学习啦在线学习网 when love beckonyou
学习啦在线学习网 when love beckonto you, follow him, though hiwayare hard and steep. and when hiwingenfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among hipinionmawound you.
学习啦在线学习网 and when he speakto you, believe in him, though hivoice mashatter your dreamathe north wind laywaste the garden.
for even alove crownyou so shall he crucifyou. even ahe ifor your growth so ihe for your pruning.
even ahe ascendto your height and caresseyour tenderest branchethat quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to our rootand shake them in their clinging to the earth.
but if, in your fear, you would seek onllove’peace and love’pleasure, then it ibetter for you that you cover your nakednesand pasout of love’threshing-floor, into the seasonlesworld where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
love givenaught but it self and takenaught but from itself.
love possessenot, nor would it be possessed, for love isufficient unto love.
love hano other desire but to fulfill itself. but if you love and must have desires, let these be your desires:
to melt and be like a running brook that singitmelodto the night.
学习啦在线学习网 to know the pain of too much tenderness.
学习啦在线学习网 to be wounded byour own understanding of love;
学习啦在线学习网 and to bleed willingland joyfully.
to wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thankfor another daof loving;
学习啦在线学习网 to rest at the noon hour and meditate love’ecstasy;
学习啦在线学习网 to return home at eventide with gratitude;
学习啦在线学习网 and then to sleep with a payer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
学习啦在线学习网 但是,如果你在恐惧之中只想寻求爱的平和与快乐,那你就最好掩盖真实的自我,避开爱的考验,进入不分季节的世界,在那里你将欢笑,但并非开怀大笑,你将哭泣,但并非尽情地哭。爱只将自己付出,也只得到自己。爱一无所有,也不会为谁所有,因为爱本身就已自足。
学习啦在线学习网 将自己融化并像奔流的溪水一般向夜晚吟唱自己优美的曲调。
学习啦在线学习网 被自己对爱的理解所伤害;
学习啦在线学习网 在黄昏怀着感恩之心回家;
学习啦在线学习网 然后为内心所爱之人祈祷,吟唱赞美之歌,并带着祷告和歌声入眠。
Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.
He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks."
学习啦在线学习网 然后他解开那捆柴,一根根地放在他们手里,如此一来,他们便毫不费力地折断了。于是他就告诉他们说:"孩子们!如果你们大家团结一致,互相帮助,你们就像这捆柴一样,不能被你们的敌人折断;但如果你们自行分裂,你们就将和这些散柴一般,不堪一折了。"
Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter
The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently, I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes. Without awareness, I would have carried the hurt and anger inside. Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with.
Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk. Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors. For instance, if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were “stupid”, you might believe it to be truly the case. You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of “I am so slow” and “it is so hard to learn”. If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories, your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem. It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down.
学习啦在线学习网 A common negative talk involves telling yourself “I can’t”. When you say to yourself “I can’t” or “it is too difficult”, you are creating a resistance. Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at.
学习啦在线学习网 Anytime you catch yourself saying “I can’t…”, turn around and challenge your own claim with, “Why can’t I?” Research shows that most geniuses became the people they are also because of the hard work they put in. So if you would like to be successful, you need to start saying “I can” a lot more.
学习啦在线学习网 A great method that I have also found useful is to say “Cancel Cancel” each time I find myself saying something negative, whether in the mind or verbally. The method works if you sincerely have the intent of becoming a positive thinker.
