A grocer, a banker and a politician got lost in the forest. Eventually they came to a farmer's house and asked if he could put them up overnight.
“Sure,”the farmer said, “but I've got room for only two of you in the house. The other will have to sleep in the barn with the animals, and the smell is very bad out there.”
"I'll sleep in the barn,” the banker volunteered.
Half an hour later a knock was heard on the farmer's houses door, and there stood the banker, gasping," I can't take the smell.”
学习啦在线学习网 "All right,” said the grocer. "I' 11 sleep in the barn. "And off he went.
学习啦在线学习网 In a while there was another knock on the door. "I've put up with some rank odors from spoiled food,” the grocer complained," but that barn tops them all.”
学习啦在线学习网 "You two sissies,” said the politician" I'11 sleep in the barn.”
学习啦在线学习网 “你们两个真的没用,”政客说,“我去那儿睡。”
Thirty minutes later came another knock. When they opened the door There stood all the animals from the barn.
学习啦在线学习网 半个小时以后,又响起了敲门声。他们打开门,看到牲口棚的所有牲口都站在门口。
An old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting to stay with me, telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was still at the office at the time, but I had made arrangements for his arrival. After explaining where my new flat was, I told him that I had left the key under the room一mat. As I was likely to be home rather late, I advised him to go into the kitchen and help himself to food and drink.
Two hours later my friend telephoned me from the flat. At the moment, he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful meal. He had found a pan on the gas stove and fried two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the refrigerator. Now, he said, he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would join him. When I asked him if he had reached the flat without difficulty, he answered that be had not been able to find the key under the room-mat , but fortunately the living-room window just by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in. I listened to all this in astonishment. There is no apple tree in front of my living-room, but there is one in front of my neighbor’s!
学习啦在线学习网 There was this guy who went into a bar. He went up to the bartender and said,“Bartender, are you a betting man?” The bartender replied, "Certainly! I'm ALWAYS a betting man!” To which the man said, "I'11 bet you that I can lick my right eye.” The bartender thought about this a while and finally agreed to the bet. The man reached up and pulled out his glass right eye and licked it. The bartender groaned and begrudgingly gave the man his telling him to leave his bar.
学习啦在线学习网 A week or so later, the same man appeared in the bar. He went up to the bar- tender and said, "Bartender, are you still a betting man?" The bartender replied, "Certainly! I told you I' m ALWAYS a betting man!” To which the man said, "I'll bet you 0 that I can bite my left eye.” Well, the bartender thought he had him on this one! There was no way that he had TWO glass eyes so the bartender agreed. The man reached up to his mouth, pulled out his dentures and clicked them on his left eye. The bartender moaned and paid the man his 0 telling him to get out of his bar.
学习啦在线学习网 大约一周后,那个男人再次来到酒吧间,又问那个男招待:“伙计,你是个爱打赌的人吗?”男招待回答:“是的,我告诉过你的,我永远是个赌徒!”男人接着说:“这次我出100美元,赌我能咬到自己的左眼。”男招待想了想。他认为那个人的两只眼睛不可能都是玻璃的,于是他同意和那个人打这个赌。只见那人把手放进嘴里,然后掏出一幅假牙,用假牙碰了一下自己的左眼。男招待一边抱怨着一边掏出100美元交给了那个人,并把他轰出了酒吧。
学习啦在线学习网 A week or so later, the same man ventured into the bar again. He went up to the bartender and said,"Bartender, are you still a betting man? "The bartender said, although with a little caution this time, "Certainly! I told you I’m ALWAYS a betting man!” To which the man said, "Give me a shot of whiskey.” The bartender poured the man a shot and he drank it down. Slamming the glass on the bar he said, "I’11 bet you 0 that you can spin me around on this bar stool and I can piss in that glass right where it lays and not miss a drop.”Well,the bartender' s eyes lit up. Here was one time that he was certain that he would win!" Agreed! ” he cried. Coming out from around the bar, he grabbed onto the man's bar stool and spun it as hard as he could.
学习啦在线学习网 一个多星期后,那个人第三次来到酒吧间,他走到男招待跟前说:“男招待,你还是不是个赌徒了?”这一次男招待显得有些犹豫,但他还是答道:“千真万确!我告诉过你,我永远是个赌徒。”那个男人说:“给我一杯威士忌。”男招待给他倒了一杯,那人一饮而尽。然后砰地一声把酒杯放到桌上,说道:“我坐在这个凳子上,你用力推椅子让我旋转起来,然后我往酒杯里撒尿,并保证决不会溅到外面。如果我输了,我给你500美元。”“行!”,男招待顿时眼睛一亮,他认为这次自己赢定了。于是喊道“同意!”。他从吧台后面走出来,用手抓住那个人坐的椅子,然后使出浑身的力量使劲一推。
Well,the man just let loose and piss flew everyplace! Not so much as one drop even came close to the glass and the bartender was soaked. When he was done,the bartender was laughing and laughing and holding out his hand. The man pulled out his wallet and gave him his 0. But the bar- tender was puzzled and as he was wiping off his face, he asked the man, "Why did you bet me 0 that you could piss in that shot glass on the bar when you had to have known there wasn’t any possible way to do it?”
学习啦在线学习网 那个人把尿溅的哪都是。因为男招待离的太近,所以全身都被浇湿了。等那人的椅子停下之后,男招待仰天大笑,一边笑一边伸出手。那个人拿出钱包从里面掏出500美元交给了男招待。然而男招待却感到迷惑不解,他一边用手绢擦着脸一边问:“明明知道那是不可能的事情你为什么还要赌500美元呢?”
学习啦在线学习网 The man just smiled and told him, "You may have won 0 off me but I bet that
guy over in the corner , 000 that I could piss all over you and your bar and you would just laugh”