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学习啦在线学习网   Hands off 不要动

学习啦在线学习网   A friend of mine was giving an important dinner party for her husband's business associates.

  She put guest towels and soap in the bathroom, and, not wanting her teenagers to use them first, attached warning notes that read:"Use these, I'll kill you."

  When the guests left after a successful evening, she went into the bathroom and xiaogushi8.com found towels and soap untouched…with her warning notes still on them.

学习啦在线学习网   我的一位朋友为他丈夫举办了一次很重要的业务往来交往招待会。

学习啦在线学习网   他把客人用的毛巾、香皂都放在洗澡间。为了不让她的小孩们先把这些东西用了,她在上面贴了张条子。上面写着:用一下,我就杀了你们。

学习啦在线学习网   当客人们度过一个很愉快的晚上满意而去后,她来到洗澡间,发现毛巾和香皂都无人用过…因为她贴的条子还在上面。


  True feelings 真情

学习啦在线学习网   We were leaving a football game in a throng1 of people.

  My husband, who never displays affection in public, took my hand. I has delighted. As we walked hand in hand out of the stadium. I looked up at him, smiling, and asked, "You don't want to lose me?"

学习啦在线学习网   "No," he said. "I don't want to look for you."





  A Welcome Guest 受欢迎的听众

  One afternoon while I was talking to a professor, my two-year-old daughter Melissa, wandered into a nearby classroom. There was a math class in progress and, to my dismay, Melissa sat down in the front row.

学习啦在线学习网   When I went in to get her, the instructor1 stopped me. "Young lady," he said, "I have been teaching calculus2 at this college for over 20 years. Not once in that time has anyone come to my class just because he or she wanted to. The child may stay."


学习啦在线学习网   当我走进去想把她抱出来时,上课的教授拦住了我。她说:“这位女士,我在这所大学里已经教了20多年的微积分。在这期间从未有人是出于自愿来到我的课堂,这个孩子可以呆在这里。”


  Friends of a feather 禽以毛聚

  An American tourist was lunching in a restaurant in China, whose specialty1 was roast duck. The waiter explained each dish as he brought it to the table: "This is the breast of the duck. This is the leg of the duck. This is the wing of the duck…"

  Then came a dish that the American knew was chicken. He waited for an explanation. Silence.

学习啦在线学习网   "Well," he finally asked, "What is this?"

学习啦在线学习网   "It's a friend of the duck," said the waiter.


学习啦在线学习网   这时又上的一个菜,那个美国人一看便知是鸡,但他想听听服务员会怎么报这个菜名。他等着,服务员却一个字也没说。




学习啦在线学习网   A Better Mailman 一个更好的邮递员

学习啦在线学习网   I worked as a mailman for a short time. However, I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble.

  One day I tried to deliver some letters to a big house. I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran towards me.It growled1 and barked at me, I threw the letters over the fence. The dog picked them up and carried them into the house. The dog was a better mailman than I was!

学习啦在线学习网   我当过很短时间的邮递员。然而,我害怕狗,而且也有过不少麻烦。

学习啦在线学习网   有一天,我设法到一座大房子去递送几封信。我开始打开门,这时,突然一只很大的狗朝我跑来。它朝我嚎叫、咆哮着,因此我把信件扔在了栅栏上。那只狗拾起那些信件,把信件带进了大房子。比起我来讲,那只狗是个更好的邮递员。

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