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  Make eye contact /保持目光接触

学习啦在线学习网   As well as smiling, meet the eyes of other people in the room. Give them your smile; you’ll almost certainly get one back, and being smiled at is a great self-confidence boost. Like smiling, eye contact shows people that you’re confident. Staring at your shoes or at the table reinforces your feelings of self-doubt and shyness. This tip is particularly useful for work-related situations – make eye contact with interviewers, or with the audience for your presentation:

  Eye contact helps take the fear away from the speaker by getting the audience closer to him. Stress is mainly a result of being with the unknown and uncontrollable. Eye contact gives the speaker a picture of the reality that is the audience. It also helps in getting the attention of the audience.

  像保持微笑一样,也要保持与室内每个人都有目光接触。要先对他人微笑,这样至少会有一人回应你的微笑,这样的回应就会大大激 发你的自信。微笑与目光接触都同样表明你非常自信。相反,一味地盯着自己的鞋子或桌脚则会让你显得更加犹豫不决甚至羞于开口。这一条建议在工作场合相当实 用--求职者要与面试官保持目光接触,演讲者则要与你的听众保持目光接触。


学习啦在线学习网   保持目光接触可以拉近听众与演讲者之间的距离从而使其摆脱紧张及恐惧。而紧张及恐惧则往往是由于演讲者面对素不相识之人或无法掌控之势而产生的。目光的接触则可以为演讲者提供真实的情形--那就是听众。同时,目光的接触还有益于吸引观众注意力。

  Find the next step/步步为营

学习啦在线学习网   Keep your self-confidence up by taking gradual steps forwards, rather than freezing when faced with what seems like a giant leap. If you’re not sure what to do, look for one simple step that you can take to make progress. That might mean making eye contact at a party, introducing yourself to a stranger, breaking the ice in a meeting, or asking a question of your interviewers that shows your knowledge of their industry and company.

  Start taking action even if you don’t have a clear idea of what needs to be done. Start moving towards your goal. Make corrections later.

学习啦在线学习网   步步为营来增强自信要远胜于飞跃时期的停滞不前。如果所处情况让你无所适从,不妨从简单做起--可能是聚会上与别人一个简单的眼神接触、把自己介绍给一个陌生人、打破会议僵局,或者是问面试官一个能够显示你了解他们行业及公司问题。

学习啦在线学习网   在茫然无措之时就开始有所行动,开始朝着自己的目标前进,即使有错,以后更正也不晚。

  Make the most of your appearance / 注重仪表

  Even if you’ve only got a minute or two, duck into the bathroom to make sure you’re looking your best. Brushing your hair, giving your face a good wash, retouching your makeup, straightening your collar, checking you’ve not got a bit of parsley stuck between your teeth … all of these can make the difference between feeling confident in your physical appearance and feeling anxious about an imagined flaw.

学习啦在线学习网   Perfect your physical appearance: There’s no denying that one’s grooming plays a crucial role in building confidence. Although we know what’s on the inside is what truly counts, your physical appearance will be the first to create an impression.



  Contribute something/积极主动开口

  Have you ever sat through an entire class at college or meeting at work without saying a word? Have you had an evening out where friends chatted happily while you sat and stared silently at your drink? Chances are, you weren’t feeling very self-confident at the time – and you probably felt even worse afterwards. Whatever the situation you’re in, make an effort to contribute. Even if you don’t think you have much to say, your thoughts and perspective are valuable to those around you.

  By making an effort to speak up at least once in every group discussion, you’ll become a better public speaker, more confident in your own thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.

学习啦在线学习网   你是否曾经在大学课堂或者工作会议上干坐着一言不发?你是否曾经在朋友晚上聚会兴高采烈的时刻而独自盯着自己的饮料发呆?肯定有,那时那地,你感觉到非常 不自信--甚至事后会感觉更糟。从现在开始,不管处于哪种场合,试着主动一些吧。即使你觉得自己无话可说,但是说出来,你的观点与看法将使你周围的人获益 匪浅呢。


  相关阅读:Increasing Confidence增强你的自信心

学习啦在线学习网   by Robert Stuberg

学习啦在线学习网   The world is changing rapidly and most people are very anxious about it. In fact, I think it mighteven be stronger and more accurate to say that most people are downright fearful of whatthey see going on around them.

  Technological change and innovation are completely altering many aspects of our lives and itdoesn’t stop there. Economic changes, social changes, scientific changes, political changes…the list is endless. However, the big question we all face is how are we going to respond tothese changes?

  While the specific answers about what to do take time and thought to uncover, the best wayto approach the future and all of the changes it will bring can be summed up in one word:Confidence.

  Personal confidence is one of the greatest assets we all possess. Certainly some people seemto have much more of it than others but I believe that confidence is a skill that we can alldevelop. In some ways, it is undoubtedly the most important skill we can develop.

  With confidence, all things are within the realm of possibility. Without confidence, even thesmallest challenges seem insurmountable.

学习啦在线学习网   What I find fascinating is that people with confidence always seem to end up on top. Theyseem to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. It’s as if problems and challenges runfrom the person who has confidence.

学习啦在线学习网   I think what’s so difficult for most people is the belief that confidence has to be based onhaving a specific solution at hand but that’s just not true.

  What we all respect and admire is the person who can stand up against overwhelmingdifficulties and persevere without an answer.

学习啦在线学习网   Here’s the secret that most people never get. Life’s challenges are no match for the person withunstoppable confidence. While the problems or challenges might seem too big to beovercome, the person with confidence always finds a way to win regardless of thecircumstances.

  Ultimately, life’s challenges run and hide from the person that maintains confidence.

学习啦在线学习网   This is hard lesson to learn. The problems of life seem so big and scary and we often think ofourselves as so small and fragile. But that’s not the way it is. That’s the illusion that mostpeople by into, but it’s not the truth.

学习啦在线学习网   The truth is that we are bigger than anything that can ever happen to us in life. We have thepower and ability to overcome any obstacle in our path. And the most important tool wepossess is personal confidence, believing in your ability to overcome the current challengejust like we have done so many times in the past.

学习啦在线学习网   Whatever challenge is currently in your life, know that it’s there to help you grow and expand.Use the problems you encounter to help you build your personal confidence. Remember, youwouldn’t have the problem if you didn’t have the power to overcome it. Expanding yourpersonal confidence will allow you to take on whatever you need to in order to fulfill yourpersonal mission.


自信需要自我提升,下面几个小贴士,各位MM接好了: Make eye contact /保持目光接触 As well as smiling, meet the eyes of other people in the room. Give them your smile; youll almost certainly get one back, and being smiled


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