学习啦在线学习网 A guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of thei head with a frying pan. He asks, "What was that for ?"She says, " I found a piece of paper in your pocket with'Betty Sue' written on it.' Ha says, "Jeez,honey, 'Betty Sue'was the name of the horse I bet on.H She shrugs and walks away.
学习啦在线学习网 一个家伙正在看报纸,他的妻子走到他身后,用一只煎锅敲他的后脑勺。他问道:“这是为什么?”她说:“我在你口袋里发现了一张写有‘BettY Sue’的纸条。"他说:¨哎呀,亲爱的,‘BettYSue’是我赌的那匹马的名字。口她耸了耸肩,走了。
Three days later he's reading his paper when she walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head again with the frying pan. He asks, "What was that for?一she answers, "Your horse called."
学习啦在线学习网 三天后,他正在看报纸,妻子走到他身后,又用一只煎锅敲他的后脑勺。他问:这又是为什么?“她答道:-你的马打电话来了。”
A:What would you do if you find your husband date with another woman?
学习啦在线学习网 A:如果你发现你丈夫与别的女人约会你会怎么做?
B:lill open one eye and close one eye.
学习啦在线学习网 B:我会睁一只眼,闭一只眼。
学习啦在线学习网 A:How kind you are!
学习啦在线学习网 A:你太善良了!
B:No,I'II shoot him!
Wife talking to her husband ( who reads the newspaper all day):"1 wish l were a newspaper so 1 would be in your hands all day.”
Husband: "1 wish that too,so I could change you daily."
学习啦在线学习网 Dentist: Please stop howting.I haven't even touchsd your tooth yet.
学习啦在线学习网 牙医:请你不要再喊了!我还没碰你的牙呢。
Patient: I know,but you are standing on my foot!
学习啦在线学习网 On our way to a wedding in Vermont, my husband and I realized we had forgotten our camera. We stopped at a general store and, hoping to purchase a cheap,disposable model. Sal asked the owner, ¨Do you have any of those throwaway cameras?
学习啦在线学习网 "Look,fella," replied the owner, "I don't care what you do with it after you buy it."