或者公主前你得做好亲吻很多青蛙的准备。
3. Relationships of all kinds are bigger than one person.
学习啦在线学习网 所有的关系都不仅仅是一个人的事儿
You can be a swimsuit model with an MBA and a side gig teaching Pilates – in the end, it's less about how awesome you are as a candidate or partner, and more about relationship fit. Think about it this way: if you're a vegetarian, the world's most beautiful and hilarious person won't be a good fit, if he or she is also a professional butcher; if you're an introvert, your dedication and skills won't make you happy in an open office full of Chatty Cathys.
学习啦在线学习网 你可以是个拥有MBA学位的泳装模特同时还兼职教授普拉提课程-作为一个求职者或者伴侣,最终更多的是在意你是否合适而不是你有多优秀。这么说吧,如果你是个素食主义者,即使是世界上最美丽最有趣的人也不一定适合你如果他或者她是个职业屠夫的话。如果你是个性格内向的人,你再有奉献精神和职业技能也不能使你在一个摆满凯西娃娃的开放性办公室感到自在。
学习啦在线学习网 4. It's all about who you know.
学习啦在线学习网 Even in this era of Tinder and Match.com, chances are, you know plenty of couples who've met through mutual friends. The reasons are pretty clear: it's easier to feel comfortable – and safe – with a stranger who has been vetted by people you trust.
学习啦在线学习网 在这样一个线上交友app泛滥的时代,许多恋人都是通过熟人相知相识,原因十分明显:和一个你信任的人的好友相对会感觉自在许多,也会有安全感。
For similar reasons, at least 60 percent of job seekers find work through networking. Who better to tell you what it's really like to work at a company than someone who's already toiling away in the trenches? And who better to recommend you than someone who's worked with you, or attended the same school or earned the same certifications or learned the same skills?
学习啦在线学习网 同理,60%的求职者也会通过网络进行求职。一个公司的好与不好只有这个公司的职员才知道,你是不是有能力只有和你共事,和你有过交集,或与你同校或和你一样有同样技能,得到同样资质认可的人才会了解。
Finally, the Recession may be over, but companies are still moving slowly when it comes to filling positions and signing new hires. Anything you can do to overcome a hiring manager's apprehension is helpful, and there's nothing more persuasive than a recommendation from someone he or she already trusts.
学习啦在线学习网 令人头疼的事,如果他所信任的人能推荐合适的人选那将是再大萧条也许已经结束,但公司在招聘环节上仍然举步维艰,对于人事部经理来说招聘是一件好不过。
5. Resilience is more important than nearly any other quality.
Think about the happiest, most successful people you know. What do they have in common? At work and in their personal lives, they bounce back.
When it comes to dating or building your career, the most important thing you can be is resilient. Being able to get up when life knocks you down will keep you from missing opportunities. Plus, resilient people exude confidence, strength, and happiness – attractive traits to hiring managers and everyone else.
Finally, being able to regroup, analyze opportunities for change, and move on makes you better at being on your own side, like a good friend or a supportive colleague or partner. In love or in your career, there's nothing more important than that.
学习啦在线学习网 最后,如果你具备重新部署的能力,擅于分析变化的事物觉察出机遇并且坚持不懈可以使你成为更好得自己。就像一个好朋友一个支持你的同事或者伴侣。在爱情或者职业生涯,没有比这个更重要的。