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学习啦在线学习网   摘要:许多人都从未学过如何表达自己的情绪。由于不知道如何表达,所以他们只好去压抑情绪。很多经历了磨难的人不去表达自己的情绪,结果就表现出了不健康的行为,比如自残或出现饮食失调。而及时表达情绪是释放压抑的最好方式。下面是表达情绪的几种方式。

  Many people were never taught how to express their emotions. Because they do not know how to express them, they wind up repressing their emotions instead. For people who have endured painful life situations, they can wind up engaging in unhealthy behaviors to avoid expressing their emotions, such as performing self-injuries or developing eating disorders. Expressing emotions is the best way to release the pent up feelings. Here is how to express emotions.


  1.Recognize the importance of expressing emotions. Unexpressed emotions affect your life. For example, many people who struggle with ongoing depression or anxiety are often actually angry. Because the unexpressed anger has nowhere to go, the person experiences the emotion as depression or anxiety. If you want to take control over your emotional life, you need to first recognize that it is important to express your emotions.


学习啦在线学习网   2.Label your emotions appropriately. Many people who have never learned how to express their emotions have a difficult time even labeling what those emotions are. Some people might feel anger when the emotion that they are actually dealing with is pain. Others might cry and feel sad in situations in which anger is really the more appropriate emotion. Practice labeling the emotion that you are actually having.

学习啦在线学习网   2. 识别出自己的情绪。很多从未学过表达情绪的人,连识别自己的情绪是什么都不能。有些人觉得自己在生气,但实际上TA的情绪是痛苦。有些人感到很悲伤并会哭泣,但那时TA的情绪用生气来描述要更合适一些。要练习识别自己当前的情绪。

  3.Recognize that emotions are transient. If you will express your emotions as you have them, they will not last. While you might feel incredibly angry at one moment, your anger will pass as long as you express it. Only repressed emotions linger for a very long time.

学习啦在线学习网   3.要认识到情绪是短暂的。如果你一有情绪就表达出来,那它们就不会持久。某一刻你可能感到异常愤怒,但当你表达出来时、你的怒气就会消逝。只有压抑的情绪才会持续很长时间。

学习啦在线学习网   4.Resolve to express your emotions as you have them. Emotions must be expressed. You can either express them as you have them or you can put a lot of energy into repressing them and just wind up having to deal with a more powerful version of your emotions later. Decide that you are going to express your emotions as you experience them.

  4. 当你有情绪时,要下定决心把情绪表达出来。情绪一定要表达出来。你可以一有情绪就把它们表达出来,也可以拿出很多精力来抑制它们,但这样不久后你就需要处理更强烈的情绪。所以你要做出决定,当你有情绪时就一定要表达出来。

  5.Express your anger physically. Anger can be a daunting emotion for many people to express. Anger is best expressed physically, especially if you have a lot of repressed anger to process. Choose a physical activity that will not harm another person or yourself. Some good ways to express anger include punching pillows, hitting the ground with a baseball bat, popping balloons, taking a kickboxing class or going for a brisk walk.


学习啦在线学习网   6.Cry out your pain. Tears really do heal a wounded spirit. However, many people have a hard time expressing their sorrow. Try watching a sad movie and allowing yourself to cry for the characters. Set aside time to let yourself "wallow" for a little while. You will feel much better after a good cry.

学习啦在线学习网   6.把痛苦放声哭出来。眼泪确实能治愈伤痕累累的心灵。然而,很多人都很难把悲伤之情表达出来。可以试着观看一部悲剧电影,允许自己为里面的角色哭泣。留出一点时间让自己悲伤一会儿。放声大哭后,你就会觉得好多了。

  7.Comfort your terror. Many people who suffered from trauma in childhood struggle with feelings of terror. Comfort yourself through those feelings. Visualize yourself comforting the child you once were. See yourself wrapping a thick blanket around your terrified inner child and hold that child close to your heart.

学习啦在线学习网   7.恐惧时,安慰自己。很多在童年时经历了创伤的人都会有恐惧感。当你有恐惧感时,安慰一下自己。在脑海中想象你安慰孩时自己的样子,想象自己用厚毯子把那个你内心深处吓坏了的孩子抱起来,让孩子靠近你的心。

  8.Laugh without reservation. A good laugh can be incredibly healing. Do not stifle your joy. Instead, express your joy by giving in to an urge to laugh. A good belly laugh can do wonders for a person's emotional state.

学习啦在线学习网   8.毫无保留地大笑。开怀大笑具有惊人的治愈效果。不要克制你的喜悦。相反,要通过大笑把喜悦表达出来。捧腹大笑能为人的情绪状态创造奇迹。