

时间: 韦彦867 分享



  There was this guy who went into a bar. He went up to the bartender and said,“Bartender, are you a betting man?” The bartender replied, "Certainly! I'm ALWAYS a betting man!” To which the man said, "I'11 bet you that I can lick my right eye.” The bartender thought about this a while and finally agreed to the bet. The man reached up and pulled out his glass right eye and licked it. The bartender groaned and begrudgingly gave the man his telling him to leave his bar.


  A week or so later, the same man appeared in the bar. He went up to the bar- tender and said, "Bartender, are you still a betting man?" The bartender replied, "Certainly! I told you I' m ALWAYS a betting man!” To which the man said, "I'll bet you 0 that I can bite my left eye.” Well, the bartender thought he had him on this one! There was no way that he had TWO glass eyes so the bartender agreed. The man reached up to his mouth, pulled out his dentures and clicked them on his left eye. The bartender moaned and paid the man his 0 telling him to get out of his bar.


  A week or so later, the same man ventured into the bar again. He went up to the bartender and said,"Bartender, are you still a betting man? "The bartender said, although with a little caution this time, "Certainly! I told you I’m ALWAYS a betting man!” To which the man said, "Give me a shot of whiskey.” The bartender poured the man a shot and he drank it down. Slamming the glass on the bar he said, "I’11 bet you 0 that you can spin me around on this bar stool and I can piss in that glass right where it lays and not miss a drop.”Well,the bartender' s eyes lit up. Here was one time that he was certain that he would win!" Agreed! ” he cried. Coming out from around the bar, he grabbed onto the man's bar stool and spun it as hard as he could.


  Well,the man just let loose and piss flew everyplace! Not so much as one drop even came close to the glass and the bartender was soaked. When he was done,the bartender was laughing and laughing and holding out his hand. The man pulled out his wallet and gave him his 0. But the bar- tender was puzzled and as he was wiping off his face, he asked the man, "Why did you bet me 0 that you could piss in that shot glass on the bar when you had to have known there wasn’t any possible way to do it?”

学习啦在线学习网   那个人把尿溅的哪都是。因为男招待离的太近,所以全身都被浇湿了。等那人的椅子停下之后,男招待仰天大笑,一边笑一边伸出手。那个人拿出钱包从里面掏出500美元交给了男招待。然而男招待却感到迷惑不解,他一边用手绢擦着脸一边问:“明明知道那是不可能的事情你为什么还要赌500美元呢?”

学习啦在线学习网   The man just smiled and told him, "You may have won 0 off me but I bet that

  guy over in the corner , 000 that I could piss all over you and your bar and you would just laugh”



学习啦在线学习网   The Pope dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter greets him and says, "Glad to see you; we've got your place all ready.” Peter then takes the Pope down the street and shows him his new home: a small but comfortable cottage of 5 rooms. Peter advises the Pope to settle in, and then wander around meeting the other residents.

学习啦在线学习网   教皇死后升人了天堂。圣彼得向他问候:“见到你很高兴,我们一切都已经为您安排好了。然后圣彼得把教皇带到街上领他去看新房子。一栋有五间房子的小巧舒适的别墅。圣彼得建议教皇住下来,然后再去四处看看其他的居民。

学习啦在线学习网   The Pope meets many old friends and makes several new ones over the next few days. One of these is a former lawyer who invites the Pope over for lunch. On arriving, the Pope is astounded to see a 45一room mansion, with built一in sauna and weight room, a beautiful library, and spacious,airy rooms.


  After lunch,the Pope spies St. Peter on the street and says, "Not to complain, but I'm curious as to why I have a small cot while the lawyer I just met has a stupendous mansion.


  St. Peter replied,Well, you see, we have many Popes up here, but only one lawyer.”

学习啦在线学习网   圣彼得回答说:“你看,我们这里有很多位教皇,而律师却只有他一人。”


学习啦在线学习网   Now, what I did to a guy I didn't like one night is a classic:


学习啦在线学习网   I saw him at a restaurant with his "other woman" seated in the corner of the restaurant trying to be inconspicuous. I went to the headwaiter and told him I wanted to send a cake over to my friend's table since he and his "wife" was celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary.


学习啦在线学习网   If you've ever been to a place like Bennigans where the waiters and waitresses come singing and banging pots when they deliver a cake to your table, you can imagine what happened next.


学习啦在线学习网   Four waiters and three waitresses carrying a cake with a sparkler marched over to their table singing" Happy Anniversary, Carole and Mark…Happy… Happy…Happy… Anniversary.


学习啦在线学习网   Talk about someone looking for the exits!



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