miles sometime went to the barber's during working hours to have his hair cut. but this was against the office rules: clerks had to have their hair cut in their own time. while miles was at the barber's one day, the manager of the office came in by chance to have his own hair cut and sat just beside him.
学习啦在线学习网 麦尔斯有时在上班时间去理发馆理发,但这是违反办公室规定的:职员只能利用自己的时间理发。一天,正当麦尔斯理发时,经理碰巧也进来理发,而且就坐在他旁边。
"hello, miles," the manager said. "i see that you are having your hair cut in office time."
"yes, sir, i am," admitted miles calmly. "you see, sir, it grows in office time."
学习啦在线学习网 "not all of it," said the manager at once. "some of it grows in your own time."
"yes, sir, that's quite true." answered miles politely, "but i'm not having it all cut off."
学习啦在线学习网 Little brother: I saw you kiss my elder sister, and if you don't give me a nickel I'll tell my father.Sister's boyfriend: No, don't do that. Here's a nickel.Little brother: That makes a buck and a quarter I've made this month.
A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her small daughterher tea before putting her to bed. First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter, but the child said that she did not want it like that. She asked for some jam on her bread as well.Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said, When I was a small girl like you, Lucy, I was always given either bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never bread with butter and jam.Lucy looked at her mother for a few moments with pity in her eyes and then said to her kindly, Aren't you pleased that you've come to live with us now?
学习啦在线学习网 一位年轻的母亲认为,世界上还有许多受饥饿的人,浪费食物真不应该。有天晚上,在安排幼小的女儿睡觉之前,她给女儿喂夜宵。她先给她一片新鲜的黑面包和黄油,但孩子说她不喜欢这样吃。她还要一些果酱涂在面包上。母亲看了女儿几秒钟,随即说道,露茜,当我象你一样小的时候,总是吃面包加黄油,或者面包加果酱,从来没有面包既加黄油又加果酱。露茜看了母亲一会儿,眼中露出怜悯的神情,然后她柔声说:您现在能跟我们生活在一起难道不感到高兴吗?
father: oh, jack, you have slept away the whole morning. don't you know you are wasting time?
jack: yes, dad. but i've saved you a meal, haven' i?
after being away on business, tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift.
学习啦在线学习网 “how about some perfume?”he asked the cosmetics clerk. she showed him a .00 bottle.
学习啦在线学习网 “that’s a bit much,”said tim, so she returned with a smaller bottle for .00.
“that’s still quite a bit,”tim complained.
学习啦在线学习网 growing annoyed, the clerk brought out a tiny .00 bottle.
学习啦在线学习网 售货员开始有点恼火了,就给提姆一瓶很小的香水,价值15美元。
“what i mean,”said tim, “is i’d like to see something really cheap.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我的意思是,”提姆说,“我想看看一些真正便宜的东西。”
the clerk handed him a mirror.