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学习啦在线学习网   没有孩子的男性比没有孩子的女性更容易为此感到抑郁。




学习啦在线学习网   那些想要孩子的男性当中,有半数因为没有子女而产生孤立感,相比之下,只有27%的女性因此感到孤立。



学习啦在线学习网   然而,没有男性因为自己没有生育小孩而感觉内疚,但为此感到内疚的女性占了16%。

学习啦在线学习网   哈德利说:“我的研究工作显示,调查中无子女的男性和女性想当父母的渴望一样强烈,但是男性的愤怒、抑郁、悲伤、嫉妒和孤立情绪比女性更多。


学习啦在线学习网   他用网上问卷的形式调查了无儿无女的27名男性和81名女性,这些人的年龄在20岁到66岁之间,平均年龄为41岁。

  Men without children are more likely to suffer depression about the issue than their female counterparts.

  British researchers found that men are almost as likely as women to want children, and they feel more isolated, depressed, angry and sad than women if they don't have them.

  Childless women were more likely to cite personal desire and biological urge as major influences, compared to men. Men were more likely to cite cultural, societal and family pressures than were women.

  Robin Hadley, of Keele University, found that 59 percent of men and 63 percent of women said they wanted children.

学习啦在线学习网   Of the men who wanted children, half had experienced isolation because they did not have any children, compared with 27 percent of women.

学习啦在线学习网   Thirty-eight percent of men had experienced depression because they did not have any children, compared with only 27 percent of women.

  One in four men had experienced anger because they did not have any children, compared with 18 percent of women, while 56 percent of men had experienced sadness because they did not have any children, compared with 43 percent of women.

  However, no men had experienced guilt because they did not have any children although 16 percent of women had.

学习啦在线学习网   Mr Hadley said: 'My work shows that there was a similar level of desire for parenthood among childless men and women in the survey, and that men had higher levels of anger, depression, sadness, jealousy and isolation than women.

  'This challenges the common idea that women are much more likely to want to have children than men, and that they consistently experience a range of negative emotions more deeply than men if they don't have children.'

  He carried out his survey of 27 men and 81 women who were not parents using an online questionnaire among people aged 20 to 66, with an average age of 41.(Source: Dailymail)


摘要:英国研究人员发现,男性对后代的渴望和女性几乎一样强烈,但男性如果没有孩子会感到更加孤立、抑郁、愤怒和悲伤。 没有孩子的男性比没有孩子的女性更容易为此感到抑郁。 英国研究人员发现,男性对后代的渴望和女性几乎一样强烈,但


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