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学习啦在线学习网   A Jew opens a kosher restaurant in London and puts a notice in the window:"ARABS NOT WELCOME"; a couple of days later, a person of obviously Arab origin walks in and requests a sandwich-so the cashier quickly runs into the office asking what to do. The owner decides that he really doesn’t want a scandal,so he orders,"OK,give him the sandwich, but charge him double--that should teach him."


  But the next day the same Arab is back again一this time for a full lunch; the owner decides" Charge him triple,he’11 get the lesson this time!” The Arab eats his lunch, pays without a quibble, praises the food and even asks for a reservation for 10 of his friends for the same evening. The owner decides`OK,1et him have the reservation, but if his friends do come,charge them tenfold!” The Arabs appear in the evening, have a large dinner, pay without complaining and even tip generously. So the next day the owner puts a new sign in the window: "JEWS NOT WELCOME."

学习啦在线学习网   但是第二天,那个阿拉伯人又来了,这回他要了一整套午餐。老板决定收他三倍的钱,这样他就知道厉害了!那个阿拉伯人吃过午餐后通通快快的付了钱,还称赞食物非常好吃,甚至预定了当天晚上十个人的晚餐。老板想了想说:“没问题,就让他预定,但是等他的朋友来了就收他们十倍的钱!”等到晚上,那些阿拉伯人真的来了,点了好多菜,毫无怨言地付了十倍的钱,而且还大方地给了不少小费。于是第三天,老板在窗户上写了一行新字:“犹太人不许人内”。


学习啦在线学习网   Two hunters hire a small plane to take them to a remote area of Canada. Upon dropping off the hunters,the pilot tells them, "Remember only one moose, because the plane wouldn' t be able to take off with more weight than that.” The hunters go off. A week later when the plane returns to pick them up the two hunters are standing by the lake with two moose.

学习啦在线学习网   两个猎人租了一架小型飞机带他们去加拿大的一个偏僻地区。当两个猎人到达目的地下飞机时,飞行员告诉他们说:“记住,飞机只能带一只驼鹿,否则飞机会因为过重而无法起飞。”两个猎


  The pilot fumes, "I told you guys only one moose, and you' 11 have to leave one because we won’t be able to take off with that much weight.” "Oh, come on,” beg the two hunters, "Last year the pilot let us take two moose on, you’re just a chicken.”

学习啦在线学习网   过了一个星期,当飞机返回原地接他们的时候看到他们身边有两只驼鹿。飞行员愤怒地说:“我告诉过你们,只能带一只驼鹿。你们必须丢下一只否则飞机过重无法起飞。”“哦,别这样”,两个猎人哀求道,“去年那个飞行员让我们带了两只驼鹿呢,你胆子也太小了。”

学习啦在线学习网   Not wanting to be accused of being a coward,the pilot allows the two to bring both moose on the craft. The plane starts across the lake, straining to take off. The pilot tries and tries to no avail and the plane crashes into the trees at the end of the lake. A while later after coming to one of the hunters gets up and looks at all the scattered debris of the wreck and says, "Where are we?" To which the other hunter replies, "Oh,I’d say about a hundred yards farther than last year.




学习啦在线学习网   Yesterday, in a county in south Georgia, a young state trooper went to the local magistrate and requested a warrant to arrest someone. The magistrate, doing his job, determined there was insufficient evidence and refused to issue the warrant. The trooper arrested the magistrate for" obstruction of justice.” Upon arrival at the county jail, the sheriff quickly determined what had happened,and refused to lock up the magistrate. The best part was the state patrol post’s leader's response, in a radio interview. "We believe this was just a minor misunderstanding. We have spoken with the trooper, and it won’t happen again.”

学习啦在线学习网   昨天,在乔治亚州南部的一个县,一位年轻的州警到当地的法院,他想要逮一个人,希望法官给他开一个逮捕令。那个法官认为没有足够的证据可以证明那个人有罪,所以拒绝签发逮捕令。于是,这名警察便以“妨碍公务”的罪名逮捕了那位法官。可是当治安长官了解了情况以后,便拒绝监禁名法官。然而最精彩的部分还要说是巡警长官的态度了,他在电话采访中说到:“我们相信这完全是个小小误会,我们已经批评了那个巡警,并且保证今后再不会发生类似的事情了!”






