学习啦>学习英语>英语阅读>英语笑话> 少儿英语小笑话带翻译


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  笑话是幽默的一个属概念 ,具有幽默的一切特征。笑话是民族特有幽默的一种形式。本文是少儿英语小笑话带翻译,希望对大家有帮助!


  Two tomatoes went shopping. The first tomato walked fast. The second one asked, "Where are we going?" The first tomato has no answer, the second tomato asked again. The tomato has no answer, so the second tomato asked again. The first tomato finally turned slowly,said: "We are not tomatoes? We can talk?"

学习啦在线学习网   两颗番茄去逛街,第一颗番茄突然走得很快,第二颗番茄就问:“我们要去哪里?” 第一颗番茄没有回答,第二颗番茄又问了一次。 第一颗番茄还没回答,所以第二颗番茄又问了一次。 第一颗番茄终于慢慢转头说:“我们不是番茄吗?我们会说话吗?”


学习啦在线学习网   A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says: "a second", then the man says: "God, can I have a penny?" and God says "In a second."

学习啦在线学习网   一男子进入教堂和上帝对话。他问:“主啊,一百万美元对你意味着多少?”上帝回答:“一便士。”男子又问:“那一百万年呢?”上帝说:“一秒钟。”最后男子请求道:“上帝,我能得到一便士吗?”上帝回答:“过一秒钟。”


学习啦在线学习网   Workman: "Mr. Brown, I should like to ask for a smallrise in my wages. I have just been married." Employer: "Very sorry, my dear man, but I can't help you. For accidents which happen to our workmen outside the factory we are not responsible."

  工人:“布朗先生,我想请您给我加一点工资。我刚刚结了婚。” 雇主:“非常抱歉,老兄,但是我无能为力。对工人在厂外发生的事故我们概不负责。”


  A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window.

学习啦在线学习网   The driver said, "Look mate, don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!" The passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much." The driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I've been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years."


学习啦在线学习网   司机说,“伙计,别再这么干了。你把我吓破胆了!”乘客抱歉地说,“我没想到拍你一下就吓成这样。” 司机说,“对不起,也不全是你的错。今天是我第一天开出租。以前25年里我一直开殡葬车。”

  少儿英语小笑话带翻译:Generous husband 慷慨的老公

  In order to prevent myself from being burnt by the hot sun in summer, I talked again and again with my husband that we should buy a car of our own.

  In the evening. I tried to persuade my husband and said: "Everyday I have to go to work by bike in the hot sun and I am getting blacker and blacker like a coal ball. If getting on a bus, it is always too crowded, so I want to buy a…"

学习啦在线学习网   My husband interrupted me quickly and said: "If you want to, just buy it, and it costs a little to buy a sunbonnet(太阳帽), so you need not to talk it over with me."


学习啦在线学习网   晚上,我又试探性地劝老公说:”我每天骑车上班,我都快被晒成煤球了;坐公共汽车又太拥挤,我还是想买一…”






